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Archmagus Micael

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Posts posted by Archmagus Micael

  1. Guys,


    Is there a way (hopefully not too complicated) to make the random_party_member() call NOT select a character already taken by one of these calls.




    a = random_party_member();

    b = random_party_member();

    c = random_party_member();

    d = random_party_member();


    Elizabeth is A. I don't want Elizabeth to be B,C or D. Those I want for say. Rachel, Rupert and Furball.


    So each of these random_party_member() calls can select 1 character, but they can't select a character alredy selected.


    Does this make any sense? frown




    Kel, I'll probably be using your "Shaking Screeen" script for in this cutscene.


    - Archmagus Micael

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Severity:
    Originally written by Archmagus Micael:
    4. The Empire owned more of Avernum than Avernum did during most of the trilogy.
    Explain? Even in A2 Avernum controls more of the caves than the Empire, I think.
    Well, in A1 they weren't very obvious, but they had loads of bases everywhere, and effectively could decide what was going on in Avernum using ewll-placed operatives.

    I haven't finished Avernum 2 yet, but from what I've seen, the caves are beginning to fall to the Empire, little by little.

    So this constitutes in my eyes at least, more of Avernum being controlled by the Empire.

    - Archmagus Micael
  3. Well,


    This seems to have had replies in the Geneforge 3 Board, and no-one's done it here, so I've decided I might as well see how it goes.


    1. People are larger than Beds.


    2. You can be brought to life with little trouble, but important people (like Erika or Hawthorne) can't.


    3. If people were thin and bleached they would be called Vahnatai.


    4. The Empire owned more of Avernum than Avernum did during most of the trilogy.


    5. Skirbbane is dangerous!


    - Archmagus Micael

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Thuryl:
    I am almost certain that no such call exists. Why would you want to know this, anyway? Trying to create a duplicate of a party member or something?

    (Of course, one way around it is to provide a premade party for your scenario, in which case you know what graphics they have.)
    I just wanted it for a very simple "he/she" text in the append_string thing.

    I don't want to have a pre-made party, cause that eliminates my monster changes level along with party script.

    Anyway, thanks for all of your help. If there isn't a call I'll have to go without.

    I've nearly finished the scripting for town 10 (Baron Effek's dungeon).

    But it's slow going, and I haven't started on the dialogue yet.

    - Archmagus Micael
  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Khoth:
    Incidentally, there's really no need to delete the question once you have an answer.
    Yeah, but it was showing part of my code...

    And Thuryl, thanks for your help - I've got it working perfectly now. (Apart from the screams - is there any way I can muffle those?)

    - Archmagus Micael
  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Thuryl:
    Originally written by Archmagus Micael:
    Will the party notice this?
    Yes, the player will most certainly notice if you kill and then revive their party. :p

    You'll just have to find some way to make it not stand out too badly.
    Hmm. I might make the dialog box say that you were tortured then.

    Will this keep ALL of their items? (Because When I sometimes die, not all of my items remain(if three of my chars die on the same spot!).

    - Archmagus Micael
  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Thralni, emperor of Riverrod:
    Isn't there a way, to let the game check what the party's items are before taking them away, and then let the game place replica's of those items somewhere in a dungeon where the party is at the moment?
    I thought about that, but it wouldn't work with custom items from other scenarios.

    - Archmagus Micael
  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Thuryl:
    As for taking away the party's items in such a way that they can be given back later, the only way to do it is to kill the party, teleport them to somewhere where they can't reach their items, and resurrect them. The items will be left where the party dropped them.
    Will the party notice this?

    - Archmagus Micael
  9. Guys,


    I'm pretty sure that Ive asked this question before (and got some helpful answers), but I can't seem to find it anywhere, so I'll ask again:


    I want a bit where my party is split up (eg. the Vahnatai prisony place in A3), so that only one person can go through this secret passage at a time. What script would be best for me to use? (and why?)




    I want the party's items to be "confiscated" from them when they enter the town, yet they can find them again before they leave. (undamaged etc).


    How do I do this?


    - Archmagus Micael

  10. I use a crate in the final dungeon in ETS to let the party get past the magical field, But I'm pretty sure that you can make something different. And if you do, I'd love to know how.




    - Archmagus Micael


    P.S. Here's the code that I use to check for the crate:

     beginstate 22;run_animation_sound(34);if (get_flag(30,1) == 0) {message_dialog("You step on this mat, and hear a small clicking noise. A crate falls from above, onto the rune in front of you.","");set_flag(30,1,1);}put_object_on_space(17,49,2);end();break;beginstate 25;//Checks if object is on block. If it is, allows you to pass.if (is_object_on_space(23,53,2) == 1) {block_entry(0);} 
  11. Guys,


    I want to make a custom monster which only blasts the party with the "Fireblast" Mage spell. How do I do this? I assume it's sometething to do with specifically saying what spells it can cast and how often or something, but I don't quite get how to do that...




    - Archmagus Micael

  12. I don't know if this'll work, but this place needs SERIOUS livening up.


    So basically, what's your oddest bug out of the entire Exile Trilogy (NOT COUNTING BoE)?


    There's bound to be some good ones...


    - Archmagus Micael

  13. You have to destroy the Golems, and then talk to Berra. Asking him about evidence or proof or something like that does the trick. But you have to have destroyed the Golems first. WARNING: THis is from my (sometimes faulty) memory.


    Anyway, as far as I can remember, there's only a Efreet in that room.


    - Archmagus Micael

  14. Thanks! Will do.


    Also, one more question: (again)


    Has anyone made a custom Syntax file for Crimson Editor. I was just downloading the latest version, and I noticed that it allows custom syntax files.


    So has anoyone here made one for AvernumScript?


    Here's what it says on the CE website:


    Syntax Highlighting for HTML, C/C++, Perl, Java, Matlab and LaTeX. Also, it can be extended for other programming languages based on custom syntax files.



    - Archmagus Micael

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