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Everything posted by Arenax

  1. I doubt I'm going to even look at it for a few months at the least. I don't see a personal need for it, and I write tools that I will actually use. I can design just fine in 2D; a 3D editor is unnecessary for me. AvScript and AvDialogue are more important tools than a 3D editor.
  2. Those are the original PC graphics, m, if the cave walls are red.
  3. YooDoo: Nah, they should both go anywhere just fine. Thuryl: People do that stuff because it's more challenging. BoE is node-based. It does things for you. That's not a challenge. TGM: Keep drinkin' that koolaid.
  4. Don't forget PKzip! http://www.pkware.com
  5. I am looking into it. However, I DEFINITELY make no promises. It'd be easier for me to write an editor from scratch, given JV's godawful code. It doesn't even compile on the version of CodeWarrior I managed to...uhh...procure. So if I do it, I've got a laundry list of more important things first.
  6. Quote: Originally written by For Shame: The original version of Exile 3 isn't significantly different from the current version. It's only E2 and E3 that got graphics facelifts and some other changes. Doesn't E1 have APs now instead of the old one man, one action system? —Alorael, who confesses that he doesn't play the older Exiles very much. Yes, he is one of those Avernum lovers your parents and certain board members tell you to avoid. AFAIK, Exile has had APs forever. I played Exile 1 a long, LONG time ago, never got a patched version (mine was from the AOL library), and it always had APs.
  7. Quote: Originally written by YooDoo Man: Well, I do like Exile, but the Avernum thing is not that bad. I have just been dabbling with Avernum 1 and I am having fun so far. I don't really want to "switch" I just want to "expand" a little. BoA is taking over as the big bully on campus and I would like to be a part of it while it is still a little fresh. I don't want to abandon BoE though. It just seemed, originally, cool to make some 3D graphics. At first, I thought it could be done with just 1 terrain space, and would just replace all the 2D graphics with the 3D ones and instantly have a 3D game. It obviously did not turn out that way. Hey, it was always worth a shot. I tried something similar a long time ago. If you're on PC, YooDoo, I've been working on software to make it easier for newbies to get into it. Get it here.
  8. Eight-button mice are lubberly for that stuff.
  9. (I did. I don't even have BoE anymore.) I'm trying to understand the mindset. If you're going to use buggy, outdated, inefficient, and clumsy tools--why are you trying to expand them to do things that fairly stable, up-to-date, (note I don't say anything about inefficient, JV's code frightens small children and gives passing dogs seizures), and pretty slick tools already do? It's especially funny when you suggest uses for this that can't be done. Square peg. Round hole.
  10. Quote: Originally written by YooDoo Man: Well, TM said that a solution to the node burning problem is to make a node changing the town. One would be with walls up, and the other with walls down. Oh, yes! Let's use a horribly inefficient system to do something pathetically easy in a far superior system. In the words of the Guinness hamster-mouse-thing, "BRILLIANT!" Quote: [/qb] And the point? Well, I personally love BoE. The only downside is, the graphics. For being 2D, they are not bad, but don't you think it would be cool to have a sort-of-avernum graphics and throw Quickfire on an innocent town? I do.[/qb] Actually, to do that, you'd have to have the entire town in one map. Which, if you were to use TM's suggestion, you couldn't do. BRILLIANT! Quote: EDIT: By shrinking avernum graphics, it could be done. And by twisting the graphics, you can create the 45- degree thing - correct? No, you would have horribly distorted blobs or, in the case of floor terrains, square, 2D terrains. Get BoA--it does what you want to do. The downside is that you actually have to invest some time in scenario-making, but hey, if I finish my node system that won't even be necessary.
  11. Ehh. (To be honest, it'd take maybe twenty minutes to put together something that'd do it--but I try not to advertise it, m'self.)
  12. Kelandon, he's trying to use a trainer to hack the game. Spiderweb Software doesn't make those trainers. They can't help you. In addition, it's possibly a bannable offense to ask about hacking the game and the like.
  13. Quote: Originally written by Marquis of Corrumbous: Well, I my order for BoA is on its way to Seattle. I am wondering, is it even worth it to move on? People are saying the BoE engine isn't built for the 3D thing. Well, Avernum did it on a 2D surface so I am seeking a way to do it with BoE. Once I get BoA, I might try to convert some of the graphics, that is if anyone cares, or wants them. EDIT: Can someone please help, if you care. This project may be a walking time bomb, but if anyone has any interest, just email me. Also, how do you make roofs on this? You can't without a lot of transform nodes. You'd be out of nodes before you were done. What I want to know is--why bother? You can't do it satisfactorily and still have a working game come out of it. And BTW, BoA graphics do NOT port well to BoE. I've tried. EDIT: And for how Avernum did 3D in 2D: Isometric. The 45-degree viewpoint allows depth. Straight-on viewpoint does not, to any satisfactory degree. Basic geometry and a little common sense go a long way...
  14. Yeah...I was trying to get the computer to STOP being pathetic and let me do tabs, but I made it so whenever you pressed ANY key, it incremented the number of tabs the computer was keeping track of. Thowwy. That's fixed, but I'm going to do a few more things before I upload a new one. EDIT: As for stretch-to-fit editing, I *suppose* I can do that. I think I even know how. The side-by-side bit could be tricky, because to do that would sacrifice a lot of space on the editing screen. I'll think about that.
  15. Quote: Originally written by Altblockflote without an umlaut: I don't know what waiting you've experienced, Arenax. I've gotten new registration codes by email in less than two days and new ones by phone immediately. Using a phone should also take care of any problems you have from switching to a new email. —Alorael, who had a lovely time with an old Performa that ate hard disks. He went through three of them in two months, and each time required new passwords. Spiderweb was very helpful about it. No matter what you think of Jeff's BoE/BoA policies, Spiderweb's customer service is top notch. It once took me a week and a half to get an Exile III key. Apparently they lost my aunt's account information (she was the one who bought it for me). It took two calls from me and two from her, emails from both of us, and a fax to get it done.
  16. Be prepared to wait. And wait. And wait.
  17. Quote: Originally written by Marcelo: Bah, I like the sounds, the ones with the sword are well made, nothing like smashing a spider with your sword Try running the BoA editor and game at the same time and see what happens. Answer: On Windows, errors left and right.
  18. Jeff, this is a very simple request: Get rid of that godawful sound system you use. I'm serious. Not only does it cause serious artifacting on one of my (Windows) computers, but you can't run any other programs with sound at the same time or your programs scream. I wanna use WinAmp, goshdarnit. Heck, if you don't know how to use DirectSound, I'd write the code for you. At the very least, removing the message box that pops up EVERY TIME A SOUND PLAYS when you're using another utility would be much appreciated. Thanks, Ed
  19. I got it too in the scenario I'm making. All I can tell you for sure is that it has to do with the terrains you put down. I mixed the cobblestone path floor with the cobblestone path terrain (needed to put in a gate) and as soon as the vicinity of those terrains were to come on screen, there went the exception. Hope this helps. I'm sorry, but I don't have the scenario anymore.
  20. (Cross-posted from Lyceum) This one is the first one I'd actually say is worth using. I redesigned the user interface and made a ton of changes, including one big one: CodeWizards! You know how I'm also working on AvScript, right? (For those of you new to my blathering, that would be an Avernumscript-tailored text editor.) Into this version I grafted an early prototype of the insta-code feature. Currently it has a grand total of 4 out of 300 possible command helpers (termed CodeWizards)--empty if statement, if-else statement, reward_item statement, and end_scenario statement--but more are to come. If you've got questions, comments, complaints, or would be interested in making some of them purty CodeWizard things (it's pretty easy, though somewhat time-consuming, as long as you know the basics of Avernumscript), yell at me, either here, e-mail, or by PM. EDIT: Might help to give a link, eh?
  21. It's been decided: #1 it is. Your votes counted. Well, no, they didn't. It's just that I'd never use a node-based thing and I would use a script editor like the one I've outlined. And the more I look at it, the less likely color highlighting is. Sorry, but it'd take more work than the output would be worth. On another note, AvDialogue with a prototype of CallWizard (what I'm calling the plug-in command scripting thingy) grafted into the dialogue node CODE command will be done soon (like, by tomorrow morning). http://arenaxcreations.tripod.com
  22. Uuuuh...highlighting could be a fairly difficult thing to do. I'll give you a "maybe" on all colored-highlighting tricks.
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