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Posts posted by Kelandon

  1. In A1 and A2, I usually used a fighter and a mage/priest. By the end of the game, the mage/priest was trained in fighting, too (in A2 in the fight against Garzahd, the mage/priest was killing dervishes).


    In A3, I actually used something pretty close to the default party.


    In BoA, this all kind of went to heck and I am experimenting with many party orientations. I'd like to go back to the duo paradigm at some point, but I don't have the tactical skills for it yet.

  2. A puzzle-based scenario (or possibly one with modern technology to substitute for magic) could be entirely without anything potentially offensive like demons or violence or magic but also be fun. The Election is a perfect example. It contains one combat sequence, one in which you are attacked and must run away. Virtually everything else is dialogue, figuring out how to convince people of things. It's a great scenario.


    It's one of my favorites, actually, not because I find magic or anything else troubling to my conscience, but just because it's a very different approach to design. It would be very interesting to see more scenarios like this. I'm curious about AC2, because apparently it is a series of puzzles with very little combat, and the format intrigues me. I'll probably play it soon.

  3. In A3, there's an option in the Character Editor to cure the addiction. I think in E3, you're pretty much stuck with the consequences of your actions, though. (That is, unless "Remove bad conditions" does this. I've never tried it.)

  4. Hmm. For anyone who's lazy, from the RSV because I don't have a KJV handy:


    "There shall not be found among you any one who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, any one who practices divination, a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a medium, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord; and because of these abominable practices the Lord your God is driving them out before you." (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)


    "The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked, and his soul hates him that loves violence." (Psalms 11:5)


    No magic and no violence... I think that still leaves The Election okay, among the few that I've played. Surely there are more puzzle-based scenarios.

  5. I meant at the right height. If you can walk on them, then they're fine.


    I really have no idea why they're not working at this point. If you've followed all those steps, then it should work. Someone else may have an idea, though.

  6. Uh, then I'm pretty baffled. All you should need to do is:

    • Have a properly formatted scenario, scenario script, and folder (made automatically by the editor, so probably not the problem)
    • Have a properly formatted town script in the same folder
    • Have the appropriate state in that script (state 12, in this case)
    • Put a blue special encounter rectangle on the appropriate spot in the terrain
    • Tell BoA which script to use for the town in the Town Details menu item
    • Save all the preceding items (save the scenario, text files, etc)
    • Enter that scenario using the BoA app -- it may help to start over fresh if you've made a significant change since the last time you entered the scen
    • Step on the spot with a PC

    At that point, the script state should run. I'm thinking the problem may be with the last step... is the terrain blocked in some way? Are your stairs on the proper level? Can you actually step on this space?

  7. Ah, yes, this is slightly harder. Don't put two state 11's, first of all. Copy and paste and change the second state to state 12 if you want a second state that does basically the same thing as the first. From that point you can change the move_to_new_town call or whatever.


    However, there is no call to take the party directly outdoors, which appears to be what you're trying to do. As far as I know, the only way to go from town to outdoors is to walk outside the town boundaries. You can get around this in a couple of ways, the most obvious of which is to have the stairs lead to a cave exit town (basically just a very small cave with the town boundaries right outside), so that the party can walk out from there. In that case, you'd just have another move_to_new_town in state 12 taking the party to the correct location in the new town -- copy, paste, and all you have to do is change the arguments (the stuf inside the parentheses).

  8. Ah, right. It wants your town script to have the normal INIT_STATE. Try this:

    begintownscript; variables; body; beginstate INIT_STATE;break;beginstate EXIT_STATE;break;beginstate START_STATE;break;beginstate 11;     move_to_new_town(2,16,24); break;  
  9. Line breaks. As in, returns. It should look like this:

    begintownscript; variables; body; beginstate 11;     move_to_new_town(2,16,24); break; 
    This isn't mandatory -- as far as I know -- but it looks really, really ugly and confusing if you don't do it.


    Also, did you go to Town Details and actually name the town script that goes with the town?

  10. I just ran some tests on how spells are affected by immunities. I figured I'd share. (Some of this is fairly obvious. Some of it, I think, is not.)


    Fire is pretty much what one would expect. Giving a creature cr_immunities 0 = 100 makes that creature fully immune to fire and thus invulnerable to the spells Bolt of Fire, Fireblast, and Divine Fire.


    Cold, likewise, confers immunity to Ice Lances (but NOT Smite, which apparently does Magic damage, despite its description: "Fires bolts of ice").


    Next up, Magic. It seems to make the creature immune to Slow, Lightning Spray, Forcecage, Arcane Blow, Smite, and Divine Retribution.


    Mental: immune to Capture Mind, Terror, and Control Foes.


    Poison/acid: immune to Spray Acid.


    Melee: immune to Cloud of Blades. Also gives immunity to ranged weapons (bows, javelins, etc).


    That leaves two offensive spells: Repel Spirit and Simulacrum. Repel Spirit appears not to be affected by immunities at all. All undead are vulnerable to it, and so are all demons (if you have it at a high level), regardless of immunities. Simulacrum isn't affected by immunities either, but only by creature species: species 12 is immune to Simulacrum.


    The upshot of this is that certain spells are probably pretty useful in almost any combat situation, Simulacrum and Cloud of Blades in particular. Most combat situations will not be against a monster who is completely immune to Melee, so Cloud of Blades will almost always work. And generally only big, important monsters will be Special species and therefore immune to Simulacrum -- and woe betide any designer who forgets to make his dungeon boss of this species, because suddenly that boss will be fighting a duplicate of himself (or possibly two or three).


    Spray Acid, on the other hand, is pretty worthless, because so many things are immune to poison and therefore also immune to acid that it really can't hurt anything.


    Immunity to Magic is a pretty big deal, because it disables so many spells, and not just direct damage ones: Slow and Forcecage are under that heading, too. Those are useful spells for getting a creature out of the way for a few turns, and they can't be done to magic-immune creatures.


    I was investigating this in the interest of designing tactical challenges in a scenario, and I was wondering if there was some way to make the player use spells that one normally wouldn't use. Hope someone finds it interesting and possibly even useful. cool

  11. Ideally, you center the editor's screen around the spot that you want to know the coordinates of and then read them from the thing in the lower right-hand corner (just underneath the Drawing Mode). If you're looking at a square too far over to the side for you to center the screen on it, then count. You can count from the center of the screen or from the edges of the town (the first row on top is 0, and the first column on the left is 0).


    If you have a Mac, both Khoth's BetterEditor and Isaac's 3D editor have better ways of doing this, but if you have a PC, you're pretty much stuck with that.


    This was a much longer answer than necessary. *sigh*

  12. Okay, I just updated the list at the beginning of this thread. I labeled some things TP based on the four lists of priorities that people have already given (mine, *i's, Keep's sort of, and TM's from what I could figure out of it). If I'm still missing any calls or if you think some other calls might be more important, then post.


    We have 15 TP's if we take ones that showed up on at least two lists, and 7 if we take ones that showed up on at least three. For comparison, we got four new miscellaneous calls and the five String Manipulation Calls for Scenario Format Version 2. It seems to me that 10-15 calls would be a good number to submit as our top priorities, because then Jeff can narrow it down to the number that he'll add, which, judging from last time, would probably be 5-10.


    That is, of course, assuming that he does anything at all. But hey, we might as well be optimistic, right?

  13. Eh, yes, but it would make sense for the discount to work the other way, too (that is, buy Avernum n and then later get a discount on Exile n). I think he should just ask Jeff.

  14. Hee hee. Aceron causes a much bigger stir when he shows up at the Lyceum than here. People here don't even know who he is. He's this guy .


    Hey, Aceron, if you're interested, I highly recommend checking out some of the new BoE scenarios. Some recent highlights: Areni, a short fun tactical-challenge scenario that is rather different from anything that you would've seen three or four years ago; Nebulous Times Hence, which is longer and equally different from anything that preceded it; Emulations, also rather different and particularly well-told; Adventurer's Club 3, the largest scenario ever made for BoE; and a whole variety of others, too.


    I think we'd all be interested to hear what you think of the newer scenarios. And Areni even uses one of your old graphics.


    Also, with regard to Ben and his names: I have no trouble figuring out that it's him. TGM just doesn't seem remotely similar.

  15. Invulnerability potion is item 226. That thing in BoA Files (if you're on a Mac -- probably in BoA Data on a PC, but I'm not sure) called corescendata2.txt is a list of all the items. It is rather hard to follow if you don't know how to script, but you can at least get item names and numbers easily enough.

  16. Request target would, yet again, work exactly like targeting a spell or wand, so yes.


    Why would variables staying at the last value that you set them be bad? This seems strange to me. I just want reloading a game not to have any effect.


    Also, SDFs are not a perfect substitute. Variables can go much higher and lower than SDFs. The range on variable values is vastly greater. One cannot keep track of time with a single SDF, which is annoying.

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