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Posts posted by Harehunter

  1. Originally Posted By: praenomagnosia
    When I hear conjugation, my first thought is that I verb your noun (and he/she/it verbs your noun) and my second thought is that the bacteria are getting frisky again.)

    I'll verb your noun and raise you an adjective.

    Originally Posted By: praenomagnosia
    —Alorael, who maintains his previous stance. It's a Venn diagram, except the circles would entirely overlap if one weren't insisting on distinct society.

    Running around the circle faster than anyone else is how you Venn the race.
  2. Originally Posted By: Master1
    I don't understand Firefox's release scheme either, but it doesn't matter since I'm still using a PPC PowerBook. Lack of intel leaves me with the latest stable version of Firefox 3, which is still receiving support. Firefox 3 and 7 get support, but nothing in between. Strange...
    In the army when we had a lack of intel, we sent out reconnaissance patrols.

    Actually, I should have stuck with Firefox 3. It was much more stable than my Firefox 4. Dare I upgrade to 7? BTW, only Ver3 and 7 get support??? That is strange...
  3. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    They're moving to a rapid release style of updates. Or rather, they're continuing doing what they've always been doing, but are now incrementing the major version number. Which is rather silly, since the major version number is supposed to tell users what versions break compatibility, but I suppose it's a marketing strategy.
    "Now releasing FireFox Google!"
  4. Originally Posted By: Dantius
    Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
    Only Alorael could respond to conjugation by duly noting it.

    He must be a big fan of conjugational love, then.

    Now that was odoriferous!

    Visual Whirled Peas.
  5. Originally Posted By: Stugri-La
    This confuses me terribly, but I take it to mean that the relationship between puns and double entendres is analogous to that between two overlapping circles in a Venn diagram. Anyway, the only sort of secondary meaning which appeals to me is the suggestive and/or subversive sort.

    And the Venner is...
  6. Originally Posted By: That Silly Y Chromosome
    I aide for the main technology/networking person in my HS, and it seems the real guts of computer networking is lining up the [censored] wires in cat5 cable so you can crimp the plug on.

    Well there's your problem. You're using cat5. You should be using dog5. They are much more reliable.
  7. Originally Posted By: Flame Blade
    —Karoka, who's goal is to be an architect. He was also going to bridge a connection between his architecture and Trenton's mapping, but he forgot what it was.

    In computer networking terms a bridge is a way to get from one LAN mass to another.
  8. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    Heh. So why is it hair of the dog when it's booze, but just your morning cup of joe when it's coffee?

    Some people like their coffee so strong it'll sit up and bark!
  9. The petulant perpetrator padded purposfully to the previous place of puissant perversion, pausing periodically to perspicaciously peer on the pithy, putrid pile of poo he had pubicly placed in plain pervue.


    Deeming it a dastardly and dangerous deed, a damning, despicable display of demonic decrepitude, he dutifully donned the depressing demeanor of deep debasement and with diminished disdain dubbed the disastrous display of destructive doo deserving to be diminished and demolished into deepening darkness.


    Patiently, purposefully, and penitently, the persistent purveyor of puns, purged and polished the previously pristine pasture of piquant posies that preserved the peaceful, pleasant palace of purity, proudly placing the pretty picture of porcelain people prominently perched upon the pedestile of the presiding person of power.


    The rueful rabbit regretted the wretched wreakage he had wrongfully wreaked ruinously on the rational residents of the region he raided, and removed the remaining remnants of residual rankness to rest in rust.


    But will the wascally wabbit weturn? Watch warily!


    Click to reveal..
    Beware of G.I.F.T.S bearing gifts to G.U.E.S.T.S of G.I.F.T.S??


    "You're Silly!"


    How about Beware of G.U.E.S.T.S bearing gifts of G.I.F.T.S to guests of G.U.E.S.T.S??


    (((STOP IT HAREHUNTER!!! Bad rabbit!!!)))

  10. Originally Posted By: Mod.
    I did a theatrical performance about puns. Really it was just a play on words.

    Isn't the pun the lowest form of comedy?

    I have always heard that but never came to believe it until I have seen it used as a deadly weapon. When it comes to puns, the badder the better. Most puns just make me laugh. A really good pun will make me groan. Those are the ones I remember.

    I know this is poor, but it'll have to do for now.
    I just can't bring myself to repeat it.
  11. Originally Posted By: Master1
    Originally Posted By: Harehunter
    Almost all of the stuff I come up with is context based only; spur of the moment stuff.

    Collecting puns outside of context is a pain in the butt for all but the most standard of puns.

    Most of my databases are run on Unix platforms. These are very stable and can run for months without having to be re-booted. However there are some databases that have to run on a Windows server. For some reason, the system gets a bit wonky, (That's a technical term laugh ), and has to be re-booted about once a month. There are a lot of other differences that make my life difficult with these bad boys. In short, Windows can be a real pane in the glass.

    (Some puns are better when spoken than when written.)

    My dad had a very active mind as well. He lived in California while I lived in Texas. Each Sunday we would regularly have a long talk on the phone that would last for about an hour. After one such conversation he called back. I said "What did you forget?"
    Dad: "I just P'd on the floor."
    Me (Holding my head.): "Why did you do that?"
    Dad (Proudly): "I was in the kitchen preparing dinner, and when I opened the bag of frozen peas, the bag exploded and dropped all the peas on the floor!"

    A long distance call to tell me he had pea'd on the floor! I will be 'blessed' by that memory for as long as I live.
  12. Originally Posted By: PSPACE
    I've had high, daily quantities of coffee for months at a time, and then just stopping. All that happened was that I felt drowsy for a day or two while catching up on my sleep. I don't think that's what withdrawal feels like.

    Edit: Regular use certainly builds up a tolerance, so a larger dose is required for the same effect, but tolerance is not the same as dependence.

    The worst effect of caffeine withdrawal is a headache that just won't go away regardless of what pain medication you use. In fact, the only way to get rid of it is two aspirin, and a cup of coffee.
  13. Basically:

    Originally Posted By: Basically
    Originally Posted By: Harehunter
    Slarty, I am truly touched. I appreciate that very much. You have me speechless.


    You may want to re-read what that 'tedious old fool' spake.



    Click to reveal..

    The piece, from Shakespeare's Hamlet, basically entreats you to keep your thoughts to yourself, or if you must share them, also listen to and respect the thoughts of others. It begs of you not to act rashly and to avoid fighting but to do so with respect and honour if you must. There is an urge to be a good listener and importantly, to accept criticism. At the same time, try not to be judgemental and try to act politely, professionally, and respectfully.


    There is also the catch that you must always be true to yourself, too, of course, but more than praise, it is a father's advice to his son.

    I don't disagree with the text of that quotation. With this quotation, Slarty simply and elegantly described my own feelings about life, words that I have been having trouble to find. I think we would all do well to take them to heart.

  14. Tools, construction materials, lumber, nails and screws of all sizes, old paint to match your current color scheme. You never know what type of home repair you may encounter, and the week after you toss that special tool you got five years ago and only used once, you're going to need it again.

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