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Posts posted by I_am_a_Minotaur

  1. I personnally think the backpack thing would work. If you cast a kind of lock spell on it that needed a password of some sort to open you could stop people from taking your stuff.


    You could give guardians the ability to hide things fast and therefore keep it hidden until you return.

  2. The Shapers most likely outnumber the Rebels. They have 2 continents full of people.


    The Rebels most likely have to attack the Shapers to get food. They attacked a very populated area, so They could not of set up hidden cities where they farmed.


    3 of those islands were unimportant to the Shapers. There are multiple Shaper schools and testing grounds. Only testing at Gull Isle and Dhonal's Keep were important. Gull Isle wasn't prepared for an attack from serviles, a gazer and a drakon.


    The rebels have fewer drakons, gazers and rots than the shapers have shapers. The base of the rebel army is serviles. The shapers have shapers as the base of their army.

  3. The creation has a multi-hit 90 damage attack. Thats better than a drayk. Its very possible that the other fighters take care of the creature and you do nothing.


    EDIT: Nevermind, I don't think it has a multi-hit attack, but I have a suspition that striking it at close range damages you.

  4. It looks great!


    The Kyshakk looks like a 3rd tier fire creation, kind of like an upgrade of the roamer. A very deadly upgrade.


    I think Jeff decided to use the Shaper G3 ending because it says that the Shapers are winning the war.


    Is the hunched over PC in the first 2 shots a servile. The serviles will have a whole new look if thats one. It seems to be a guardian type PC that uses melee.


    In the 3rd shot the PC appears to be some kind of Agent character, an Agent that uses shaping instead of melee, or acaracter that is well rounded and doesn't specialize in anything.


    Is the monster in the 3rd shot, ahead of the glahk a golem? A battle alpha? Or, a new creation.

  5. Yes it would be like an advancement of the battle beta. It should probably have a slight advantage though. Like a higher chance to stun. And higher damage.


    That would make it a perfect combination with the oter creation I thought of.

    At the end of the loyalist ending you were leading an army of strange humanoid creations. Maybe these will be like smaller, weaker Battle Alphas but they have high dex & parry so they are hard to hit. This might make a reasonably useful battle creation. It would have to have less chance to be hit than Rots though, because otherwise no rebels would use them.
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