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Posts posted by Kelandon

  1. As a much shorter but essentially identical answer:

    1. a. Correct. This can be done.

    b. Correct, again. This cannot be done.

    c. No.

    Yes, with states and SDFs, you can muck around with this a great deal. START_STATEs are useful for this sort of thing, for instance.


    2. a. Yes. That is, unless you feel like calling the scenario script to use one of its states and have access to its variables, which you can do at any time.

    b. The buffer stays as the buffer in memory. It is global. In your example, you would end up with "Churl is confused" in the text buffer.

  2. You need them to be in your custom graphics file, first of all, which should be a .cmg file. If your scenario's .bas file is called asdfjkl.bas, then your custom graphics file should be called asdfjkl.cmg. Then you need to paste the graphic into the file and have it be...


    Oh, for god's sake, just read the docs. Chapter 2.3. You need to define your objects' graphics in a custom objects script.


    EDIT: Use ResEdit to make the cmg file. If your custom graphic is creature number 150 and its resource ID is 524, then your custom objects script should contain a bit of code that looks like this.


    begindefinecreature 150;clear;cr_name = "Lizard Rider";cr_level = 50;cr_which_sheet = 524;cr_ap_bonus = 8;cr_species = 5;cr_default_attitude = 3; 
  3. You must be far better at reading over your code than I am. I rely on the BoA compiler a great deal. And the line numbers are meaningful once you know how to use them, although it can take some practice.


    All I know is that my debugging time cut in half or even less once I started using BBEdit Lite.

  4. Drakey had a post about this somewhere (probably deleted by now). I think he said that Malkeera went up in 1997 and died in 2000. Then the Ikonboard went up in March '01. Then the UBB in September '01. Lyceum was something like '98-present. But don't quote me on that, because I don't really know.


    And Rosycat, I couldn't agree more. As further proof:


    Streila Spies: 1.67 -- bad

    Unbalanced Accounts: 2.1 -- bad

    Inn of Blades: 5.5 -- starting to show some promise

    Echoes: 6.17 -- still showing promise, but eh

    Echoes: Assault: 8.02 -- finally, on his fifth scenario (if we omit grich and ToM Utility) he actually produces something fairly solid


    TM is a message of hope to newbies everywhere. Someday you, too, can create grand wonderful adventures, even if you struggle at first.


    EDITS: For, like, stuf.

  5. In fact, one of TM's first posts is archived in the Lyceum's archive of the Solberg controversy. I found another early TM post at one point (it was HILARIOUS) but I can't seem to track it down now.


    TM was a mod repeatedly, most notably on Misc, I think.


    When the hell did TGM show up? If I had to guess, I'd say 2002, but I honestly can't tell. He has had too many accounts.


    And Djur, pretty much everyone you mentioned is someone that I would put in the first category, as people who have been around forever. That's why I don't just think of people as "old" and "new."

  6. Don't use TextEdit, though. You'll be bashing your head against the wall trying to debug it. Use BBEdit Lite.


    Look at VoDT for examples of what the scripts should be titled. For example, each town has a different one, and it's standard to put the town number and part of the town name as part of the town script's title.

  7. I make four categorical distinctions. There are the elders of the community, like Alec and Thuryl, who have been here utterly forever. There are the real oldbies, who showed up no later than 2001, which includes people like Djur, Drakey, and most people that just about everyone thinks of as oldbies. (For some reason, 2001 seems to be the dividing line. If I set it any earlier, TM would be a newbie. :p ) Then there are the people who are new-ish, kinda, but showed up earlier than me. That's people like Rosy and Aran. And then there are people who are newer than me, who are definite newbies. Well, except some of the the 4000-4200 member numbers seem like they're slipping into the third category at this point, no longer real newbies and just sort of new-ish members.


    Why I felt the need to explain that, I don't know.


    EDIT: Nitpickers. TGM has so many accounts it's impossible to keep track of him. He feels newer than, say, Djur, though.

  8. The docs are missing any sort of decent tutorial. The docs work well for people at two levels: knowing how everything works and just needing one or two details on a call, or people who know absolutely nothing whatsoever (and it's not even terribly good at the latter). There's no connection between the two levels of not knowing anything and knowing how to do everything. BoE-ers are lucky because we understand the concepts at work here, but anyone who's never touched the BoE Scenario Editor is at a serious disadvantage. There is no tutorial, no real intro beyond, "Hey, scripting works by calls, and you have to paint terrain in scenarios, too."


    It frustrates the hell out of me, but I think we the community have to make this tutorial ourselves. If it doesn't get done by someone else in the next few months, I'll probably do it myself.


    Everything will also be much easier when we have more BoA scenarios whose scripts we can examine.

  9. There are a couple of vahnatai PC graphics over in the Louvre (like this one and this one , for instance).


    As for the "face" pics... BoA has some nice ones. To access them, download the demo of Blades of Avernum, open up the Scen Icon Graphics (in Blades of Avernum Files using ResEdit if you're on a Mac, something else if you're on a PC, don't know), and look at numbers 1913 and 1914. You'll probably have to resize them, which any paint application can probably do.


    Then you have to paste them in the appropriate places in the Avernum game that you're playing, but I assume that you already know how to do this. If you need instructions on that, too, just ask. (Also mention your operating system, because it matters.)


    EDIT: You could also get some B & W pics out of Avernum 2 Art, but these would definitely need to be cropped.

  10. I heartily second the first suggestion (an interesting turn of phrase), if TM is saying what I think he is, namely to check whether a space is proper for a creature to be on at all -- the call is_blocked sounds frustratingly similar to this, but it's not at all. The new call would check whether the space or terrain type was blocked also.


    As for the second, though, char_on_spot and char_on_loc do this, if I'm understanding that post correctly.

  11. A quick Google search reveals nothing. All the links are to Exile/Avernum-related sites.


    Well, except for this one , which is just really odd. It appears to be a recent (post-Exile, anyway) online D&D campaign using a number of "borrowed" city names, mostly from Exile, but also from Dragonlance. It has to be post-Exile, because they're using 3rd Edition, which came out in, er, 2000 I think, but certainly after Exile did in 1994.


    Anyway, yeah, I don't think Thralni is anything, although Jeff has been known to take names from various sources: the crazed member of the Triad, Linda, shares a name with Linda Strout, Spiderweb employee, and the popular historical Empire general who had an entire province of Valorim named after him has Mariann's last name, specifically Krizsan. He also used South Park names in ASR in Zaskiva. I could go on. I won't.

  12. Now that the SW ratings are searchable (and viewable alongside CSR and Alex ratings), I'm starting to understand why the community laughs at the SW ratings. Aftershocks (evidently a solid scenario but not a great classic) is rated 4.5. An Apology -- one of the best BoE scenarios of all time -- is rated 4.1. A sampling of scenarios rated higher than An Apology on the SW tables:


    Avalon (4.2 by SW, 4.88 by CSR)

    Compositus (4.3 by SW, 3.34 by CSR)

    Gray Moon: the Hand of Darkness (4.4 by SW, 4.93 by CSR)

    The Wreck of the Slug (4.4 by SW, 6.52 by CSR)


    And of course, the ever-classic The Realm of the Dragon Knights ties An Apology at 4.1 (where CSR puts it at 4.17).


    EDIT: To anyone who doesn't know -- lurkers? newbies? -- the reason this is laughable is that SW's ratings are out of 5, but CSR's are out of 10. An Apology has a 9.5 right now at CSR.

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