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Everything posted by lampshade

  1. Hi I'm at the beginning of Redemption, I've explored the area and went to every farm but the problem is... that I don't know where to go. Anyone know what to do from here?
  2. It's a bug, but there is a solution. If you want the image to show up properly in shops, put a duplicate of the item image 5 spaces (or was it 4) below it.
  3. Originally Posted By: The Almighty Doer of Stuff Arrgh. Unfortunately my CD copy of BoE doesn't have both the Mac and PC installers on it, like newer Spidweb CDs do, so I can't help you with that. However, have you tried the old Windows BoE on your Windows machine? The link is in my signature. It might work. It works for some people. It's worth a shot, at least. Already tried that, refuses to open and gives me a registry error.
  4. I still have hopes up for someone who has a registered old mac BoE. PLEASE SOMEONE I KNOW ONE YOU GUYS HAVE ONE
  5. Khoth's version crashes badly I think there are several people that still have a registered version. If not, we could compile the unmodified source code.
  6. Because of the scenario crushing problem with Ormus'es scenario editor; I have to due by using Sheepshaver to make my scenarios. I need a list of stuff to begin my scenario-making career: - A registered Blades of Exile (for Macintosh) - A handy program to manage graphics in scenarios. - And a program to convert Windows and Mac colors (for the scenario graphics) - Very handy tutorials (optional)
  7. I'm finishing up playing Realmz, but I'll be starting full-time scenario designing once I do finish up.
  8. Ormus you might want to gather a number of people to help beta test your stuff.
  9. Tried compatibility with 95, didn't work. Tomorrow I'll try it while on safe mode and if no problems occur then I'll reformat. By the way, I'm using XP Home edition so mine's problem different from yours.
  10. I haven't tried the original BoE, because the DAMN installer doesn't work. If you didn't know, I'm talking about the open sourced BoE that's been compiled by Ormus.
  11. I have to double post but I want to bring attention to the matter... Right now as I'm typing I'm trying to replicate the crash... 1. I have just generated a scenario, with 1 x 1 outdoor section and 1 medium sized town. 2. Edited town terrain. 3. Placed monster. 4. Edited monster and assigned a personality. 5. Created a personality for said monster. 6. Added dialogue which destroys the monster and creates a portal when triggered. 7. Added another dialogue. So far so good, usually crashes at this point when I mess around. 8. Added scenario details. 9. Added opening dialogue. 10. Created new town, medium sized. I was expecting it to crash at this point, I decided to close the scenario editor and reload the scenario. Then I saved to see if it was still working and lo' behold, Error Number 102, then Error number 103, and finally crashed. I reloaded the scenario to see what's up and it is no longer recognized as a BoE scenario. This might have to do with the new way the files are arranged, so an older version of the OBoE scenario editor might work. Unfortunately, it's nowhere to be found.
  12. Originally Posted By: Nobody likes you, but I'm a nobody. Use Ormus's Scenario editor. It works great on XP That's the one I'm using and the one I have problems with.
  13. I already read about it, got the replacement files from the website. Of course, running the installer again causes the same problem.
  14. Originally Posted By: Excalibur I tried using it with 2000 and the editor opens, then closes shortly after. I think the scenario editor comes with the demo of Blades of Exile, which is here. Oh I've already tried getting it from the demo, the installer just goes CRASH BANG BOOM and somehow damages some of my files.
  15. I'm using XP and whenever I use the OBoE scenario editor I eventually get a message about a memory error (Error number 12) and then the editor closes. Sometimes it makes my scenario unreadable and I have to start over. Is this inevitable? If yes, anyone know where I can get the original scenario editor? (I tried getting one from the official website, but trying to install it gets me a bunch of errors)
  16. I've already checked, in fact I have checked many places people haven't even dared to check. My only hope is someone that has one saved on their computer.
  17. A long time ago Akhronath made a HUGE outdoor terrain set and it was hosted on Tim Farland's site. But now that his site is down I can't find it anymore. Does anyone here have that?
  18. Hey hey Ormus before you disappear again at least the fix revive bug in OBoE at least. After I finish Lamentations and Falling Stars I'm going to start on my scenarios. Actually they are going to be a joint-project with another guy and we're hoping they'll be well received when released.
  19. Does anyone where I can find it? I haven't played it yet, but I heard you can't pass it while using OBoE. I'll be able to fix that if I find the location though...
  20. It's typical for a JV game to bottom out imho. The only game I kept having fun with was Exile 2
  21. Look at the door, then keep presing 'w' until it opens
  22. I found the "real" runed stone. You gotta go to the inn in Western Kepus and ask "thief" to the adventurer in there. Then you just wait around and you'll eventually catch the thief. I had to peer in to the scenario with the editor though to find out about it though.
  23. I'm at the part where I have to traverse the spine. I got Gwen in my party but I don't know where to go now. I keep using the Runed Stone but no runes are showing up; what should I do now?
  24. Greetings, I'll try out Shadows of the Stranger and see if the bug occurs for everybody. My save file for At the Gallows somehow got busted anyways....
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