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Everything posted by Blake81

  1. Before relase it I need to finish it there are two towns that I not completed yet,It should be ready for beta testing in a month or two.
  2. Im still working it out,but is my first scenario so,I don't do to much dificult stuff and when a script don't work I try to remember an original scenario than have this function,I go to the script and I copy the section of it what I want to the mine.Easily done.The 95% of my scripts were created in that way,because that you would probably find unused strings of other scenarios in my scripts
  3. Es correcto,yo naci hablando español y se hablar bien ingles lo que no soy bueno escribiendolo.Respecto a que camara de Rentar-Ihrno me refiero a la que esta por Fort Remote en Basalt Fortress.No consigo abrir ninguna de las tres posibles entradas y eso me impide terminar el juego y ya me canse de buscar y buscar en todas partes
  4. Well,my bugs are just writing problems,so they are easily fixed the real trouble is how I can find them.The BoA only say:Missing semicolon in line 216.I EVER have to go 1,2,3,4... and when I reach to the problem sometimes is not there.That makes VERY HARD to fix them all
  5. My promblem can be summoned in one word:outdate
  6. I don't need a beta-tester right now,but when I need one I will be sure of make all us know
  7. I started to make it about a year ago but a electric storm blasted my old computer and I lose all of my data,so I making a new one,it should finish it in april.It still have a few bugs on it but im fixing them.
  8. Yes,I understand because that I started my scenario using borrowed scripts from other scenarios,remaking them and making some trial and error to make the things work and now i close to finish it.
  9. Im only giving ideas.Im a novice and my scripting skill are very low.
  10. I haved problems with my computer,the internet is slow so I tried to post it but I make a misstake A BIG ONE
  11. I think that is possible to shape in BoA,there is a way for the PC and other for the NPC. For the PC create a special ability that let the party to create a new member than you can dismiss or abandon in certain point.Sounds easy but it must be VERY HARD TO DO and is only a raw idea. For the NPC only you have to create a script like ``spawner´´,but you have to make that it summons only one per turn. That is my theory;I'm a novice programmer and I have a regular english because i'm latin so try it and let me know if work.
  12. Is possible to enter in the chamber of Rentar-Ihrno
  13. Is possible to enter in the chamber of Rentar-Ihrno
  14. Is possible to enter in the chamber of Rentar-Ihrno
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