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Silver Shadow

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Everything posted by Silver Shadow

  1. I was kinda wondering why you can't preorder SW's games (from the "Order Right Now" link). I don't know about the rest of you, I'd kinda like the option, since I know that whatever he makes tends to be worth registering. By the way, I searched General, Geneforge 2, and Blades of Avernum for the word "Preorder" before posting this. If this has been addressed already, kindly point me in the right direction without too much flame, hmm?
  2. I always wonder why there are so many rules for politeness.. Anyway, yes, it does seem rather impolite to call someone a nOob. However, that could be just because most of the society I see around me is comprised of thin-skinned wussies with low self esteem. I don't even remember when I joined, but I don't think I've ever called anyone a nOob, in any board. Oh well.
  3. I, too, am not on Spring Break. I'll just be rotting in my classes, wondering if everyone else is enjoying their first view of GF3 while I try not to fall asleep. Such is life.
  4. Icshi: Ah.. Well, my conclusion was based on the fact that most of the postings occurred today. I figured the small remnants that weren't had been transferred. And if you're going to kill me, first you're going to have to find me. I kinda just moved away from my old home. If you manage that, kindly kill me quickly. No dismemberment or gutting allowed.
  5. According to something I read somewhere on this board, when the forum for the new game comes out, it's two days or less until the game comes out. I'm betting that's probably work days, so since the forum apparently appeared today, we can probably expect GF3 to be out by Wednesday of next week. Kindly don't murder me if I'm wrong.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Student of Trinity: <snip!>Maybe when GF4 starts getting underway, what we should do is determine, by a series of discussions and polls, the few features that the greatest majority of players want most. If we got something like that to Jeff early in the design cycle, it might be quite useful to him. Don't you mean "if?" Jeff seems to have his plate full at this point. Mad rushing to get GF3 out, plus Avernum 4, now.
  7. Quote: Originally written by Student of Trinity: <snip!>Maybe when GF4 starts getting underway, what we should do is determine, by a series of discussions and polls, the few features that the greatest majority of players want most. If we got something like that to Jeff early in the design cycle, it might be quite useful to him. Don't you mean "if?" Jeff seems to have his plate full at this point. Mad rushing to get GF3 out, plus Avernum 4, now.
  8. Ah, but which one is it? The Lady, or the Tiger?
  9. Respect them, I say. If they aren't toned down so you don't get destroyed, they can kick your butt unless you've cheated. They're an endangered species, if you think about it. Plus, there's no way they're going to survive. So leave off killing them, eventually there'll be none left.
  10. Whenever I make creations, which is not often, I give them names. I play as a Shaper, but I usually just start out with one Fyora that I level up until it can handle on it's own. Then I make an Artilla or a Searing Artilla. Think the last time I made a Fyora, its name was Hrath. I don't know where I got the name. The Artillas I make usually have acid somewhere in their names, sometimes only the letters. Katanacid, Searcidth, etc. The last Drayk I made had the name Sorath, maybe because it had wings.
  11. Sheila: Not to stomp your idea, but if you dismissed your creation, it would go rogue. Then it has two options. Try to kill you for enslaving it, or leave you alone and deprive you of essence.
  12. Tris: Drakons and Drayks. They don't fly, but they do have wings. (edit: read question wrong)
  13. Marcelo's got a point. To this, I add: Boats have always played a small role. In GF1, there was a reason for this, obviously. But GF2.. you could've had a small boat that travels rivers. Heck, you could even have special mutations that only live on a certain island. And what about in GF1, that "specially modified Drayk" that served as your craft? Why can't we make those? That'd be fun! Fire-spitting ships!
  14. skrewet, let's try not to tick off the board members. Generally, that ticks off the moderators, too. To be brutally honest, I don't like AoE 1 at all. AoE 2 was better, but I think I wasted money on the first one. Having never bothered playing online, I couldn't tell you whether you're playing idiots or not. but you might try Starcraft. I know 20 year olds who are still playing that. Warcraft 3, too. Kinda pity he who goes against that 20 year old, actually... Knock yourself out, if it interests you.
  15. Quote: Originally written by glaahk: Well,I believe they are the things that troubled me a lot in Avernum. Guess who they are? 1.they are giant 2.they are intelligent 3.they are frighteningly friendly 4.they have 8 legs. 5.It thinks you are cute 6.all the creatures of this species name themselves spider (screams and runs in the other direction) No! No! Anything but that! Anything but those spiders!
  16. Hmm... spirit armies. Creepy thought, especially if they happen to be Risen Shades. (shiver) Nasty things. That's an army I'd run away screaming from.
  17. Oooh. Diseases. Good thought, Red. Eass can technically "create" a disease. Jeff could have deliberatly made the ending so ambigous that we'd automatically guess it was a creation. Or maybe a rotagroth with the disease. (I just can't spell those nasties' names correctly, and I'm too lazy to look it up... )
  18. That would be fun. Three of my custom designed Reaper turrets (or spinecores?), my Drakon, and some nasty boss. Bring it on.
  19. Apparently, you haven't completed the game, Theaf. Since that's so, I will refrain from beating your theories into the ground. Except for the 20,000 pound ornk. Ornks, as far as we know, are warm-blooded, like pigs. Therefore, since the door was cold, this is highly unlikely. Now go finish the game.
  20. Maybe you mean Gazak-Uss? Because there are indeed some seriously nasty eyebeasts there. (shudders) The Drakon master was pretty nasty, too, but he drops a sweet cloak.
  21. An excellent theory, FZ. It would make GF3 pretty interesting if they used the Takers' ending. If you were caught between the two sides, and maybe a small settlement of Awakened. (since they just don't die) Hm... that's only 3 sects, though. There'd have to be two more, to continue the trend. <wild, crazy theory> Maybe the Takers will recreate the serviles so they can shape, too. Then some of them will rebel, like the Sholai in GF1, and go hide somewhere. And reseach new creations. And create an army. And destroy BOTH sides! </wild, crazy theory> That was fun. Maybe there'll be a settlement of Gazers. They did have some kind of system, and a referance to "the eye," probably themselves. They're also intelligent enough to do such a thing. I wouldn't dare speculate on the Rotigroths, though. (shudder) Like Battle Alphas, only worse.
  22. Ah, so that's how many. Thanks. Lenny: Yeah, a house would be great. You might end of having to purchase it, though. In the last two GFs, you've traveled somewhere. Maybe an abandoned Shaper house? It'd be a interesting addition, anyway. Has anyone else noticed that you simply can't put anything in dressers, cabinets, etc?
  23. More colors would be nice. I'm finding the blue to be a bit boring, after awhile. Black would be kinda cool. Yellow, maybe. Or tie-dye. Just kidding. Personally, I like being able to travel 3 miles in about 5 seconds.. Exile got on my nerves that way. (spoilers) Iolanda: Eass is a drakon, the best made so far. He's exceedingly hard to kill, and being a drakon, he can shape. This poses a problem for the Shapers. To learn more, play the game and join the Takers. (/spoilers) I think the shops get money in GF2 when you sell them enough different items that they run out of space. One item replaces another and they gain money. I could, of course, be wrong there, though. And lastly, try increasing Strength. If charms are sapping how much you can carry, then you really need to bulk up that stat. I agree with Omega, too. Huest Blade got himself killed about 6 times by trying to go over hotpads to help me fight a pylon. I ended up giving up and letting him die. The inactive should be changed.
  24. (erases double post) Curses! I hate double posts! Melaw, agreed. At the end of the game, I had to search about 12 areas to find one.
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