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Everything posted by Blake81

  1. I curse this slow line,I always post something double or triple.
  2. Quote: Originaly written by Spent Salmon: I wonder if I could pay Jeff $28 per person to not allow them access to A5. That would make it very difficult to use any cheat codes, neh? Hahahahahahahaha,I have hundreds of friends that are Spidweb fans and I can pay them only one dollar and they will `` obtain ´´ it for me.To resume ``We are invincible,no barrier can stop us´´.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Sevenmass: But you are forgetting about his friend, Dante, 93% of what he says is true! Yes,but in this case I was with him,I hepled to found some cheats and I'm proud of discovered some of them,personaly.
  4. Quote: Originaly written by Amber Device: There's no reason for Jeff to carefully remove them from the engine. Hahahahaha.The removing of cheats from any game FULLY IMPOSSIBLE,Dante and I spent many time discovering cheats in suposed cheats-purged games,and we ever found 4 or 5 than still work.The cheats are gaps in the games scripts,as far as I know there is no way to fully remove the cheats,no matter how good you are scripting,there ALWAYS is a gap on the data.
  5. Hehe,I did NEVER have troubles there;I only use the cheat ``dbugkill´´ and poof, monsters gone experience taken.Is the easy way .But be carefull when you use this cheat,it can be a BIG trouble if you use it in certain points,by an example,in G3 if you use it in Darkstone Core,you kill the servant mind.
  6. Quote: Originaly written by Nija_Halycron: What cheatcodes will be in this one Jeff? The next time ask: What cheatcodes will be in this one Blake? I spend all my life in cheat sites,I know more cheats than chitrachs in the Eastern Gallery and I know some troubles with them,by example in G4,the code for get more exp doesn't work if you have a level higher than 40.And did you know than before the releasing G4 for Windows took ONLY TWO DAYS for the cheats to appear,That's VERY QUICK.
  7. Quote: Originaly written by Kelandon: Oh, that talk of cheats reminds me: any word on whether we will have a character editor? The cheats are fine, I guess, but the char editor was useful in various situations. You re right,the editor is a very useful tool but,in A4 you use ``leetbuffz´´and your party is fully blessed,hasted,shielded,etc.You can't do that with the Editor(I speak of the A4 editor).Is good than I would be able of speak about cheats here,because I know troubles they have and how to fix them and a lot of sites were you can found them.
  8. What about vanhatai PCs,I STILL thinking than they can be useful.By the way,I hope than still using the Genevernum style(I borrowed your word Dark Mage!)because one of the most useful stuff is than you can use in that engine are the in-game cheats(I hope than is'nt illegal speak about cheats here).What about crafting,it is very useful,the item-making of A4 is like the one in G2(you gave to the crafter the materials and he makes the item),that is not eficient,I was thinking too in the ``combination´´ of items(like Resident Evil and other games),it is like crafting but you don't need an enchanted anvil,you only need the recipe and the components.
  9. Quote: Originaly written by Nalyd The Dead: There's a party management button along the side that lets you delete characters and make new ones if you have an empty space. Yes, you're right,but when you ERASE the PCs you also ERASE HIS/HER ITEMS,SPELLS,AND SKILLS.In fact you erase it all.At the other side a joinable NPC is better because you can STORE your PCs and recover them later.
  10. Quote: Originaly written by Emperor Tullegolar: Or how about more penaties for having non-human characters? There were a few instances in the other games, especially Avernum 3, where you would be atttacked by an otherwise friendly group of soldiers because you had a nephil or slith in your party. The problem with that is than in A3 you haved joinable NPCs,so you can replace a slith for a human, a nephil for a human,etc.But in A4 you can't change your PCs,so what happent if you have a party like the mine:Human soldier,Human archer,Nephil priest,Slith Mage.Would be a lot of quests that you won't be able to take.If you want to use that freature would be necesary place joinable NPC,or at least a place were you can store a PCs(like A3).
  11. Wow,I did never guessed those troubles. Quote: originaly written by Ephesos: In conclusion... Jeff: make humans more powerful! I fully agree.
  12. I still thinking about vahnatai PCs,I ever have a species traits for them: Throw missiles +1 Mage spells +2 Or something like: Rune reading +4 Melee Weapons +1
  13. You're right the beastcall was useful in some situations,it help a lot when you have 0 SP and you can't summon anything.By the way,I still thinking than Dante was right but I can say why in the forum because it involves(five letters word than start whit C and ends in K).If someone wants to know,I suggest than mail me asking for it.
  14. I still thinking that the mind crystals were useful stuff,so why remove them.
  15. If you think carefull,one of the reasons for removing the Mind Crystals is the inexistence of secret passages.
  16. All the script was written in Times New Roman and the game don't supported it,I only changed to Arial Black and ``poof´´ the bug is gone.
  17. Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: I could swear that there were some mind crystal things in A4. They weren't items, though... they were just crystal terrains that taught you things. You talk abuout those book-like vahnatai crystals.Yes they are like the Mind crystals,but the thing more close to them were those wisdom crystals.
  18. Quote: Originally written by Dark Mage And I remembered something: what happened with those cool Mind-crystals?? They were like canisters in some way...I hope that those crystal appear in A5... I was making the same question...What happented with the mind crystals?They don't appear in A4 and BoA.
  19. Sometime odd things happent with the dialoge scripts.I haved a trouble with one that say ``improper code system´´.I only changed the writting type and the bug is gone.Very unusual problem.
  20. Well at least 3 or 2 ring(like Diablo and Diablo II)should be better than only 1.
  21. That a great idea!!!Why only wear one ring when you have five fingers in both hands?The idea of the infinite inventory is very good too.
  22. Quote: Originaly writted by Decalorael: Besides, if A4 follows G4's generally liked system of encumberance for equipment only, strength will no longer be necessary for hauling loot. I liked that freature too,in fact it saves a lot of skill points.I hopethat A5 have it too.
  23. Huh..hehe I have to post them because I posted one of them TRIPLE and I know how much uds dislike it,sorry.
  24. I was playing A4 and I got the next question.¿What happens with the efreets,the nagas and the hydras;There is not any in A4.What happented,extintion,mass killing or what.Or only JV get tired of them.
  25. What about the idea of the house I think that is usefull because in A4 you have to train strength only for have your alchemical ingredients,your wands,your javelins and so on in you inventory.
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