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Everything posted by Handyman

  1. I still find some objection to Serano's claims of sexual essentialism or innate dispositions; she offers some pretty shallow arguments in chapter 5. But the social observations have been marvelous so far.
  2. http://www.juliaserano.com/whippinggirl.html
  3. WARNING: Click to reveal.. (image removed for profanity, though it was quite funny)
  4. What's the point of collaboration? Is it some independent good, or a trophy, or novelty? Those all seem stupid. I mean, hypothetically, it could be a way to explore/refine one's style by interacting with other designers. And if that was our goal, then I would be interested; and we could think of ways to actually do that. My suspicion is, the scenario would be chopped up into different "pieces": Planning the premise, planning the plot, planning the characters, etc; and the participants could divide the labor according to their weak/strong points, and there could be various points of mandatory consensus, and... well, I dunno; I like designing on my own enough to just do that.
  5. It probably depends on the type of collaboration, and whether the people involved want it to happen.
  6. ...well, I mean, it's my scenario, so I should be. I don't have a PC copy of BoA, but I have a PC.
  7. Well, Lazarus, your change causes the Mac version of BoA to flunk and badly, but you probably know that... if this goes to beta-testing, I'll have to have a PC user. And, I don't really know what I could do to help with this PC automap clear; but it'd be really, really cool.
  8. I understand the bits in your two edits. I guess what I was asking was if you know where the range for the loop should begin... I tried subtracting 1792 (ie 48^2 - 64^2) from the minimum and adding it to the maximum, but neither worked. Though, I'm using Mac, so someone else may want to try this. Also, since you two seem to know these things: Is there any way to clear the automap? I found one for Mac here: http://blades.ermarian.net/script/code-snippet/clear-automap-mac But, it really would be nice to find one for Windows.
  9. (Using the 48x48 version, all values for z seem to change the town into a mid-level lighting: Total darkness/brightness seem impossible. :-/ )
  10. Oh, I get it: The "Windows" version effects 48^2 slots. To effect a whole town, should I change it to 64^2 slots? And if so, where should the range for that begin?
  11. This is obviously nitpicking after having gotten the exact solution I wanted, but, it seems like light levels 4-6 all look the same. Also, it looks like the Mac code can set the light of individual spaces, while the Windows code can only set the light of whole rows. Is there a way around that?
  12. Ignoring your pun, sir... By god, that's fantastic. I should learn to code someday. Are there any other devious tricks a novice might want to know about?
  13. ...what the subject line says: I've been mucking around with this nonsense, and nothing seems to work. If I have a torch right on the other side of a door, and I open up that door, somehow the light does not flood into the darkness, and that is just crazy. I can have a light in the middle of a room, and if I set_terrain all around it with total blackness, the room is still lit. Is there any way around this?
  14. These are actually quite nice. I think for the steps, it might suffice to only have the second "step" be the ramp; you can just have them always be surrounded by the first (or make "invisible" terrains that block "improper" movement). And, you can have the second "steps" use the terrain ability that lets a character walk "up" to 5 out of 8 bordering tiles. That should be enough for most purposes.
  15. Does changing the text of a sign count as a terrain change? Because I'd feel pretty cheated if I was forced to have the shops we're given by default.
  16. Can we get a "free" edit to remove that stupid "step here to end the scenario" nonsense? If the gates are the "end" of the scenario, then having the cart there is awkward and redundant; but getting rid of it brings the remaining edits to, like, 2. And while we're at it, that "spider-in-secret-passage" only has ONE of the two entry spaces blocked to monsters, so the spider could conceivably wander out. Also, the inn has its sign ON THE INSIDE.
  17. Y'all are aware that it's perfectly possible to enjoy deep fried foods only occasionally, right? And that, like, food is a neurobiological addiction as much as heroin? I'm pretty sure the more restrained of y'all are aware of this already, but then why are you hanging out with twelve year olds?
  18. I mean, I guess I shouldn't care at all, because this contest seems way too stupidly easy to really quibble over; but on the other hand, this contest seems way too stupidly easy to really quibble over.
  19. Why not just make one of the judging criteria, like, "adherence to the original?" Set up a rubric, or something, like: (Final score) = [(Adherence) * (Quality)] / 100 Where "Adherence" and "Quality" are scales ranging from 1-10. (So, if your scenario is garbage, adherence won't matter; and if your scenario doesn't adhere to the original at all, quality won't matter.) I dunno.
  20. I suppose I'll have to look around me.
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