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Posts posted by Kreador

  1. You figure out a way to fight your way through that next room. You have to find the leader of the group of bandits, and he's past them. How you get through them depends on your build and what you brought with you. Hopefully you stocked up on your main character for the solo section.

  2. In the PnP world, there were several SF RPGs back in the day. Traveller is the big one that comes to mind, and they did a cRPG from it as I recall. I know some people don't like that your character can actually die during the process of rolling it up, though. ;-) There was also a Star Trek RPG.


    If you're just changing the facade ("Dammit, Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a Cleric!"), it hardly matters. A true SF RPG would want to follow some logical expansions of science, like possibly an alien-world exploration or something.

  3. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith
    Originally Posted By: Trenton the Canister addict.
    But seriously. Whats the point? There is none. Just fricking leave it alone if you don't like it. You don't have to ruin it for everyone else too!

    Comedy like this is dedicated to people who take life too seriously. The people who get upset over it are the punchline. When someone is trying to rile you up, the best thing to do is walk away and ignore them because all they're looking for is a reaction.

    Exactly. When your uncle asks you to pull his finger, don't do it unless you're prepared for a stink.
  4. Originally Posted By: Actaeon
    Originally Posted By: Jewels in Black
    What I DO take offense to, though, are the increasing tendencies to portray men as blundering idiots in prime time entertainment. Homer, George Lopez, Tim the Tool Man Taylor, Al Bundy, Phil Dunphy, Spencer Shay... the list goes on and on; the male psyche is being endlessly bombarded with the message that 'guys are clueless' and its not a good thing.

    Outside the original serial killer reference, I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. We talk a lot about how the media influences women, but not so much about the messages it sends men. It teaches us that men are beer drinking, sports watching bums and women are long suffering, naggy and cater to their whims. I don't like it one bit.

    This thread is starting to become the old one somewhat, in subject rather than tone. Is that an acceptable eventuality?

    This suffers the logical fallacy of cherry picking data points. Yes, there have ALWAYS been examples of incompetent or barely competent men used for comedic entertainments. Think back to Polonius in Hamlet, portrayed as an idiot spouting cliches and calling them wisdom. That doesn't mean that every male character in entertainment is a knock on the male psyche, or that there's a pattern of denigrating men throughout popular entertainment. The bumbling guy who somehow still manages to get by and be lovable is a staple, yes, in large part because a lot of men do wonder why the people in their lives love them when they're clearly not the supermen they think they're supposed to be.
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