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Everything posted by Bomber

  1. But why dose the tunnle in A1 go up and not down. Is it prehapse the way the vahnatai came from the surface world?
  2. You mean it's that cave you go through with the dead body trapped in the middle? If so how come the strange cave gose up not down?
  3. But I've been back there in A1 and nothing was there. (yes I went past the runes, up the ramp and left the exit into nothingness) And I've played A2 and I havent found it yet.
  4. I've already played bahssikava. It would have been cool if you could go past the doors somehow.
  5. I just noticed that the huge steel doors in Bahssikava are not door but walls. The unlock spell at level 3 dose not work on them. Why?
  6. I have gone past the barriers that keep regenerating in A1 only to go to to the top and leave to be stuck in blackness. I reloaded my saved game and left. I know that your not meant be back there but Jeff should have at least left an easter egg there or something. What do you think?
  7. It's good to see that I'm not the only one who likes the GIFTR's
  8. The cockroach plauge is best because you get to incinerate those SOB's with quickfire. And forcing you to meet the Giant Intelligent Friendly Talking Spiders. And lets not forget the Giant Intelligent Friendly Talking Roaches.
  9. North of fort emerald is a drake lair. I freed the drake but when i went to the job board at fort emerald it said i had to kill the drake. Is there a way to complete the job? P.S: I hate leaving a job board with a job on it.
  10. This game sounds cool where do i download it? EDIT: Baldur's Gate not A4.
  11. you enjoyed the golems? those laserbeams were incredibly annoying. Tinraya was a walk in the park compared to the golems factory
  12. Cool more spells and creations. One question: Will the awakened be in Geneforge 4? If so COOL!!!
  13. The GIFTS won't be very happy with you considering that the GIFTR are their friends.
  14. When i saw that A4 had geneforge graphics i was very dissapointed. SOLUTION: Play Geneforge. I got used to the graphics of geneforge and i liked the game. A4 was alright but there was nothing new to explore. There should have been a new cave discovered If there is dragons in A5 don't make them look like Drakons.
  15. Quote: how DO you people manage to get through the game with just 4 people and the same numbered monster packs as before? You think 4 people is tough try one.
  16. A2 has a better storyline. If you actually played it you would realise that the graphics are not that bad once you get used to them. P.S: Got to go lord llama Bye
  17. If they made A4 in The old graphics it would be awesome. But they have not so A2 is still superior.
  18. Hey what about the other intelligent insects! GIFTR: Giant Intelligent Friendly Talking Roaches.
  19. Go to the sercret tunnel and head northwest. She's hiding in Grah-Hoths old fort.
  20. The 3D editor keeps quiting automaticly when i open it Why EDIT: Nevermind i just fixed it.
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