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Everything posted by RobertAKARobin

  1. Wow. Cool! Yeah, that's me. Robinator. Wow. Those were the days. I have no idea how the replication got on a website, but cool nonetheless. Only problem is, I couldn't open the website, I'm not sure if that version is really completely finished, and it was written about 5 years ago by an annoying 10 year old (now an annoying 15 year old). If you have any problems with it, e-mail me! (darobinbot@communistsquirrel.com)
  2. I remade all the towns from the first chapter of Exile II and a chunk of the outdoor terrain too. If you want it, feel free to ask! But yeah, it really is kind of pointless. I was intending to use the replication as the setting for a custom scenario, but then high school came along. I haven't touched it for about two years. Still, replicating IS kinda fun, especially if you're very dedicated and have a lot of time on your hands. Go for it! Exile III would be really tough but very cool.
  3. Jeesh, I haven't even heard of some of these. Are all of these scenarios posted at the Spiderweb website?
  4. Well, ACTUALLY, I've been working on total terrain replication of Exile 2 to run on BoE for about 3 years now and have successfully completed a small fraction. So far I've completely replicated all the towns in Chapter 1 of Exile 2, which should be just what you're looking for. They're all accurate down to the last space, only the use BoE graphics instead of Exile 2 graphics. So if you or anyone else wants them, send me an e-mail at darobinbot@mail.com Thankee!
  5. Alright, now I've technically beaten the scenario, but I still want to find the Squeak the Pig bean pet, only I have no idea where to look! I've talked to Max in Bobling and looked at the boulder in the forests near Wellim, but now I'm stuck. Where should I go next? And also, in Schernbuk at night, on the outside of one of the homes on northwest corner, there's this wall with a big rune on it. I'm sure it's significant, because it brought up a dialog box, but I have no idea how to get through it to the secret room behind it. Hilfe!
  6. Bien! Thanks, Bruce. But now, what's the answer to the Imp's riddle in the demon place?
  7. So, I'm back in my BoE scenario-playing phase again, and I'm stumped as to how I can kill the Massive Ice Drake in the Garbage Pit without the Cheater Stick. Any ideas?
  8. Hey, hey! My old replication project of Exile II, Chapter I is nearly completed! Finally! I might even use it for one of my own scenarios!
  9. As much as I love Nethergate, it would kind of be nice if it didn't suck to be the Romans. I mean, with the Celts, you can really win. With the Romans, it just says that all your hard work ultimately didn't do much. And there's a lot bigger bias against them, anyway.
  10. I was finishing off the scenario, 'Revenge' earlier today, and had just defeated the final Nightmare Guardian when I got a small message in the action-recount-text part of the screen which said "Oops! Too much XP! Report this!" So I'm reporting it. The experience of a few of my party members well exceeds 5000 experience points. Is this a problem? Or did it maybe have something to do with the fact that the Nightmare Guardian is level 120, and defeating it gave me too much experience at once?
  11. Try setting your computer to 256 colors before opening the game?
  12. I like the Romans. Playing as the Romans, it's much more of a challenge and there are more quests, it seems, you have to take on. I reccommend the Celts, however, for a first-time player.
  13. Quote: Originally posted by dreamqueen: but you get to kill her later when you complete the lower level Ah, but only as a Roman! By the way, I just beat Nethergate completely about an hour ago. Blasted annoying being Roman. It's much harder.
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