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aka Ravenwing

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Posts posted by aka Ravenwing

  1. Well I'm almost done with this one! I mainly picked it up because I haven't been reading anything in a while, and I happen to have these… heirlooms… on hand! Although I am getting quite a bit of sexual content and whimsical child-ness! That, and Mr. Anthony seems to like exclamation points! A lot!

  2. I have a couple of basic (and I mean basic) edits of the original child graphic so that they have long hair and different colored clothing. They served their purpose when I used them, though if you're looking for a dress, well…


    Anyway. I just uploaded them here and here .


    If you want a different color for the clothing, changing that is easy enough with Photoshop or a similar program.


    You might consider adding a dialog pic, too. I think there are a few little girl portraits in the sheet of Band Art Portraits I uploaded at the Blades Forge a while ago.


    I hope you find these useful.

  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Celtic Minstrel:
    It's also next to no information. frown

    (But it does sound possibly interesting.)
    Could be it's just a concept so far. Anyway, do you want all the details before the deuced thing is even begun? That would take a lot away from the play when it's completed.
  4. Alternatively, I've taken to using runes instead of portals. Comes in handy for something slightly less extravagant (although for that kind of script, I suspect you're looking for an attention-grabber anyway). An easy-ish way to make your own, if you wanted to, would be to use an existing door graphic as a base, then edit in a paint program from there.


    Also, welcome to Spiderweb. You'll never escape with your sanity. (Bwahaha…)

  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Iffy:
    It is basically about a girl who's nightmares somehow come alive.

    Also, have I really actually changed?
    I like the concept. It's creative and not absurd.

    And just looking at various responses to questions, as well as this thread itself, you've definitely gotten a lot better. Leaps and bounds.
  6. Quote:
    Originally written by LunaRaven:
    I am halfway into Terry Brooks', "Elfstones of Shannara" and I will then move onto it's predecessor, "Wishsong of Shannara". Overall, it's an interesting book. I became a Brooks fan with his recent work, so it is nice to take a step back into time and read his earlier series.
    I think you mean the successor, Wishsong. I'm a big fan of the series, myself (it's kind of what kicked me off into the fantasy genre of books). I've found a lot of people don't like them much, though. But Elfstones, I think, is one of the best in the series.
  7. Quote:
    Originally written by The Almighty Doer of Stuff:
    I disagree. In my opinion, not only should what happened to you continue to happen, but the Blades Forge should draw a number from 0 to 4 every time you try to post something, and if it's less than 2, it presents you with a screen that says "Ha ha! Idiot!" and makes you do it again.
    Someone's been spending too much time with UBB. :p
  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Excalibur:
    To actually create a .cmg file you need a resourcing program like ResEdit or ResFool (I don't think the former works on OSX).
    ResEdit (IMO, a far superior program to the latter) only runs on Classic, sadly. ResFool doesn't show the image unless you open it, but I dealt with that for about a week before discovering the glory that is Graphic Adjuster. Now all I need ResFool for is custom SFX, which should be used sparingly anyway, as the feature is only compatible with Mac.
  9. I don't recall anything like that happening in MA (though it has been a while since I played it). I think I would benefit a lot from doing a lot of hardcore experimentation with BoA's capabilities, now that I have some understanding of the code.

  10. I've thought of situations where you can, say, start off the scenario with the call to separate one member, play the scenario, then give them the party back at the end. I don't remember what the call is or where it can be used at present, though. Could you drop it in the scenario script, or would it have to be "stepped on"?

  11. Just make sure the cutoff is in a place that makes sense. Maybe put the cutoff between "…center of the building." and "A small building is near the construct." That should take care of the oversized string, and the passage will still make technical sense.

  12. Quote:
    Originally written by Arancaytar:
    You could say it was living on borrowed time for all these years. I have yet to learn of a single community hosted by ezboard that did not meet with disaster or sufficient inconvenience to eventually pack up and go somewhere competent - although the Lyceum kept on for astonishingly long.
    That says we, as a community, are either extremely patient or excessively lazy. I'm leaning toward the latter. :p
  13. I may be in and out. I work this Saturday evening (wouldn't it figure… I hate closing on Saturdays).


    So let's see… 7:00 PM EST would be 4:00 PM for me, I think. I ought to be able to make it in for a while. Provided there are no undesired complications from my end, of course.

  14. Oh, sure. I'm not currently enrolled in school, and work's not being too busy.


    Name: Nemesis

    Email address: FiveIronCaddy488(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

    Platform/OS: Mac 10.4

    Prior experience: I beta tested Twilight Valley and Express Delivery, and I made ItSoD.

    Whether or not you'll actually provide any useful feedback: Remains to be seen, I suppose. I'll give you feedback, but its usefulness may be relative, and how you use it is up to you.

    That said, if I don't, feel free to cut me from the credits.

  15. Every character I've ever made with any Avernum game is custom.


    Here's the party for serious plays:


    Leader: Human, melee, priest spells, divinely touched

    Second: Nephil, melee, bows, tool use, fast on feet and/or nimble fingers

    Third: Slith, pole, thrown weapons, elite warrior

    Fourth: Human, priest and mage spells, natural mage

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