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Everything posted by *i

  1. The wheels cannot be turned. Sneak past the shade by staying against the northeast wall and you should find another way back underground. Follow that tunnel and keep going. Be careful, you will be ambushed by bandits near the end.
  2. A bandit. Yes. If you ask these much longer, prepare to not be able to ask them any longer.
  3. A city in Avernum. No. No more inane questions, please.
  4. *i

    Exile IV

    If you want E4, you could always play At The Gallows for BoE for an unofficial look. Okay, done with self-promotion.
  5. Hmmm...interesting. Did you check in the area that tells you what spells you have? Are these spells marked? If not, then they don't know the spell. Generally the way noding works is that it teaches everyone in the party the spell. Try reading the books again checking what is known immediately before and after.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Synergy: I think Jeff is making a mistake in intentionally crippling singleton play, as if there were something inherently insulting about the very concept. A number of people enjoy the challenge, and why make party size optional at all if one or maybe even two PC's can't really play a game through in any proper way satisfactorily? This only takes away from the variety and challenge of gaming experience—or its replayability. Jeff does not care what you think.
  7. Quote: Originally written by Synergy: I think Jeff is making a mistake in intentionally crippling singleton play, as if there were something inherently insulting about the very concept. A number of people enjoy the challenge, and why make party size optional at all if one or maybe even two PC's can't really play a game through in any proper way satisfactorily? This only takes away from the variety and challenge of gaming experience—or its replayability. Jeff does not care what you think.
  8. Two months, are you referring to another thread, because this one is only two weeks old. Also, the absence of a reply can often be construed as "No".
  9. Two months, are you referring to another thread, because this one is only two weeks old. Also, the absence of a reply can often be construed as "No".
  10. By non-remake I would like to see something totally new, but I guess we are stuck with our sagas for a long time.
  11. Jeff has used the Geneforge designing philosophy for A4. This didn't matter in GF because you were a singleton as it was. Your army of creations were not really the focus and were much more dynamic in that you could just absorb them. In A4, the philosophy translates to being balanced for a 4 PC party. Jeff's excuse is that playing A4 with a singleton is like demanding that Civilization be played with entirely phalaxes. I honestly do not see how this analogy works and is quite non sequitor. A better would be demanding playing with one city, however, even that is possible in Civilization, just not easy.
  12. Jeff has used the Geneforge designing philosophy for A4. This didn't matter in GF because you were a singleton as it was. Your army of creations were not really the focus and were much more dynamic in that you could just absorb them. In A4, the philosophy translates to being balanced for a 4 PC party. Jeff's excuse is that playing A4 with a singleton is like demanding that Civilization be played with entirely phalaxes. I honestly do not see how this analogy works and is quite non sequitor. A better would be demanding playing with one city, however, even that is possible in Civilization, just not easy.
  13. This is for survey purposes: Who here is still designing for BoA? If this applies to you, please post a reply with as much or as little info on yourself as you want to give.
  14. Cash machines are hardly a new idea...been discussed ad nauseum for BoE a long time ago. If you want help on coding one, just ask. I agree with the sentiment that you should not be afraid of people stealing your ideas. If your ideas have merit, people will use them. This is generally seen as a good thing and a source of pride to see your scripts being used in some form. Now, worrying about not getting credit I can understand. However, over at the Lyceum we have something called the Codex for these situations. Follow the link in the header of this forum. Post your script there and it will be stored as long as the Lyceum lasts under your name. Additionally, you can get suggestions there as to how to improve your coding skills as well as look at several examples to either give you inspiration or help with coding style. I encourage you to join up at the Lyceum, it has become underused as of late and would be nice if it would be the central hub for designing it once was.
  15. Do you have the newest version of BoA? There were a few calls added in between that and there. My guess of reset_dialog() was based on the fact you had not provided all of the information. Had you supplied the script before, I would have had a different opinion. One should always strive to have compact scripting. It makes it a lot easier to come back to in beta testing when things you do not anticipate pop up. You can say what you want to do if you desire.
  16. Nethergate is a great game and all, one of my favorite Spiderweb titles, but I'd rather see new material period. I've seen enough remakes for one decade.
  17. I just put it in Fort Avernum by the teleporter, probably the most central location in the game.
  18. I just put it in Fort Avernum by the teleporter, probably the most central location in the game.
  19. Goodie for you. You cannot open that gate from that side, you have to enter from the side with Erika's Tower. Look for a rune in front of a wall and step on it. You need to root out the base in Fort Saffron first to find this.
  20. Kel is correct, of course, but there are two main things that annoy some of the people who have been around for a while. 1) Complete disregard for the people who design the scenarios that made BoE such a successful venture. I understand not giving us everything we want, but failure to fix simple bugs is weak. There are arguments about forcing people to update, but honestly, you make one stock e-mail and use it as a reply for anyone with that need. BoA, although powerful, was made in such a way that it is extremely cumbersome to use. BoE was compact and just about anyone could make a decent scenario, BoA is much more so. Had Jeff interacted more with the community on the project, rather than the "I am going to make it the way I want to and if you don't like it too bad", I believe we would have had a much more user friendly tool. As it is, I doubt more than 30 decent BoA scenarios will EVER be made. 2) Lack of innovation since Nethergate/GF1 is the other big one. Exile was great because it was all new and so was Nethergate. Avernum 1-3 were just remakes is psuedo-3D with less graphical detail and maybe a few extra things here and there. Geneforge had a lot of new qualities, but quickly became more of the same. After a while, it becomes clear that Jeff does not really have much in the way of new ideas, he just recycles old ones ad nausium. He might change names and graphics, but otherwise everything is pretty much the same and utterly predictable. *** I hope this gives more of an explanation of the older community's feelings.
  21. Quote: Originally written by arghhhhhhhhh: what is the armor called? Play the game and find out. These pointless questions are getting quite annoying.
  22. Are you posting the entire script? I don't see a section where the player actually chooses what button to push. Also, this seems a very cumbersome way of coding what you want. Of course, I would need to see your entire script before making too many judgments. Please post: 1) The entire script. 2) A short description of what you are trying to do. My guess would be that you forgot a reset_dialog() somewhere, but that's just a hunch.
  23. That's how I understood it. Nepharim are sort of like a natural mutation of Nephil that happen on a relatively frequent time scale.
  24. The problem is you hit the XP wall very hard in this game making it impossible to level up...the game does not take into account cumulative party level but highest PC level which is icky.
  25. The problem is you hit the XP wall very hard in this game making it impossible to level up...the game does not take into account cumulative party level but highest PC level which is icky.
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