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aka Ravenwing

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Posts posted by aka Ravenwing

  1. Damn. Looks like I'm not gonna be able to do it this time around. I was going pretty good for a while, but then work and school started, bringing scenario production to a screeching halt. Maybe it'll get done by the end of this year. mad


    Nevertheless, that gives me more time to do a better job, and more time for beta testing. I'll just enter it next time.

  2. Well, I won't let any suckiness that I observe keep me from releasing ItSoD. However, with my complete and sudden change of schedule, there aren't many solid blocks of time that I can use to complete it. So maybe it'll get done by the competition, or maybe I'll just have to wait until the next one anyway.

  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Andraste:
    I think that sounds like fun. I would play it if I had BOA.
    Correction: You would play it if you had BoA, if I ever bothered to complete it. :p

    Seriously though, you like the idea? Hmm. Perhaps I used to be more creative, and now I mistake that creativity for complete insanity.

    Well, I'll give some thought to going back and finishing it. I think I have to start from square one again, because I probably deleted it.
  4. When I first got the game, I started making a tiny little scenario about the Ritual of Registration, and you had to perform it against the Shareware Demon. I did this after I had played the full extent of the Av 1-3 and BoA demos. Then I came to my senses and realized how ridiculous I was being.

  5. Eh. My villain's probably gonna suck too. Oh well. Baby steps, I guess.


    It's my first scenario. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Maybe if it's worth the time it would take I'll go back and polish it up sometime after the release.

  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Ghost of Diknyoba:
    Originally by Nemesis:

    No offense, Dikiyoba. I respect you. But honestly. Worshippers?
    That's not an entirely fair statement. It makes it sound like I have some sort of control over -X-. I don't.

    But don't worry. Dikiyoba wasn't offended by the rant.
    Well, it wasn't intended for it to sound like that, but I can see where you're coming from. Basically what I'm saying is that while imitation can be flattering, it's almost invariably at least twice as annoying.
  7. The following is just for the sake of making a point. I have otherwise no intention of talking in the third person perspective.




    Here's what Nemesis thinks. Nemesis thinks that -X- should let Dikiyoba be Dikiyoba and stop trying to repeatedly kiss up. Nemesis also thinks -X- should remain silent until he/she has something to say that's worth saying.




    No offense, Dikiyoba. I respect you. But honestly. Worshippers?

  8. Quote:
    Originally from Emperor Tullegolar:

    Uh... yes! Who ever said the United States was the angel of world politics? I personally have not forgiven them for using the bomb, and I am surprised Japan has.
    That makes the bombers evil? They were just acting on orders. Ever seen "A Few Good Men"? Similar story. When someone in the armed forces gets ordered to do something, even if they think it's immoral, they still have to do it, or it raises all kinds of hell for them personally. In cases like that, it's lose-lose for them.

    In fact, that's pretty much how it is in war. Plenty of soldiers don't want to fight, but some country goals require it. So they act on orders from the powers that be, in order to expediate the process of achieving those goals. The orders are to go out and kill other soldiers, who, in turn, also don't really want to fight.

    I guess that I'm just defending the nameless soldiers who get blamed for attacks. I'm saying if you're going to call someone a villain for killing the innocent, make sure you're blaming the right people.

    That said, sometimes the leaders themselves have to take drastic measures in order to get the attention of (or perhaps pound some sense into) the enemies of their cause. Hence, we have attacks on the innocent. Is it a good thing? No. Does it make them evil? Not necessarily. In fact, I'll go so far as to make a conjecture, that when the President and any other authorities involved gave the order to bomb Hiroshima, they had to live with a guilty conscience for a long time afterward, possibly until their deaths.

    What's all this got to do with the topic? Well it's simple. When Stalker attacked the innocent civilians, he was trying to get attention. The presence of "that fool Machrone" proves how well it worked.
  9. Tullegolar said this a lot of posts ago, but it caught my attention.


    A villain is: someone who is willing to harm innocents to advance their own agenda.
    What is that saying, then, about the U.S. in WWII? Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki? You'd better believe innocent people died in those attacks. More, I'd say, than non-innocent people. Does that make the bombers villains? Or perhaps the authorities that ordered the attacks?
  10. I can probably make it to either. Provided I don't get hired on to Starbucks by this weekend and they want me to suddenly come in and work on the first Saturday I'm employed. Before training, no less.


    So yeah, discuss. If I don't forget (which I'll try not to this time :p ) I ought to be there.

  11. Hmm… Salmon has a point. Thinking about it, it probably would be better to have a separate contest altogether, and divide that up by, say, kind of script (whether it's a terrain script, character script, whatever).


    As far as usefulness, that could vary. Every script anyone would make would (probably) have its uses. Perhaps for originality. Complexity or simplicity shouldn't matter, so long as the script works.

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