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Everything posted by Thralni

  1. Okay, I spent about half an hour walking around in Avernum, but didn't find much which seemed usefull. The only places where I thought I'd might have a chance are the Avernum 1 Nephil castle and that small cave where they captured those mining workers of Cotra. All I found in these two sites were the occasianal signs saying: "this sign is in Nephil script, so you can't read it." indeed, when they talk, the game describes it as growling. The piece of text you have there, Aran, is it from the game, or did you make it up? do you know what it means? I have plunged into ancient languages, eagerly developing a case system. I threw away the conjugations I made for the verbs, as I thought it was stupid.
  2. I have been playing with this idea for a long time: making a Nephilim language for my BoA scenario, so it will make everything more interesting for the player. now the player doesn't have to learn the language, it will only make it more interesting. that's why I started making one about two weeks ago. now here comes the obvious question: can anybody supply me with some basic information from Avernum 1,2 and 3 of their language? And no, this isn't because of kelandon and his Slith language. I came up with this idea at the moment I started coming up with the story of my scenario, I just told nobody about it. I'm also contemplating about a scenario in which the players tries to help a bunch of nephilim to get to their homeland (yes, that sounds really like Bahssikava, I know). Does anybody know of a nephil homeland, does it actually exist, or do they just get slaughetered in Avernum?
  3. Quote: Originally written by Akai Hoshi: 4. People need to have smaller focuses. Much smaller. This is where I crush your dreams. If this is the first scenario you're making and you plan for it to be more than 20 towns, it will not get done. If you are a new designer and have to give "status reports" about a scenario, it will not get done. The solution is to aim for more reasonable goals. In the manual, Jeff says: "People are often surprised at how much work and concentration it takes to make adventures. It takes time to make good stuff. I strongly suggest, for your first adventure, aiming small. A few outdoor sections. Ten or twenty towns and dungeon levels. Don't try to make the world-changing epic until you really understand what you're getting into. It is better to release and share one small adventure than to make half of a huge one that nobody ever sees." My scenario contains 42 towns, of which two maybe not very necessary, and 9 outdoor sections. Okay, I confess, I had a period in which I really didn't want to even touch the scenario, but now its getting nearer and nearer the point were its finished. I only need to complete 1 towns and to code 6 or 7 towns. Now that I know what to do, that won't be so hard. Mind you, when I started I had a rather small plan for a scenario with about 12 towns. then I got hooked on designing towns, and I had all these nice ideas and I liked drawing more and more custom graphics, so there you are. 42 towns.
  4. With me it still works, and I haven been using it for half a year. Although I'm using version 7, which may explain that. Ef, can I bother you with a graphics question, as you are somebody whom I think you no the most about them?
  5. Quote: Originally written by Notty: For example, make sure that cells 2,3 actually correspond to a a location in the town. That is something that isn't wrong in the script then, but it is something you do wrong while designing with the editor. I can assure you that is something I do without mistakes. Thanks, salmon. extra help is always welcome. EDIT: it still doesn't work
  6. Yes, that I did understand, but how can't it make sense? for a SDF it can't be higher then 255, but a memory cell can be much higher then that, so, again: what do you mean?
  7. I'll try that, but what do you mean with more sensical memory cell values?
  8. So it took about two hours, not one, since my last question was solved. Again I'm dumping a problem on your plates. the code below has a small problem: Code: // flaglever.txt// version 1.0.0// by Thralni// You can alway use this script freely, but put my name (Thralni) in the acknowledgements.// flaglever.txt - completely changed version of doorlever.txt. Similair to my selfmade walllever.txt.// With this version you have to ALWAYS set a SDF (otherwise it wouldn't work), which gets set to 1 when you pull the lever. Also, a terrain at a certain// spot turns into a terrain of your choice. This script is needed when you would want to pull a lever, but a certain thing has to be done first.// Memory Cells - // 0,1 - The coordinates of a SDF. If that SDF is 1, will do everything in the script, if it is 0 does nothing.// 2,3 - The x,y coordinates of a terrain this lever replaces by a terrain number defined in memory cell 4. If both are left at 0, doesn't// do anything.// 4 - the terrain of location (memory cells 0 and 1) to change in.// 5 - a sound to be played// 6,7 - Coordinates for a stuff done flag. If these are 0 and 0, ignored. Otherwise,// when the lever is pulled, if the stuff done flag is 0, it becomes 1, and if the flag// is non-zero, it becomes 0.// If a flag is assigned here and is set to when, when the party enters this town later,// this script will open the gates.// NOTE: be sure to not use flags 299,0 - 299,29. These are used by this script!beginterrainscript; variables;short choice,terr,flag,x; body;beginstate INIT_STATE;break;beginstate START_STATE;break;beginstate SEARCH_STATE;break;beginstate STEP_INTO_SPOT_STATE;reset_dialog();add_dialog_str(0,"This lever is big and made of steel. would you like to pull it and see what it does?",0);add_dialog_choice(0,"Leave it");add_dialog_choice(1,"Pull and see what happens");choice = run_dialog(0);if (choice == 1) end();if ((get_memory_cell(0) > 0) || (get_memory_cell(1) > 0)) if (get_flag(get_memory_cell(0),get_memory_cell(1)) == 1) { if ((get_memory_cell(2) > 0) || (get_memory_cell(3) > 0) || (get_memory_cell(4) > 0)) { terr = get_terrain(get_memory_cell(2),get_memory_cell(3)); flip_terrain(my_loc_x(),my_loc_y()); set_flag(299,28,terr / 256); set_flag(299,29,terr % 256); x = 0; while (x = 1) { if (flag >= 27) flag = 0; set_flag(299,flag,terr); flag = flag + 1; x = 1; } if ((get_memory_cell(6) > 0) || (get_memory_cell(7) > 0)) { if (get_flag(get_memory_cell(6),get_memory_cell(7)) == 0) { set_terrain(get_memory_cell(2),get_memory_cell(3),get_memory_cell(4)); play_sound(get_memory_cell(5)); set_flag(get_memory_cell(6),get_memory_cell(7),1); end(); } terr = get_flag(250,28) * 256 + get_flag(250,29); set_terrain(get_memory_cell(2),get_memory_cell(3),terr); play_sound(get_memory_cell(5)); set_flag(get_memory_cell(6),get_memory_cell(7),0); end(); } } } message_dialog("Apparently, you didn't do the right thing to be able to pull this lever. It stays tight in this position.","");break; It says "Bad term in expression in line 58." The the linbe where it says "terrain = get_terrain(get_memory_cell(2),get_memory_cell(3));" what is the bad term? i don't understand what the problem is, or is it again soemthing which is in another line, but the program gives me another line because the error occured later then it should have occured. EDIT: replaced code with newer version
  9. I don't know this for sure, but have you ever tried things like "unshackle mind"? Curing and healing won't help (that means the spells healing and curind and devine restoration don't help), because being drunk is a mental state, not a physical one.
  10. Okay. Thanks for that advice. Now that I look at iy a second, time, it's actually quite logical. Funny I didn't see it quicker.
  11. two things: 1) You are right. 2) thanks for the compliment(s). Another thing: Stuffit is shareware. You can download a sharware version at http://www.stuffit.com/mac/index.html. note that that is for the mac version. somewhere there you'll find a download for it. i don't know how long you can use before you register.
  12. I'm struggling to understand what exactly you mean here. what I understand from what you say, its this: 569 % 10 = 9?
  13. Thanks, another problem tackled. See you later with the next question (that's in an hour, probably).
  14. Indeed, good decision to make salmon (Actually, if you put that image with it, why reply in the first place?). really, I don't understand all the fuss made about what I said. It probably wasn't really clear that the critisisme was only really directed to him if he doesn't know anything about the computer and just complains because he doesn't know the OS. Anyway, as a user of Mac OS 9, who worked for 5 years with it (its time to get a new computer), I don't ewncounter any problems, and I also don't understand why you find mac OS 9 so difficult to work with. if you could tell me what it is you find so frustarting, I might be able to help you. What I prefer even over OS X in OS 9, is that OS 9 still remained simple and easy to acces. OS X is more beautiful, that's true, but still. Nostalgia, I guess.
  15. Khoth, thanks a bunch. It works. thanks to both of you, Khoth and Cpeters. Thanks a lot. 18 % 4 = 2, yes, of course. don't know why I typed 4, probably because it was getting late. To make sure I understand the principal: 24 % 7 = 3, right?
  16. Thanks, Khoth! I'll try it immeditaly. okay, i think I'm starting to understand the "%" thing. Correct me if I'm wrong: 18 % 6 = 0 right? 18 % 4 = 4 right? So what happens is, that the program devides, but stops devidinbg when he won't get an even number. Instead it stops and checks the remainder and returns it. Am I right?
  17. Well, yes. I'm sorry if I offended somebody, I just don't like that sort of statements about things one possibly doesn't know to well. Let me put it this way: if its true that he didn't use Mac OS 9 for longer then a week or two, consider my critisisme as still there, while if he used for longer then that and knows the system good enough to say something about it, I have said nothing.
  18. So what does % actually do? I know what the "remainder" is in normal language (Like the remainder of the people), but what exactly is it in numbers? In the doc it says: 15 % 5 = 0. huh? and 8 % 3 = 2. huh? i think you understand very well now that I have no idea whatsoever what it exactly does. I know, I'm a pain, but could you explain it please? I was thinking to about multiple SDF's, like a sort of binary code (or whatever its called in English). I'll try that, but I'll have to think about for some time before I start doing anythin about it. And yes, its winter in Holland. I suppose you are am Aussi/African/South American?
  19. Okay, thanks. Now I saw this expression in the docs: %. of what is written to clarify it, I don't understand a thing. what exactly does it do? And when I divide, does the program automatically round off, or is there a call I should use to let it do that? You see, the main thing is, I think, that when I use ticks, the number is almost always far to big for the SDF. I'm trying to find a way to reduce the amount of ticks, without recking the whole scenario, but that it does fit in the SDF. If there are any suggestion, please! I';m running low on energy. I don't think an integer is something that is comfortable when wearing. Shorts, are indeed nice, but not in this weather. How about longs?
  20. I mean the second thing you mentioned, Cpeters. the docs don't say anything about it, for as far I saw. Now I also want to know for ance and always what the difference exactly is between a "short" and an "integer" variable. After looking in the docs, I thought it was the same, or I didn't understand what Jeff was trying to tell me.
  21. Okay, thanks. I thought the values of a flag could only be from 0 tp 29, actually. At least, that's what it said in the docs. I think I know how to fix this, but is it possible to have a value SDF value which is not even? So something like 29.999? i suppose not. In that case it will be just a little more complicated, or, no. Actually not, only I'll have to type a bit more.
  22. Quote: Originally written by Synergy: Probably the most common grammar mistake in English is saying, "It's me." While, common misuse has made the correct form, "It is I" sound wrong, it is correct. Sorry, couldn't resist this: It is sounds, with an S. And I really don't understand why English can't be modified a little. that's easier for me, you see.
  23. Whole town script, whole scenario script, or both? I was thinking, the number of ticks can be 29999. A SDF can't get higher then 30, can it?
  24. Now, I found a way to let the game remember a certain variable value for always, even when quitting the game. Code: if (get_flag(250,1) > 0) { tick1 = get_flag(250,1); if (get_current_tick() == tick1 + 10) { if (get_flag(33,2) == 1) { message_dialog("",""); set_flag(33,0,1); } } } Now the problem is, the message_dialog doesn't appear after 10 ticks. maybe the code simply deosn't work, I don't know how ticks work, or there is again such a bug which I have never heard off. what i do know, is that after ten ticks (ten paces which I made with my party) the message_dialog doesn't show. the above code stands in the scenario script. the flag is set in the town script: Code: if (get_current_tick() >= 29990) { set_ticks_forward(-15); } if (get_current_tick() == 0) { set_ticks_forward(1); } tick1 = get_current_tick(); set_flag(250,1,tick1); set_flag(33,2,1); end(); I really hope its not something with bugs or my code that can't work that way. not that I thought that long about it, but it would be a pitty if it didn't work.
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