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Everything posted by macdude22

  1. Quote: Originally written by Ahbleza: Aside from the Main Plot(s), doing all the side quests you come upon will garner you experience and, often, special items such as better weapons, armor, potions, etc. This includes searching for secret passages and checking, (look), all the things you find. We all miss things the first time we play a game. Often a game will require that you find a special item before you can accomplish a task. The games are for enjoyment, so the more you do, the more you enjoy. Lastly, if you haven't heard it enough times already, save often; keep notes, etc., especially before you enter a new area, or encounter. It's very frustrating to have come a long way, be killed, and have to start over from several earlier stages. P.S. This is a large game, but they get bigger. Definatly keep notes, I keep a yeller ledger pad on my desk for this purpose. There is so much going on it's easy to forget quests, items, locations, etc...
  2. Looks like, I got one too. I'll be faxing it in tomorrow.
  3. I plead temporary insanity. I was under the influence of 40 oz. of a very low quality beverage. I'm talkin Bender's Discount orphanarium low. In all seriousness I do have significant writing skills, with a Degree in History you have to. I also have significant troubleshooting skills as I have worked in IT since 2000. Odd combination I'm often told but I think I could wrassle down some bug reports. Ya'll have a good day naw.
  4. Threw my hat in the ring, be cool if I got in. I think I got the skillz, writing skillz anyway. I'm sure there are many out there who have wicked hot Nethergate skillz.
  5. Unfortunatly that's the mindset of a lot of people. Flashy graphics and nothing more. As a gaming tech geek I've always been on the forfront of console gaming and the such but today's games just seem to not push my buttons anymore much. I play the Spiderweb Games alot of course, but these days I find myself playing less and less of my 360 and more and more of classic games on my Wii or on Gametap. There are sacks of really fun, older RTS games on Gametap that I have just been hammering. A lot of today's games seem to focus too much on graphics and add too much complex behavior that doesn't add much to the gameplay. Maybe I'm getting old(at the ripe age of 24). Glad to see another BoA purchase. I've been pushing it hard and it's likely my sister will get into it but most are turned off by the graphics. And then there's my super cheap brother, twin no less, who seems to be of the mind set paying for games is some crime against humanity. He must have been adopted, rest of the fam loves games and we sink far to many dollars into the craft.
  6. Proportedly Realmz OS X will be out by the end of 2007. I found an active yahoo group dealing with the conversion/port here . It's likely nostalgia but if an OS X version finally gets out I'll pony up for it, especially if the scenario editor is updated as well(again it's supposed to be but who knows).
  7. Quote: Originally written by V. V. W. W.: Exile 1 and Exile 2 were made by Spiderweb but distributed by Fantasoft. The exact arrangement is unknown. The two companies also have some shared graphics, but that could be either a joint purchase or non-exclusive rights to graphics they got separately. —Alorael, who also wouldn't put it past Realmz to appropriate graphics underhandedly. While Fantasoft was (and maybe even is) apparently all legal and legitimate, its proofreading and programming raises so many questions that a few graphics accidents wouldn't be terribly surprising. Off topick but maybe you know, Fantasoft still seems to operate a web store selling Realmz but it hasn't been updated in years I dont think. It states that Micro Enterprises is running it for Fantasoft LLC. Does Tim Philips(that was his name right?) still get any money from that(I don't suspect many purchase it anymore). I'd prolly pay 5 or 10 bucks for an OS X port of it I have such fond memories.
  8. Quote: Originally written by Tyran: Quote: Originally written by Dark Mage: Well we are still a quite lucky gaming community, I mean, in what other companies the game designer ask the player for suggestions so directly?? I don't see Bill Gates mailing me for asking how I want AOE4 to be! You have a good point, but Bill Gates has nothing to do with AoE development. That series has always been made by Ensemble Studios and merely produced by Microsoft. This is much like what Chromite Software and Dragonlore did with Spiderweb, and what Spiderweb did with Fantasoft. Wait, what did Spiderweb do with Fantasoft? I really miss Realmz. Really bad. So bad I can taste it's sweet juicy nectar.
  9. Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: Quote: Originally written by macdude22: I recently posted on my Blog a plea to my 200ish readers to guy buy BoA so Jeff when the mega increased sales come soaring in just send the commission check my way. Seriously I'm hoping it persuades at least a couple people to purchase. That's actually a really good idea... and it gives me a reason to actually touch the Share feature on Facebook. Cripes you gave me a reason to log onto faceboxtubenet. I think we just started a grassroots campaign to promote BoA.
  10. Quote: Originally written by Excalibur: If Spidweb ever improves BoA to level we can notice, they should put the demo everywhere. I discovered Spiderweb Software when I tried a demo CD called MacCubed or something like that. It had Exile I and Exile II, but that was a long time ago. OMG, thats where I got them from. Was like a 7 pack of CDs of shareware MacCubed. I think some of the disks are still in boxes at the old FarmHouse somewhere. I'm pushin BoA hard, I want Jeff to know that its a hot idea and somewhere it just hit a snag in the intergalactic superconductor. My personal goal is to reverse his current decision(which I understand, it's feed his family or support BoA at this point).
  11. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: I think we've eventually concluded that the primary reason that BoA hasn't produced as many scenarios as BoE is that it's far harder to make a BoA scenario than a BoE one. I've milled about getting BoE to see what all the hubbub is about but alas I sent my last production power mac(a mini) off to a family member who was in desperate need of a Mac. I could play it in Windows, but that would make me feel durrrty. Maybe in a couple years when I buy a house and have some room to hook up some of the old macs in storage I'll throw down the old school Exile. I recently posted on my Blog a plea to my 200ish readers to guy buy BoA so Jeff when the mega increased sales come soaring in just send the commission check my way. Seriously I'm hoping it persuades at least a couple people to purchase. The more I play BoA the more it grows on me like someone you love or a brain tumor (or is the cause of love brain tumors?).
  12. Quote: Originally written by Spidweb: It will be a registration code system. You won't have to wait for a CD to be mailed. - Jeff Vogel But there will be a CD available right(I'm assuming based on all the other items.) I like getting the CD's for several reasons, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when they come in the mail, the registration key is all taken care of and I don't have to remember to back it up or email to get it(I'm verrrrrry forgetful my wife will attest). Plus I like to think maybe Jeff gets another penny or two from the purchase of the disk(not likely much seeing that they aren't just run of the mill CD-Rs or something he burns but nice printed disks).
  13. Quote: Originally written by Endemos: Why not? I'm willing to pay it. —Alorael, who in fact only said it to inflict anguish upon others whose lives may hang upon $10. He's giggling with evil glee now. I tend to agree. While I'm a fan of cheap and/or free if it comes between the developer gets to stay in business and charge a little more or not and go out of business and I think it's a good value. I'll pay a reasonable price. And as far as value goes entertainment unit per hour Spiderweb games are as cheap as it comes. When it comes to a developer who supports the Mac OS as a first class citizen I'll doublely pay. (Note to Jeff this is a figure of speech please don't charge me $50 for Nethergate, unless you have to, then I will pay it, because it sounds like it rocks).
  14. I figured as much, regardless I'm pushing it as hard as I can to folks I know who are into RPGs hoping can get a few more copies sold. I really dig the scenario/mod idea and I would desperatly hate to see the idea behind BoA/BoE die eventually. It almost seems to me(granted this isn't a scientific study by any means) that BoA was a victim of BoE's success. Seems like a lot of BoE users didn't feel compelled to upgrade to BoA for whatever reason. Why that is, I can't say, I'm sure there are a variety of reasons why, from scenario avalablilty to play style. ***EDIT*** Also, while not knocking the sudo-3D view of Avernum I do see a certain charm in in the true 2D graphics of BoE. There is such a thing that If I had been started on BoE I might be partial to it for one reason or another as well.
  15. Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: Yay, another BoA-er! Seriously, though... is it just me, or a lot of new players coming out of the woodwork as of late? Wishful thinking but maybe enough to support Jeff revisiting BoA and the idea of producing this type of application?
  16. Long time reader, first time poster. I used to play Exile many many many many moons ago as a small child( I think just the demo at that) and it still holds a unique place in my heart along with Realmz. These games fostered my love for the RPG genres. About a year ago I found my way to Spiderweb software again and dabbled with the demos but there was no time to play them as I was finishing up my BA. Soon after all of the Avernum games were purchased and I am working my way though them(geneforge is scratching at my wallet to get to my CC). I'm sad to see that BoA was not a financial success as the mass(well sudo-mass) of senarios is enough to keep me busy for months and months. I'll be purchasing a couple copies for my brother and sister, maybe do my part to show Jeff there is life in this build your own game idea. However I fully support whatever Jeff has to do to keep afloat, it's rough out there running your own business(certainly so in the game industry as fickle as us gamers can be).
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