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Posts posted by Taliesin

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Ishad Nha:
    You are looking at item 304. Put a call like reward_give(304);
    into the Init_state of a zone script.
    An interesting thought... you should be able to do this in A5 too, since it's still in the items list (if I remember correctly). I haven't tried it though.

    Edit: Checked the A5 list. Demonslayer is there. laugh
  2. I think the Janitor Glaahk is a clever idea. Completely unnecessary, of course - we have serviles for that. smile


    Another idea besides the hammer and anvil is to brand your creations with runes, like Spharon in G3. You could have Resistance Runes, Speed Runes, or whatever you like.

  3. #3. You can't actually enter Bargha, so no. The only dealing you would ever do would perhaps be coming back late-game to deal out some divine retribution for their crimes. :p


    As for #1, I think that is involved in the final battle if you're a Darkside Loyalist. There is fantastic loot back there, but you can't get it before the end of the game.

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Excalibur:
    Nothing is as bad as the Slith Horror. I spent two and a half hours in the upper level of Khora-Vysss.
    Bad? That was fun! (Then again, I'm on Normal, dunno 'bout you). Took me forever too, but I finally realized just how useful shades are against the Horror - their extremely accurate, damaging, and weakening attacks were a lovely addition to an otherwise underpowered party at level 14. I could just go on and on about how much fun Khora-Vysss was. laugh

    Edit: The lesson to be learned from this thread, it seems, is "Work smart, not hard."
  5. Good thing it's a really small cave.


    What I did was cast all buffs on my tank, then had him run around the edge, both to minimize damage, and because all the loot is near the edge.


    Edit: All buffs as in Steelskin, Enduring Shield, Augmentation, Haste, Protection, and War Blessing. I think Steelskin was really what did it. And the Slith bonus smile

  6. Although it really helps protect against accidental sales if you click one too many times.


    Originally written by Sushi:

    Agreeing with Vichelon about the use of money - more to put into buying unique equipment that we can only get at shops

    Item crafters fit the bill, I think. They're amazing. laugh
  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Drew:
    I recently read "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" by Jules Verne on a lark. Completely silly given what we know these days, but still a very enjoyable adventure tale.
    Journey to the Centre of Avernum, more like. It is an excellent book, and a surprisingly okay movie as well. smile

    by Goldenking:
    Animal Farm and Brave New World simultaneously. I'll through Nineteen Eighty-Four in the mix eventually. If only our societies were like that...
    I'm reading The Republic by Plato in class. You should check out his "ideal state" if you aren't familiar with it. So far it looks like Sparta being taken over by Big Brother.
  8. Ooh, that sounds fun. Speaking of which, how do summons affect the experience you get from enemies? My pet shade struck the killing blow on the Slithzerikai Horror, and I'm hoping I didn't miss too much XP (I know I got a little).

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