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Everything posted by Nicothodes

  1. Because I'd be badass and take out the others.
  2. Hello people I remember, people I don't, and people who I haven't gotten a chance to yet! So a few months ago, I decided that the best possible thing to be was a lemming. They spend all their time eating, sleeping, sexing one another up, and looking adorable. So of course, the way to achieve my goal is to attempt to look as cute as possible and trust that at some point I will spontaneously turn into a lemming. I hope I look like this one: So, does anyone care to join me in this?
  3. Zombies, mainly because you can't really go wrong with them in horror films. I cannot wait to see Eph's reaction to this topic.
  4. Sorry, but I don't understand where you thought I was complaining about it not being set in real life. It was set in real life, the characters an plot just turned out to be dumb. Also, still on my rant the "villain" was the only likeable person in the book, and the whole motivation/this is what happened explanation seemed to be retconned in order to have a twist.
  5. Erm, I was ranting about a book I just finished. Also, the fact that I came up with a better plan of action to take when discovered than the villain did saddens me. There's no way you can explain a dead girl in your bedroom. Let her leave, and call the police telling them that your girlfriend had a nervous breakdown, is delusional, ran out, and you're afraid she might be a danger to others and/or herself. Instantly discredits anything she says, and her evidence amounted to a ring owned by the dead cousin, who had left all her material possessions to her. The book is All Unquiet Things, by the way.
  6. ...the killer/drug lord of the book you're reading turns out to be a guy who hides incriminating evidence in his sock drawer, uses his middle name as his drug alias, and allows his girlfriend to steal his clothes, with full knowledge that she is trying to figure out who killed her cousin? Why did the wrong person get convicted again? Oh, yeah, cause police are dumb and drugged up high school students aren't.
  7. I don't have anything on youtube, but I do have some demo tracks up on my website(http://arianamorrow.com/music.html) and on FB(http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ariana-Morrow/101495866316?ref=ts). And of course, linking to the kickstarter page in my first post is always appreciated. Thanks!
  8. Okay, so I will put up a youtube video with $1000 reward for anyone who backs this, but no one who doesn't donate that much gets it on the album. Unless your "f*** you" happens to share a name with someone I hate. Or TM, just because it's fun to screw with him. Then I might reconsider. EDIT: To clarify, the actual $1000 reward will be on the album. The youtube video will just be me saying "f*** you" to the people the other backers want. The cheaper way to get revenge.
  9. Hi everyone! I'm really trying to make this happen, so I really hope I get your support. Every bit helps. If money is an issue, and you still want to help, then just spreading the word would be great, too. But yeah, you get to support an indie artist, and get more substantial gifts than internet hugs.
  10. Always on Your Day Off! is officially released. I have procrastinated way too long for such a short scenario. Always_on_your_day_off_.zip Thank you Niemand. (title edited for consistency)
  11. Sent to Niemand and Nioca. If I need any back up, I'll keep Duck and Toby-Linn in mind. It's a tiny scenario though, so it should be out soon. (Hush, I know I said that a year and a half ago.)
  12. Have some sort of name recognition for? Maybe. Love? Nah. You're biased.
  13. So, when I hit import sheets, the windows graphics are grayed out and won't let me select them. What do I do about this?
  14. I just finished reading the book Gone Boy: A Walkabout. It's about a shooting that happened at my school in 1992. It got slightly disturbing once I realized that the shooter had lived in the dorm I live in now.
  15. DOT.COMmunist: Can we? Possibly. Will we? Well, after that, I won't.
  16. Okay, now I need a graphic of a carrot. It's just an item, so it's easier than the snowman! *looks cute in hopes that she will be forgiven for asking for so many graphics*
  17. Okay, I'm making a scenario with a pre-set party. I want to give the character a healing spell. I gave him 1 level of priest spell, but I can't find the call to give him the spell. Please help! EDIT: Never mind, found it.
  18. I need a graphic for a snowman monster, if anyone has the time to make one. It should look similar to the classic sort of snowman, with carrot nose, hat, etc. Thanks! EDIT: Arrgh, can this be moved to the editor forum please?
  19. I've been told to find the recruiter in Vega by talking to people. I've talked to everyone in town and asked about every word I can think of that relates to the cult, but no one knows what I'm talking about. What do I do?
  20. I can't respond to the topic Census[]. Whenever I try, I get a message saying 'Sorry, we do not permit this HTML tag:Parenthesis in HTML tag' What's going on?
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