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Everything posted by Chessrook44

  1. The following link should work, as it is set to never expire. I'm surprised the previous one did... https://discord.gg/hEQHj3w It's a bit quiet, but still...
  2. All this seems to have been caused by one person. Time to deal with them... https://youtu.be/tb3ITFOtcbc
  3. Into the Goblins' Village we go. Many need be slain, and questions will be raised. https://youtu.be/eFi8lY3Xzpo
  4. Balance, people. You need to learn BALANCE. https://youtu.be/faVOa6PcB6k
  5. Another new scenario is begun, as we follow our "brother" as he performs a foolish move. https://youtu.be/-PeFLqGlDwo EDIT: Emerald Mountain, Part 1
  6. My stance on secret doors is: They are a good choice for optional progression, NOT a good choice for mandatory progression unless hinted at. I.E. Good for extra loot or secret spells that aren't necessary to progress, bad if the only way you can complete the story is by finding a secret door that has no clue or indication of its existence (I'm looking at you, Bahssikava!). Fear may be the mind-killer, but we can conquer it! Right? https://youtu.be/-g_GLbFxdE0 EDIT: Aphobia
  7. Just to mention, despite it being short and tutorialish, I threw your scenario into the lot for my LP series. http://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/23606-lets-play-blades-of-avernum/&do=findComment&comment=299186
  8. And now a quick break from my normal schedule of updates in order to do a newly-created scenario. Short, but I'm doing it. https://youtu.be/xmi--i8SYxs EDIT: Pesky Goblins
  9. Down we must march, as we deal with foe after foe before us! https://youtu.be/Lb1UZT5Vh38
  10. Well after that unsettling diversion, it's time to march on southwards, to break into Sud Canopy! https://youtu.be/ol7Mw3eEQd8
  11. Well now, this has certainly taken a turn. https://youtu.be/L81Ct_eC4k4
  12. Seriously, who creates a weapon that kills yourself? What is the point? https://youtu.be/G9s_Y-WJv-0
  13. Ah, mages... have I ever mentioned how much I dislike them? https://youtu.be/jX2ScEx_Pis
  14. Onwards and upwards through the tower we go! Man there's a lot of traitors in here... https://youtu.be/5mljGtmjsJk
  15. Onwards we go, moving on to a tower supposedly containing a few traitorous elements. https://youtu.be/_Zfk4rIde7E
  16. Well now, seems Canopy may not be quite what we think it is... https://youtu.be/P7ZooPzc-1U
  17. Actually, the avatar Kass had was another factor, now that I think of it. And for the record, it wasn't JUST the fact that that Slith avatar had that upper part. It was also the way the face and head was structured. Narrower, and more slender than the others. More "Feminine" than the other slith heads. I believe the body was also a bit more slender and less bulky as well.
  18. I swear remembering one game where I tried using it but was unable, or else where the skill was not available to me. Can't remember which one then, though... Back we go into the Bugbear Caverns, to finish off what's left inside. https://youtu.be/xp2B50fWt8Q
  19. Maybe Kass is one of the first Transgender Sliths, just never went into getting gender reassignment surgery, and only changed their name? Seriously though, I think the reason I kept going with "She" was a combination of the voice I'd given Kass, not realizing it was a He for some time, deciding "I'm in this deep not going to go back now", and the name just sounding feminine.
  20. I'm not sure if it's possible to use the Return Life spell while in combat mode, so that's not an option. Further difficult tasks await, alongside a small side detour. https://youtu.be/w5Dej1bkSTg
  21. Okay, I have NO idea how you're intended to survive this. https://youtu.be/iLIYyE69eKw
  22. Ah, a camp full of bugbears, with hidden caves as well. This should be fun to exterminate! https://youtu.be/d-f-GbGbNVY
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