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Erebus the Black

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Posts posted by Erebus the Black

  1. Originally Posted By: Dantius
    Re avatar: Lystak is going to be a major pain. He is not going to make the game unwinnable by any means short of scripting. I am looking for a challenge, remember? It would be like trying to run a nocanister nocreations nomagic Shaper in an Geneforge game, and then saying "Here, if you edit in this SDF, you can have ten Eyebeasts that follow you around, attacking anything that moves!" It sort of defeats the purpose.

    I never said a thing about scripting lystak, all I said was that you can kill the guards in exodus and enter tranquility without defeating lystak first, that's what an anti avernite would do, in return you anger an entire town and if you are not careful you need to destroy golems (which if I remember right from somewhere in the forum, destroying more than 15 angers the tower as well) so it seems like a fair trade-off.

    if you remember just before that battle to go back and recruit the soldier and the rat for extra bodies.

    with low NL you probly can't get the rat

    never played GF so I have no idea what you are talking about.
  2. instead of lystak you can always remove the guards in exodus, turn the wheel(if you have enough strength) and run to solberg for the bracelet and from there fence your way into anama lands if you don't have enough Nature (I believe this is a lot harder than fighting the exodus guards but you can be the judge).

    The only mandatory quest is mayor salony's quest all others purely depend on your skill,fun and patience.

    The nephil ceremony items are not as much scripting as they are removing a script which is there to remove them. Just look for files with fang in their name and a "take_all(X)" method in them (X is number of item).

  3. Yeah, I still have it.

    First you come back one day to find your grandparent's house burned to the ground so then.

    It's a mine first then you move on to a fortress and then a castle.

    When you reach the bottom of the mine there's a letter there guarded by kobolds and hobgoblins/goblin-fighters with orders to destroy the town you came from and when you leave the mine you find your town destroyed.

    So you move on to this fortress where you think the giant that was in charge of destroying your town.

    It's got story telling almost as good as jeff's with an advantage of each swing having a flare text so you could better envision the fight

  4. The things that bug me graphically is that all the towers in A4 and A5 are two stories high (cellar not included) which is to me a very big let down, and that all non playable humanoids are the same graphic with different colours.

    (oh, and did I mention the lack of kids?)

    How about adding an extended graphics addon for an extra 5-10$?

    Couldn't that work budget wise?

  5. Quote:
    Shankar's quest with her ogre servant has that as a possibility depending upon how much damage you do in a round.

    The ogre is subdued by the magic mark, so unless you attempt the quest when you are already very high level, there isn't much of a chance of killing him not on purpose (you can see when his health gets too low and then just stop the beating and let Shankar do her thing).
    What I mean is in case your enemy doesn't decide to do the sir robin thing and wants a duel to the death (or is in such a panic that he believes that killing me is the only way of him surviving) but I know that killing him is not in my best interest (or I'm just playing good cop), so I'd rather drag him to the local sheriff office and let him deal with him.
  6. another question,

    could you incorporate nonlethal damage into the game?

    There are many cases where I'd have rather beat my enemy senseless rather than outright kill him, shackle him and drag him into the local mayor's office.

    The most prominent example is the guy in front of exodus who gives you trouble. Instead of killing him you might drag him to vikas's office and let him deal with him anyway he pleases.

    Or bringing dorikas to redmark alive so as to allow redmark to publicly execute him.


    side note:

    Did you know that nephilim is Hebrew for giants or sons of angels?

  7. Yeah, you can, they just started talking about status ailments and somehow drifted to hp status display.

    Maybe randomizer meant they should have numbers instead of bars, but I don't see how that would have worked with numbers being hard to see as the background shifts its colour very often so you have to code a something that would change the colour of the number according to what is the colour of the background or NPC one step above the character. Or maybe in torment right-click doesn't give you the current or max hp of the right-clicked, don't know.

    the only way I'm gonna play torment is if I know I'll get more xp out of it, I'm here for the story.


    On a different subject, is it possible to make the druid build have the aspect of the beast spell?

    or maybe each character type have a special with the Custom only have a bit more starter skill?

  8. it's one of the north most chambers from the cat's mine (underground), the one on the right, you'll notice your spiralling and then you'll reach a very dark chamber with a lot of holes on the floor, go all the way to the back and you'll find it resting in a cocoon. (don't remember if you need to poke it or not)



    Click to reveal..

    I wonder if killing one of the other pit crawlers in the soul taker's pit (Bel-Shamharoth anyone? smile "On the front of the Octavo had been a representation of Bel-Shamharoth. He was not Evil, for even EVIL has a certain vitality - Bel-Shamharoth was the flip Side of the coin of which Good and evil are but one side.

    "The Soul Eater. His number lyeth between seven

    and nine; it is twice four"") or the lich's cavern (Pit of Abominations) can also complete this mission?

  9. around 40

    and somehow my fighter had 6 in minor heal while my priest had 5!!!

    I don't remember ever a situation where one of them was dead and the other read a book so I guess the old "bug" from A4 was never completely eliminated.

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