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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. I disagree on a lot of small points. I don't think there is much point in my rehashing what I said in previous posts. It does seem to me that you want to have your cake and eat it too, on some of these points of interpretation. But I don't think it's worth going into. That said, I definitely agree with you that an all-mage party is probably optimal, that an archery-oriented party could be fun, and that either one is definitely better than the conventional party. About Sniper's status effects, it has seemed pretty similar to Cloak of Curses the times I've tried it out. Which is indeed why I have never bothered to include it in analyses of Sniper's effects.
  2. 14 Sniper. Totally achievable, but (outside of fairly late game items) it requires at least 26 manually placed points (plus some very expensive training) to get there; 28 if you want to train Sharpshooter or Gymnastics past 10, which this build does. You can get there as early as level 14, but if you do that, this character is definitely not doing anything else but shooting arrows -- and if you go the Gymnastics route, the arrows aren't going to be doing that much damage, either. That said, fair point about reloading on that first turn if AR fails. With 12 Gymnastics, chance of not getting any bonus AP in a round is actually 28.2%. (And there's actually only 1 point of Gymnastics available from items or trainers that are easily accessible in the first half of the game.) "This defensive bonus is always effective, except when fighting the strongest enemies." So, um, it's effective all the time except when you need it most. Great defensive strategy. You also left out ice elemental attacks, which you can't dodge with Dex. If you use the reload strategy you are suggesting, then Haste by itself has a 55% chance to proc successfully on an AR turn as described. So with 14 Sniper and a 96% chance, you're actually only increasing the odds of getting that fifth action in by 41%. So you're going from an average of 4.55 actions, to an average of 4.96 actions. That's an increase of 9% damage, not "AT LEAST 25%". I assume you say "at least" because you might be using fewer than all five of those actions to attack; while accurate, you always have the option to attack, so if you aren't attacking it's because you have something better to do, so that extra attack would be contributing less, not more, to the total impact of your turn, in that case. Finally, if you use the reload strategy you are suggesting, then you could also just choose to reload the 45% of the time Haste doesn't proc, in which case Sniper truly does nothing. Remember that it will take till level 14 to reach Sniper 14 -- when you aren't training Priest Spells. If you're also training Priest Spells, it will take longer. You're also giving this character Gymnastics, which means if you also want Sharpshooter for them, that too will take time. Plus, I assume they will be pumping Dex rather than Int, so they can't just use Smite and such in place of attacks early on. Basically, it will take a very long time before this character functions the way you want them to. And they will likely be fragile, since you won't be able to pursue Hardiness or Resistance for them until very, very late, unless you abandon some of their offensive aspirations. This I don't understand at all. Bows and melee weapons are both worseless for mages, as far as attacks go. Unless you pump Dex, you won't hit things with a bow. If you do, you'll be rather worse as a mage. And you can equip both either way, for item bonuses. ??? Your calculations seem to assume three magic users -- I'm not sure why -- but, OK, going with that, your three-PC Gymnastics strategy results in a 56% chance of a thirteenth spell on turn one. It's not really a huge bonus at that point. It's certainly not bad, but you're comparing it to 36% reduction against all forms of damage. Which if you're running at least three mages, and playing on a higher difficulty level, is very useful. Is it strictly necessary? Probably not, but neither is that thirteenth spell. The survivability is a lot more useful. Three mages means you're not going to be able to keep anyone out of the fray consistently. Well, I'm glad at least that you admit AoEs are much more impactful than archer attacks. Connect that statement to the Cloak spells, and there you go.
  3. Salmon: whaling: It's had its better and worse moments in human history but in general it's hard to get excited about killing things, especially when it gets awfully close to killing all of the things bimetallism: "Revolution is a trivial shift in the emphasis of suffering." -- Tom Stoppard, still the Byzantine Empire: I give it credit for having a name that sounds, frankly, quite cool in English, though I suppose it really has the development of English stress patterns for that, and of course it wasn't a contemporary name in the first place. Beyond that -- I mean it's a massive political entity that concentrated wealth and power and oppressed people, what is there to love here Hallowe'en: Anthropologically fascinating but annoying and vapid to actually live through. The Microsoft Office Assistant: I think my feelings are implied Carmen McRae: Doesn't move me quite as it could Nina Simone: Does Greek Yogurt: I might not care, but the Greek yogurt fad has taken over basically all of the shelf space from good non-Greek yogurt, which is annoying Croissants: When done right, it's hard for any other baked good to compare The city you live in: I used to say "It's not you, it's me" about this city, but I'm still here, years later. It could be a lot worse MMORPGs: Such a good concept, ruined by people Star Wars original trilogy: Alec Guinness, Carrie Fisher, and James Earl Jones carry this, despite gradually increasing quantities of stupidity in the second and third movies Star Wars prequel trilogy: So many problems, so much creepiness, so many artistic choices that I just can't understand Star Wars new movies: Haven't bothered to see them and probably won't Garfield (cat): Subject of an extremely pointless comic strip. On the plus side, not a human James Garfield: For a U.S. president, he was relatively non-sucky; anti-corruption and pro-civil rights is pretty much enough to do that Richard Garfield: Ahhhh... well, he's had a hand in one game that I have an exceedingly high opinion; some other good ones; some total crap that I don't understand why people like; and then there's MtG. I don't agree with all of what he's expounded about game design but it's interesting Dogs Square One Television Chrono Trigger Cyberpunk Bilbo Baggins Cait Sith Waving Hands Pet Sounds "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote" Spirited Away Exile II: Crystal Souls Nethergate Billie Holiday "Nephil's Gambit" Slartibartfast Kierkegaard The Tarot Deck Madeline Kahn The deck of many things Seinfeld Egizia Coffee Croissants Bossa nova Disco Jiji (character) File compression Sliced bread Bagels Subways (transit) Your favourite anime Ducks Willow Rosenberg Prossis-Bok Working out Nina Simone Sea slugs Ninjas Jiji (in Nikki's lap) Reality TV Ice cream The Northern Lights Russian literature 70's cars Georg Cantor —Alorael C++ Good grammar Cor Blok's Tolkien art Bacon Henry Wallace OK Computer Speedy Gonzales screenshot Sans serif fonts Saunas Linux Vinyl records The aesthetic qualities of the Greek alphabet Maggie Simpson The Queen is Dead Shanti Schuyler Colfax Roguelikes Chess Lady Gaga Lawsuits Wine Jeff Vogel Ravens Smartphones Whiskey The Evil Overlord List Exile III: Ruined World The last game I played Bartenders Sock puppets Flamingos The Chronicles of Narnia "Mr. Green Genes" Penguins Civilization (human phenomenon) Beer Frodo Baggins Bob Dylan Richard Garfield Ontology Cluny the Scourge Ella Fitzgerald Pelicans BitTorrent Nevermind TLC Mexican food Tom Waits 70's prog Sliths Avernum II: Crystal Souls Slarty Ranks Everything Ranking lists "...Gottfried Reads Fifty Shades..." The Cranberries (band) Donuts Cats Trombones The Muppets The Eiffel Tower Solidarność screenshot Civ II Revolutions Casablanca Avadon series Goldfish (snack) Gilbert Gottfried Football (American) Nephils Princess Peach Star Wars original trilogy James Garfield Avernum 4 Cinnamon rolls Aretha Franklin Homestar Runner They Might Be Giants Tennis Posting games Inspector Peanut Subinfeudation Solitaire The Big Lebowski Nelson Rockefeller Goldfish (fish) King Arthur The aesthetic qualities of the Hebrew alphabet Windows 3.1 Carmen McRae Richard Cheese Bark spider Dolphins Metahumor Nixon's foreign policy Sparkling water Grant Wood Paprika Norman Rockwell Nick Cave MMORPGs "This is a Trent Reznor Song" Spam (meat) Cabaret (film) Peanuts Standard playing cards Xian Skull (item) Spam (e-mails) Checkers Pineapple pizza The LP rendition of Slarty's voice Vitamin C supplements 70's movies "Lackadaisical" Puggsy Louis Armstrong "Mr. Tambourine Man" Godwin's Law The aesthetic qualities of hierogylphics Russian Bimetallism Beowulf (character) Angry Birds Alf screenshot Today's weather Phantom stair step (bottom) Word Rescue Minecraft Mechanical pencils Vultures The post that asks me to rank itself Greek yogurt KISS (principle) Salty liquorice Galactic Core Gilmore Girls Hockey George Clooney Getting a triple word score in Scrabble Phantom stair step (top) Turkey/cat video Dieselpunk Life of Brian AOL Hipgnosis Salt lamps Bertrand Russell My Little Pony 80's fashion Whaling The War on Drugs (band) Queen (band) Fifty Shades of Grey Jane Austen books The Byzantine Empire The Let's Play series Runtz Basketball Baseball "Acceptable in the 80's" (song) Halloween Cats (musical) Pirates "Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros" (song) Soccer Robin Hood (character) Star Wars prequel trilogy Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas the Tank Engine Freefall (webcomic) "2500 things Mr. Welch..." Novelty mugs Fedoras ELIZA The Microsoft Office Assistant Kitten/rat box John Calhoun (politician) Mr. Toad of Toad Hall The Xavier Files BGG Top 10 Johnny Cash Sock puppets (fake accounts) KISS The Barber Paradox Elfpunk U2 Wings (band) Steampunk Turnips Fictional names that use a lot of apostrophes Twilight Saga Anchovy pizza The Big Bang Theory (TV show) "Stuff from the 90's!" (song) The Olympics The Crusades King Leopold Handlebar mustaches Birthdays
  4. Aha, here is the problem: you've never actually used these abilities together Adrenaline Rush does not actually give you extra AP -- it sets your AP to a new total. Battle Frenzy, on the other hand, gives you extra AP at the start of your turn only. (Gymnastics works the same way.) So here's what actually happens when you combine abilities: 13 AP -- Start of turn w/ BF 4 AP -- Attack #1 20 AP -- Use Adrenaline Rush 11 AP -- Attack #2 2 AP -- Attack #3 End -- Attack #4 Now let's talk about how Haste (or Sniper, same thing) works here. If Haste activates on Attack 4, it's obviously useless. It Haste activates on Attacks 2 or 3, you end up 4 AP higher, but you need 8 AP more to get an extra move post-Adrenaline Rush. If Haste activates on Adrenaline Rush, the situation is the same (due to the order of effects: you lose 9 AP for acting, then regain 4 AP if Haste triggers, then your AP is set to 0 if it is negative, then 20 is added to your AP). So the only realistic avenue to an extra move is if Haste activates on Attack 1. Then you end up at 8 AP, and indeed you only need 2 AP more to get an extra move in before you use Adrenaline Rush. This sounds similar to the situation you are in without Adrenaline Rush -- if you start at 15 AP, you have two chances for Haste to activate and get you a third action. What's different is that here, you only get one free chance for Haste to activate. If you make a second attack before using AR and Haste doesn't activate, you don't get to use AR and your turn ends -- a worse outcome than anything else being looked at. So with 2 AP items, BF, and Haste, you have only a 1 in 3 chance to get 5 attacks instead of 4 on a turn when you use AR. With Gymnastics, the chance is reduced since you need Haste to proc and you need 2 successful Gymnastics rolls. Yes, with Sniper it can potentially be higher, but that is a LOT of skill points going into what is -- at MOST -- a chance of dealing an extra 25% damage. -- Finally, let's address the "one time bonus" bit. That is accurate but misleading. It's a one-at-a-time bonus that you can activate in the first round of every battle. No, it won't be active in the second or third rounds... but the first round is almost always the most important. It certainly is in overworld encounters (often the deadliest, since you can't buff ahead of time). It usually is in dungeons too, since it is your chance to strike first with debuffs and with obliteration of ancillary enemies; the faster you kill stuff, the less it can hurt you later and the less time you have to spend healing later, etc etc. What's that, you have a battle where the first round isn't the most critical? Cool -- just save your fatigue and wait to use AR until you need it. It's a huge bonus that applies at least once in every battle, whenever you need it most. And that means that it is always going to be the most important round, when a Gymnastics/Sniper-based setup is at its least useful.
  5. The rabbit that "attacked" Jimmy Carter: Too much is unknown about this rabbit. Willow Rosenberg: Through season 5, a likeable, nuanced character who grows in interesting ways, and is definitely one of the most interesting geek-archetype portrayals I can think of on any TV show. In theory, all the elements of her progression in season 6 could be good, but -- as with everything else in that season -- it was just made a little too frivolously over-the-top. Then with season 7, Kennedy and "you're a goddess" -- ugh, not going to go there. But I weigh the first five seasons more heavily. Subway (transportation): I've always been fond of them. Not sure why exactly. Godwin's Law: Godwin's self-fulfilling prophecy. It also feels entirely out of place -- once upon a time people _did_ make unwarranted references to Hitler as an extrema, but the English-speaking Internet is now much more likely to bring him up because there is an actual comparison being made. So, meh. Dintiradan's Law is obviously superior. Life of Brian: I don't love it. Whereas Holy Grail delivered comedy manacled to incisive social criticism, this movie is basically a fart joke about religion. Seinfeld: Probably the best sitcom ever made. There's real artistry to the way memes loop in and out, and it captures individual moments of human interaction in a way that is really unusual. Ranking Lists: Generally afflicted with unfortunate judgments, yet so tempting. Square One TV: The smartest, funniest educational program ever made. It has a special place in my heart. (Eight hundredths of the time, it's the only show I'm dreaming of.) Waving Hands: A truly ingenious game. Madeline Kahn: An amazing actress with just the right combination of quizzicalness, confidence, surprise, quietude, and -- that thing she does with her voice... Egizia: A very good board game. Fedoras: I truly don't understand why anyone thinks these look good. Even on a purely aesthetic level -- even putting aside the negative associations they conjure up for many people. Coffee: <3 The Chronicles of Narnia: There are things I appreciate about it -- and I am the last person to criticize something for involving pretentious theological allegories -- but, man, Aslan at the Stone Table, come on. And then there is _the problem of Susan,_ which really is a big problem. Basic solitaire (Klondike): I give it credit for filling a niche, and that's about it. Dogs Square One Television Chrono Trigger Cyberpunk Bilbo Baggins Cait Sith Waving Hands Pet Sounds "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote" Spirited Away Exile II: Crystal Souls Nethergate Billie Holiday "Nephil's Gambit" Slartibartfast Kierkegaard The Tarot Deck Madeline Kahn The deck of many things Seinfeld Egizia Coffee Bossa nova Disco Jiji (character) File compression Sliced bread Bagels Subways (transit) Your favourite anime Ducks Willow Rosenberg Prossis-Bok Working out Sea slugs Ninjas Jiji (in Nikki's lap) Reality TV Ice cream The Northern Lights Russian literature 70's cars Georg Cantor —Alorael C++ Good grammar Cor Blok's Tolkien art Bacon Henry Wallace OK Computer Speedy Gonzales screenshot Sans serif fonts Saunas Linux Vinyl records The aesthetic qualities of the Greek alphabet Maggie Simpson The Queen is Dead Shanti Schuyler Colfax Roguelikes Chess Lady Gaga Lawsuits Wine Jeff Vogel Ravens Smartphones Whiskey The Evil Overlord List Exile III: Ruined World The last game I played Bartenders Sock puppets Flamingos The Chronicles of Narnia "Mr. Green Genes" Penguins Civilization (human phenomenon) Beer Frodo Baggins Bob Dylan Ontology Cluny the Scourge Ella Fitzgerald Pelicans BitTorrent Nevermind TLC Mexican food Tom Waits 70's prog Sliths Avernum II: Crystal Souls Slarty Ranks Everything Ranking lists "...Gottfried Reads Fifty Shades..." The Cranberries (band) Donuts Cats Trombones The Muppets The Eiffel Tower Solidarność screenshot Civ II Revolutions Casablanca Avadon series Goldfish (snack) Gilbert Gottfried Football (American) Nephils Princess Peach Avernum 4 Cinnamon rolls Aretha Franklin Homestar Runner They Might Be Giants Tennis Posting games Inspector Peanut Subinfeudation Solitaire The Big Lebowski Nelson Rockefeller Goldfish (fish) King Arthur The aesthetic qualities of the Hebrew alphabet Windows 3.1 Richard Cheese Bark spider Dolphins Metahumor Nixon's foreign policy Sparkling water Grant Wood Paprika Norman Rockwell Nick Cave "This is a Trent Reznor Song" Spam (meat) Cabaret (film) Peanuts Standard playing cards Xian Skull (item) Spam (e-mails) Checkers Pineapple pizza The LP rendition of Slarty's voice Vitamin C supplements 70's movies "Lackadaisical" Puggsy Louis Armstrong "Mr. Tambourine Man" Godwin's Law The aesthetic qualities of hierogylphics Russian Beowulf (character) Angry Birds Alf screenshot Today's weather Phantom stair step (bottom) Word Rescue Minecraft Mechanical pencils Vultures The post that asks me to rank itself KISS (principle) Salty liquorice Galactic Core Gilmore Girls Hockey George Clooney Getting a triple word score in Scrabble Phantom stair step (top) Turkey/cat video Dieselpunk Life of Brian AOL Hipgnosis Salt lamps Bertrand Russell My Little Pony 80's fashion The War on Drugs (band) Queen (band) Fifty Shades of Grey Jane Austen books The Let's Play series Runtz Basketball Baseball "Acceptable in the 80's" (song) Cats (musical) Pirates "Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros" (song) Soccer Robin Hood (character) Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas the Tank Engine Freefall (webcomic) "2500 things Mr. Welch..." Novelty mugs Fedoras ELIZA Kitten/rat box John Calhoun (politician) Mr. Toad of Toad Hall The Xavier Files BGG Top 10 Johnny Cash Sock puppets (fake accounts) KISS The Barber Paradox Elfpunk U2 Wings (band) Steampunk Turnips Fictional names that use a lot of apostrophes Twilight Saga Anchovy pizza The Big Bang Theory (TV show) "Stuff from the 90's!" (song) The Olympics The Crusades King Leopold Handlebar mustaches Birthdays
  6. I said early on that I wasn't going to include items I had basically no opinion about (unless that in itself was interesting). To make a comparison, the birds that someone suggested were all birds with symbolic significance; lions, tigers and bears were clearly suggested on the other hand because they are all in the phrase "lions, tigers, and bears, oh my" -- which is a common thread, but does not make any of those items interesting on their own. So, the way to get me to rank your entries is to post ones that I have meaningful opinions about already, and/or ones that I can develop meaningful opinions about based on a cursory amount of googling or wikipedia-ing. (Also, there are some other reasons I am omitting items, e.g., if they are basically just about me, or about another member here, or if they break the code of conduct, etc.)
  7. Mr Tambourine Man: I got it in my head that it sounds like "Hey There Delilah" and I can't unthink it. Oh well Mr Green Genes: Good, but I prefer the Beach Boys' "Vege-tables" Windows 3.1: While there is nostalgia here, I ended up installing it a year or two back to play an old game. It was... not all that my memory thought it was. It did what it needed to. U2: DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their music isn't actually abominable, but still. Reality TV: A secret guilty pleasure -- and a fairly deep one at that. TLC: I'm pretty OK with them. The Big Bang Theory (TV show): Utter despise for its pretend-reverence-masking-actual-denigration of geek culture; its infelicitous mainstreamificaction of geek culture; and its misogyny. Curling: I don't know why everyone suddenly cared about curling this year but I still don't. Dogs Chrono Trigger Cyberpunk Bilbo Baggins Cait Sith Pet Sounds "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote" Spirited Away Exile II: Crystal Souls Nethergate Billie Holiday "Nephil's Gambit" Slartibartfast Kierkegaard The Tarot Deck The Deck of Many Things Bossa nova Disco Jiji (character) File compression Sliced bread Bagels Your favourite anime Ducks Prossis-Bok Working out Sea slugs Ninjas Jiji (in Nikki's lap) Reality TV Ice cream The Northern Lights Russian literature 70's cars Georg Cantor —Alorael C++ Good grammar Cor Blok's Tolkien art Bacon Henry Wallace OK Computer Speedy Gonzales screenshot Sans serif fonts Saunas Linux Vinyl records The aesthetic qualities of the Greek alphabet Maggie Simpson The Queen is Dead Shanti Schuyler Colfax Roguelikes Chess Lady Gaga Lawsuits Wine Jeff Vogel Ravens Smartphones Whiskey The Evil Overlord List Exile III: Ruined World The last game I played Bartenders Sock puppets Flamingos "Mr. Green Genes" Penguins Civilization (human phenomenon) Beer Frodo Baggins Bob Dylan Ontology Cluny the Scourge Ella Fitzgerald Pelicans BitTorrent Nevermind TLC Mexican food Tom Waits 70's prog Sliths Avernum II: Crystal Souls Slarty Ranks Everything "...Gottfried Reads Fifty Shades..." The Cranberries (band) Donuts Cats Trombones The Muppets The Eiffel Tower Solidarność screenshot Civ II Revolutions Casablanca Avadon series Goldfish (snack) Gilbert Gottfried Football (American) Nephils Princess Peach Avernum 4 Cinnamon rolls Aretha Franklin Homestar Runner They Might Be Giants Tennis Posting games Inspector Peanut Subinfeudation The Big Lebowski Nelson Rockefeller Goldfish (fish) King Arthur The aesthetic qualities of the Hebrew alphabet Windows 3.1 Richard Cheese Bark spider Dolphins Metahumor Nixon's foreign policy Sparkling water Grant Wood Paprika Norman Rockwell Nick Cave "This is a Trent Reznor Song" Spam (meat) Cabaret (film) Peanuts Standard playing cards Xian Skull (item) Spam (e-mails) Checkers Pineapple pizza The LP rendition of Slarty's voice Vitamin C supplements 70's movies "Lackadaisical" Puggsy Louis Armstrong "Mr. Tambourine Man" The aesthetic qualities of hierogylphics Russian Beowulf (character) Angry Birds Alf screenshot Today's weather Phantom stair step (bottom) Word Rescue Minecraft Mechanical pencils Vultures The post that asks me to rank itself KISS (principle) Salty liquorice Galactic Core Gilmore Girls Hockey George Clooney Getting a triple word score in Scrabble Phantom stair step (top) Turkey/cat video Dieselpunk AOL Hipgnosis Salt lamps Bertrand Russell My Little Pony 80's fashion The War on Drugs (band) Queen (band) Fifty Shades of Grey Jane Austen books The Let's Play series Runtz Basketball Baseball "Acceptable in the 80's" (song) Cats (musical) Pirates "Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros" (song) Soccer Robin Hood (character) Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas the Tank Engine Freefall (webcomic) "2500 things Mr. Welch..." Novelty mugs ELIZA Kitten/rat box John Calhoun (politician) Mr. Toad of Toad Hall The Xavier Files BGG Top 10 Johnny Cash Sock puppets (fake accounts) KISS The Barber Paradox Elfpunk U2 Wings (band) Steampunk Turnips Fictional names that use a lot of apostrophes Twilight Saga Anchovy pizza The Big Bang Theory (TV show) "Stuff from the 90's!" (song) The Olympics The Crusades King Leopold Handlebar mustaches Birthdays
  8. Ella Fitzgerald: Good. Billie Holiday: One of my favourite singers of all time. Love her. Bob Dylan: Not without his flaws, but he's done some great stuff. Tom Waits: In theory, I like him a lot. In practice, it often doesn't line up. Whiskey: Usually the right spirit. Beer: At its best, wonderful; and its worst, awful. Wine: Why yes I will have another. Chess: I can imagine being really into chess if I weren't more interested in other games. Checkers: Sigh. Playing Cards (meaning a classic 52-card deck): Points for versatility, but on the flip side, they are so standardized that they feel very generic at the same time. Rarely something I want to pick up; other sorts of cards are so much more interesting. Your favorite BoE scenario (you choose): A+ Dogs Chrono Trigger Cyberpunk Bilbo Baggins Cait Sith Pet Sounds "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote" Spirited Away Exile II: Crystal Souls Nethergate Billie Holiday "Nephil's Gambit" Slartibartfast Kierkegaard The Tarot Deck The Deck of Many Things Bossa nova Disco Jiji (character) File compression Sliced bread Bagels Your favourite anime Ducks Prossis-Bok Working out Sea slugs Ninjas Jiji (in Nikki's lap) Ice cream The Northern Lights Russian literature 70's cars Georg Cantor —Alorael C++ Good grammar Cor Blok's Tolkien art Bacon Henry Wallace OK Computer Speedy Gonzales screenshot Sans serif fonts Saunas Linux Vinyl records The aesthetic qualities of the Greek alphabet Maggie Simpson The Queen is Dead Shanti Schuyler Colfax Roguelikes Chess Lady Gaga Lawsuits Wine Jeff Vogel Ravens Smartphones Whiskey The Evil Overlord List Exile III: Ruined World The last game I played Bartenders Sock puppets Flamingos Penguins Civilization (human phenomenon) Beer Frodo Baggins Bob Dylan Ontology Cluny the Scourge Ella Fitzgerald Pelicans BitTorrent Nevermind Mexican food Tom Waits 70's prog Sliths Avernum II: Crystal Souls Slarty Ranks Everything "...Gottfried Reads Fifty Shades..." The Cranberries (band) Donuts Cats Trombones The Muppets The Eiffel Tower Solidarność screenshot Civ II Revolutions Casablanca Avadon series Goldfish (snack) Gilbert Gottfried Football (American) Nephils Princess Peach Avernum 4 Cinnamon rolls Aretha Franklin Homestar Runner They Might Be Giants Tennis Posting games Inspector Peanut Subinfeudation The Big Lebowski Nelson Rockefeller Goldfish (fish) King Arthur The aesthetic qualities of the Hebrew alphabet Richard Cheese Bark spider Dolphins Metahumor Nixon's foreign policy Sparkling water Grant Wood Paprika Norman Rockwell Nick Cave "This is a Trent Reznor Song" Spam (meat) Cabaret (film) Peanuts Standard playing cards Xian Skull (item) Spam (e-mails) Checkers Pineapple pizza The LP rendition of Slarty's voice Vitamin C supplements 70's movies "Lackadaisical" Puggsy Louis Armstrong The aesthetic qualities of hierogylphics Russian Beowulf (character) Angry Birds Alf screenshot Today's weather Phantom stair step (bottom) Word Rescue Minecraft Mechanical pencils Vultures The post that asks me to rank itself KISS (principle) Salty liquorice Galactic Core Gilmore Girls Hockey George Clooney Getting a triple word score in Scrabble Phantom stair step (top) Turkey/cat video Dieselpunk AOL Hipgnosis Salt lamps Bertrand Russell My Little Pony 80's fashion The War on Drugs (band) Queen (band) Fifty Shades of Grey Jane Austen books The Let's Play series Runtz Basketball Baseball "Acceptable in the 80's" (song) Cats (musical) Pirates "Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros" (song) Soccer Robin Hood (character) Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas the Tank Engine Freefall (webcomic) "2500 things Mr. Welch..." Novelty mugs ELIZA Kitten/rat box John Calhoun (politician) Mr. Toad of Toad Hall The Xavier Files BGG Top 10 Johnny Cash Sock puppets (fake accounts) KISS The Barber Paradox Elfpunk Wings (the band) Steampunk Turnips Fictional names that use a lot of apostrophes Twilight Saga Anchovy pizza "Stuff from the 90's!" (song) The Olympics The Crusades King Leopold Handlebar mustaches Birthdays
  9. sea slugs: Pretty cool looking. Also an enemy in DW2, which is cool the Eiffel Tower: I suspect there's a lot of really bad crap entwined with its history, but at least we got a cool Pixies song out of it "Acceptable in the 80's": Unnecessary "Stuff from the 90's!": I *have* nostalgia for the 90's and I *still* despise this. I can't tell if it's attempting to make a point about negative stuff being ignored, or just a dumb joke. The fact that the first three "jokes" were emblematic effects of egregious systemic ethnic supremacism -- but then the fourth was the Oklahoma City Bombing which, while sad, has a lot less to unpack -- suggests that it is what it looks like: a bunch of clueless white kids (they are literally all white) trying to be ironic and, unironically, failing "Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros": Trying too hard The Deck of Many Things: I've always loved this on many levels. More recently, I've been postulating that the Donjon card is the origin of the strangely titled "Dejon" spell in Final Fantasy (usually localized as "Warp" or "X-Zone"). Tarot: Similarly, there's a lot of neat, involved symbolism here. I have to admit though that the best Tarot is this one -- http://www.benjaminmackey.com/magicianlongstoseetarot ELIZA: How this has stuck around as long as it has is beyond me Your favourite anime: Thumbs up Cor Blok's Tolkien art: I was pleasantly surprised by this. There were a few that I really liked Pelicans: The Pelican is the symbol of a particularly venerable British college into whose gardens I was once locked in overnight. It's a good story. I don't find the widespread religious symbolism that interesting, though Flamingos: Like two flamingos in a fruit fight -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4j_yeXgz_0 Ravens: I'm down with these liminal psychopomps Roguelikes: There's considerable variation here, but ultimately, this is a good genre The Big Lebowski: Fine, but overrated Mechanical pencils: You'd think someone would have improved this design by now AOL: OnlineHost : SpidWeb rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2 5 Smartphones: ...I wish I didn't appreciate these as much as I do Homestar Runner: Not Strong Bad Bagels: Mmmf mmnf. Donuts: Potentially great but so many are just so overdone with sugar. Beowulf: Not as interesting as other epic heroes Robin Hood: Ruined by Hollywood, if there was ever anything there to begin with King Arthur: Somehow not ruined Queen (Band): Never been able to appreciate them Louis Armstrong: I find him less exciting than many of the other jazz giants salt lamps: What's that smell -- is it an oncoming pseudoscience postravaganza? Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote: I'm a sucker for Borges. This piece has so much to it Nick Cave: There's a lot of things about him that I appreciate, but his music somehow takes itself a little bit too seriously for me Spirited Away: A favourite, period Jiji (the fictional one): A favourite instance of a favourite archetype Jiji (the one on my lap): So many things I want to say here, Nikki. So many things Getting a triple word score in Scrabble: Good, except it means you are playing Scrabble, which is bad Princess Peach: Mixed feelings. On the one hand she is a truly enduring damsel-in-distress. On the other hand, some of her appearances are actually pretty good. And there's always the original Super Princess Peach -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmjMBhp8Nrw -- besides which I strongly prefer "Toadstool" as a name Barbarossa: I don't know enough to have strong opinions about these, and I roll my eyes at the last one, but I do still give you points for "Checkmate, Hohenstaufens" Dogs Chrono Trigger Cyberpunk Bilbo Baggins Cait Sith Pet Sounds "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote" Spirited Away Exile II: Crystal Souls Nethergate Slartibartfast Kierkegaard The Tarot Deck The Deck of Many Things Bossa nova Disco Jiji (character) File compression Sliced bread Bagels Your favourite anime Ducks Prossis-Bok Working out Sea slugs Ninjas Jiji (in Nikki's lap) Ice cream The Northern Lights Russian literature 70's cars Georg Cantor —Alorael C++ Good grammar Cor Blok's Tolkien art Bacon Henry Wallace OK Computer Speedy Gonzales screenshot Sans serif fonts Saunas Linux Vinyl records The aesthetic qualities of the Greek alphabet Maggie Simpson The Queen is Dead Shanti Schuyler Colfax Roguelikes Lady Gaga Lawsuits Jeff Vogel Ravens Smartphones The Evil Overlord List Exile III: Ruined World The last game I played Bartenders Sock puppets Flamingos Penguins Civilization Frodo Baggins Ontology Cluny the Scourge Pelicans BitTorrent Nevermind Mexican food 70's prog Sliths Avernum II: Crystal Souls Slarty Ranks Everything "...Gottfried Reads Fifty Shades..." The Cranberries (band) Donuts Cats Trombones The Muppets The Eiffel Tower Solidarność screenshot Civ II Revolutions Casablanca Avadon series Goldfish (snack) Gilbert Gottfried Football (American) Nephils Princess Peach Avernum 4 Cinnamon rolls Aretha Franklin Homestar Runner They Might Be Giants Tennis Posting games Inspector Peanut Subinfeudation The Big Lebowski Nelson Rockefeller Goldfish (fish) King Arthur The aesthetic qualities of the Hebrew alphabet Richard Cheese Bark spider Dolphins Metahumor Nixon's foreign policy Sparkling water Grant Wood Paprika Norman Rockwell Nick Cave "This is a Trent Reznor Song" Spam (meat) Cabaret (film) Peanuts Xian Skull (item) Spam (e-mails) Pineapple pizza The LP rendition of Slarty's voice Vitamin C supplements 70's movies "Lackadaisical" Puggsy Louis Armstrong The aesthetic qualities of hierogylphics Russian Beowulf (character) Angry Birds Alf screenshot Today's weather Phantom stair step (bottom) Word Rescue Minecraft Mechanical pencils Vultures The post that asks me to rank itself KISS (principle) Salty liquorice Galactic Core Gilmore Girls Hockey George Clooney Getting a triple word score in Scrabble Phantom stair step (top) Turkey/cat video Dieselpunk AOL Hipgnosis Salt lamps Bertrand Russell My Little Pony 80's fashion The War on Drugs (band) Queen (band) Fifty Shades of Grey Jane Austen books The Let's Play series Runtz Basketball Baseball "Acceptable in the 80's" (song) Cats (musical) Pirates "Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros" (song) Soccer Robin Hood (character) Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas the Tank Engine Freefall (webcomic) "2500 things Mr. Welch..." Novelty mugs ELIZA Kitten/rat box John Calhoun (politician) Mr. Toad of Toad Hall The Xavier Files BGG Top 10 Johnny Cash Sock puppets (fake accounts) KISS The Barber Paradox Elfpunk Wings (the band) Steampunk Turnips Fictional names that use a lot of apostrophes Twilight Saga Anchovy pizza "Stuff from the 90's!" (song) The Olympics The Crusades King Leopold Handlebar mustaches Birthdays
  10. The missing piece in your analysis of Sniper is that the positive effects you describe (like that 98% figure) only apply if you avoid using the most powerful abilities in the game -- Haste level 3, and Adrenaline Rush. Also, as you note, the Cloak spells really create incentive to reduce the number of attack types in the party. These things don't mean you can't play an archery and Sniper-based game, and succeed. It just means it's "sub-optimal" -- literally, and without any kind of judgment attached.
  11. At this point it's unclear. I did a lot of testing back when this thread was fresh, and it seemed quite clear that the tooltip was wrong. But that was six years ago, so I do not think I remember it well enough to swear by its accuracy. It definitely increases both. And, yes, it's definitely still bad You are correct about STR overwhelming other bonuses (for melee attacks). I don't think multiplicative stacking has ever been used for hit chance in any Spiderweb game. BF is definitely not worth it; it is completely outclassed by Adrenaline Rush. You really have to try hard and play weirdly to find a situation where BF could work out better. It is also pretty much outclassed by level 3 Haste, which notably does not require wasting skill points to use. Unspent action points do not carry over between turns. Beyond that I got lost somewhere in the middle of this giant paragraph, but you may appreciate the analysis I did on this aspect of the sequel: http://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/topic/21108-effectiveness-of-gymnastics-and-sniper-for-extra-actions/ As far as I can see, these mechanics are completely identical, with the exception that the bonus AP items may be different (I don't remember off the top of my head). Sniper and Haste are not additive, they are separate checks, and once either one has triggered, that's it, no more 4 AP bonuses that turn. See above link for math on how crappy Sniper is. I'm not sure what you mean about "stepping back from the enemy" but keep in mind that you lose AP when you do that. And armor is useful even if you aren't tanking -- enemy archers are a thing, battles where you're swarmed and it's difficult to keep anyone out of melee are a thing, and armor values of equipment are applied (at half strength) to fire, cold, and energy resistances as well.
  12. I disagree with your dismissal of reworked material on account of it being "recycled." Some of my best output, in any medium, pregnates and morphs about for years at a time before it is done. Edit: Also, why is the "which Captain Beefheart album are you" quiz no longer around. That thing was surprisingly deep.
  13. No Tropical Hot Dog AND NO ICE ROSE??? You're kidding, goog. BitTorrent: Better than not. Kierkegaard: A major influence, for me. King Leopold: A very bad man. Ontology: A necessary exertion, rather like the Dead Marshes in Tolkien. The War on Drugs (band): A great example of competent, polished, drab indie rock, that takes interesting elements and chews them as if they are bubble gum. A hypothetical box which has a 97% chance to be filled with cuddly kittens, but a 3% of being filled with hundreds of dead rats: Kittens are great but are not worth even a small chance of rats. Ninjas: An archetype with versatility, including a lot of potential for interesting moral turns. Pretty good. Pirates: Source of bad jokes and bad movies. Robots: A broad category that I feel I cannot adequately summarize in a judgment. Bartenders: An occupation that is useful and tends to be competently filled. Basketball: A pointless sport. Baseball: A boring sport. Football (American): A sport that is less brainless, at least until you get hit in the head. Soccer/European football: A sport I roll my eyes at. Hockey: A sport that has fewer annoying fans. Tennis: An elitist sport. The Olympics: A heinous, corrupt, exploitative, inequitable, culturally stupefying event. The Cranberries (the band): Solid, with a moving voice (RIP) and occasional bouts of musical greatness. "Zombie", despite its mainstream success and radio oversaturation, has some pretty amazing, subtle harmonic progressions going on, and is of course one of those songs where the subject and the musical form -- including the unique vocals -- dovetail perfectly. The Muppets: Yes. Bork! Dogs Chrono Trigger Cyberpunk Bilbo Baggins Cait Sith Pet Sounds Exile II: Crystal Souls Nethergate Slartibartfast Kierkegaard Bossa nova Disco File compression Sliced bread Ducks Prossis-Bok Working out Ninjas Ice cream The Northern Lights Russian literature 70's cars Georg Cantor —Alorael C++ Good grammar Bacon Henry Wallace OK Computer Speedy Gonzales screenshot Sans serif fonts Saunas Linux Vinyl records The aesthetic qualities of the Greek alphabet Maggie Simpson The Queen is Dead Shanti Schuyler Colfax Lady Gaga Lawsuits Jeff Vogel The Evil Overlord List Exile III: Ruined World The last game I played Bartenders Sock puppets Penguins Civilization Frodo Baggins Ontology Cluny the Scourge BitTorrent Nevermind Mexican food 70's prog Sliths Avernum II: Crystal Souls Slarty Ranks Everything "...Gottfried Reads Fifty Shades..." The Cranberries (band) Cats Trombones The Muppets Solidarność screenshot Civ II Revolutions Casablanca Avadon series Goldfish (snack) Gilbert Gottfried Football (American) Nephils Avernum 4 Cinnamon rolls Aretha Franklin They Might Be Giants Tennis Posting games Inspector Peanut Subinfeudation Nelson Rockefeller Goldfish (fish) The aesthetic qualities of the Hebrew alphabet Richard Cheese Bark spider Dolphins Metahumor Nixon's foreign policy Sparkling water Grant Wood Paprika Norman Rockwell "This is a Trent Reznor Song" Spam (meat) Cabaret (film) Peanuts Xian Skull (item) Spam (e-mails) Pineapple pizza The LP rendition of Slarty's voice Vitamin C supplements 70's movies "Lackadaisical" Puggsy The aesthetic qualities of hierogylphics Russian Angry Birds Alf screenshot Today's weather Phantom stair step (bottom) Word Rescue Minecraft Vultures The post that asks me to rank itself KISS (principle) Salty liquorice Galactic Core Gilmore Girls Hockey George Clooney Phantom stair step (top) Turkey/cat video Dieselpunk Hipgnosis Bertrand Russell My Little Pony 80's fashion The War on Drugs (band) Fifty Shades of Grey Jane Austen books The Let's Play series Runtz Basketball Baseball Cats (musical) Pirates Soccer Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas the Tank Engine Freefall (webcomic) "2500 things Mr. Welch..." Novelty mugs Kitten/rat box John Calhoun (politician) Mr. Toad of Toad Hall The Xavier Files BGG Top 10 Johnny Cash Sock puppets (fake accounts) KISS The Barber Paradox Elfpunk Wings (the band) Steampunk Turnips Fictional names that use a lot of apostrophes Twilight Saga Anchovy pizza The Olympics The Crusades King Leopold Handlebar mustaches Birthdays
  14. goog: Not familiar with these. I've given them a listen and feel generally good about them, but don't feel like I can rank them fairly after only cursory experience... I'm OK with Zappa. I can probably best represent my feelings here by telling you that my favourite Captian Beefheart album is _Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller)_. Henry Cow's "Nine Funerals of the Citizen King" may need to be added to the hymnal for the Church of the Nine-Headed Cave Cow. Also, I'm curious (a) if _Tarkus_ gets its name from Akkadian, and (b) if Shadow Tarkus in Av1 got his name from this album. Not quite in line with Jeff's other band citations, but you never know. Richard Cheese: Eh. "This is a Trent Reznor Song": How far the man's music has fallen; sigh. It does seem to be accurate these days. It's hard to feel good about it though. Fifty Shades of Grey: How not to publicize a subculture. Gilbert Gottfried: Points for Iago, at least. "Gilbert Gottfried Reads Fifty Shades of Grey": Points for the expressions on the listeners' faces. Avadon series: A lot of good bits and a lot of things that drag them down. Uneven in most respects, and not evenly. The last game I played: Pretty good, thanks for asking. Freefall (webcomic): Simply not funny. Bacon: Overdone, but also best when it's all crispy and overdone. Dogs Chrono Trigger Cyberpunk Bilbo Baggins Cait Sith Pet Sounds Exile II: Crystal Souls Nethergate Slartibartfast Bossa nova Disco File compression Sliced bread Ducks Prossis-Bok Working out Ice cream The Northern Lights Russian literature 70's cars Georg Cantor —Alorael C++ Good grammar Bacon Henry Wallace OK Computer Speedy Gonzales screenshot Sans serif fonts Saunas Linux Vinyl records The aesthetic qualities of the Greek alphabet Maggie Simpson The Queen is Dead Shanti Schuyler Colfax Lady Gaga Lawsuits Jeff Vogel The Evil Overlord List Exile III: Ruined World The last game I played Sock puppets Penguins Civilization Frodo Baggins Cluny the Scourge Nevermind Mexican food 70's prog Sliths Avernum II: Crystal Souls Slarty Ranks Everything "...Gottfried Reads Fifty Shades..." Cats Trombones Solidarność screenshot Civ II Revolutions Casablanca Avadon series Goldfish (snack) Gilbert Gottfried Nephils Avernum 4 Cinnamon rolls Aretha Franklin They Might Be Giants Posting games Inspector Peanut Subinfeudation Nelson Rockefeller Goldfish (fish) The aesthetic qualities of the Hebrew alphabet Richard Cheese Bark spider Dolphins Metahumor Nixon's foreign policy Sparkling water Grant Wood Paprika Norman Rockwell "This is a Trent Reznor Song" Spam (meat) Cabaret (film) Peanuts Xian Skull (item) Spam (e-mails) Pineapple pizza The LP rendition of Slarty's voice Vitamin C supplements 70's movies "Lackadaisical" Puggsy The aesthetic qualities of hierogylphics Russian Angry Birds Alf screenshot Today's weather Phantom stair step (bottom) Word Rescue Minecraft Vultures The post that asks me to rank itself KISS (principle) Salty liquorice Galactic Core Gilmore Girls George Clooney Phantom stair step (top) John Calhoun (politician) Turkey/cat video Dieselpunk Hipgnosis Bertrand Russell My Little Pony 80's fashion Fifty Shades of Grey Jane Austen books The Let's Play series Runtz Cats (musical) Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas the Tank Engine Freefall (webcomic) "2500 things Mr. Welch..." Novelty mugs Mr. Toad of Toad Hall The Xavier Files BGG Top 10 Johnny Cash Sock puppets (fake accounts) KISS The Barber Paradox Elfpunk Wings (the band) Steampunk Turnips Fictional names that use a lot of apostrophes Twilight Saga Anchovy pizza The Crusades Handlebar mustaches Birthdays
  15. Note that for both spells and weapons, displayed damage ranges in the spell/item info window do not reflect any percentile adjustments (from +% to damage, Spellcraft, War Blessing, etc etc.)
  16. Pet Sounds: An amazing, pioneering album with an unmistakable sound that has truly stood the test of time. (And if you're a fan, Cal, allow me to recommend the trippy, meticulously crafted reworking _Adieu or Die_ by Will C -- https://willc.bandcamp.com/album/adieu-or-die-album) Nevermind: An overplayed, overly iconic album -- but you can see why it became that, and I have to give it some credit. The Queen is Dead: I love the Smiths. Their albums don't fully cover it -- a lot of my favourite stuff is non-album, and _Louder than Bombs_ really pulls it together for me more than any one LP. But _The Queen is Dead_ has some beautiful turns, and it might be my favourite of their studio albums. OK Computer: Nearly as much of an instant time-warp for me as _Nevermind._ I have a widely varying opinion of Radiohead's music but _OK Computer_ is the sort of album I really can't say no to, with a unique, evocative timbre and every last note fit into place. Remarkable, even if it is unboundedly depressing (and less cathartic than either the Beach Boys or Smiths entries on this list). Dogs Chrono Trigger Cyberpunk Bilbo Baggins Cait Sith Pet Sounds Exile II: Crystal Souls Nethergate Slartibartfast Bossa nova Disco File compression Sliced bread Ducks Prossis-Bok Working out Ice cream The Northern Lights Russian literature 70's cars Georg Cantor —Alorael C++ Good grammar Henry Wallace OK Computer Speedy Gonzales screenshot Sans serif fonts Saunas Linux Vinyl records The aesthetic qualities of the Greek alphabet Maggie Simpson The Queen is Dead Shanti Schuyler Colfax Lady Gaga Lawsuits Jeff Vogel The Evil Overlord List Exile III: Ruined World Sock puppets Penguins Civilization Frodo Baggins Cluny the Scourge Nevermind Mexican food 70's prog Sliths Avernum II: Crystal Souls Slarty Ranks Everything Cats Trombones Solidarność screenshot Civ II Revolutions Casablanca Goldfish (snack) Nephils Avernum 4 Cinnamon rolls Aretha Franklin They Might Be Giants Posting games Inspector Peanut Subinfeudation Nelson Rockefeller Goldfish (fish) The aesthetic qualities of the Hebrew alphabet Bark spider Dolphins Metahumor Nixon's foreign policy Sparkling water Grant Wood Paprika Norman Rockwell Spam (meat) Cabaret (film) Peanuts Xian Skull (item) Spam (e-mails) Pineapple pizza The LP rendition of Slarty's voice Vitamin C supplements 70's movies "Lackadaisical" Puggsy The aesthetic qualities of hierogylphics Russian Angry Birds Alf screenshot Today's weather Phantom stair step (bottom) Word Rescue Minecraft Vultures The post that asks me to rank itself KISS (principle) Salty liquorice Galactic Core Gilmore Girls George Clooney Phantom stair step (top) John Calhoun (politician) Turkey/cat video Dieselpunk Hipgnosis Bertrand Russell My Little Pony 80's fashion Jane Austen books The Let's Play series Runtz Cats (musical) Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas the Tank Engine "2500 things Mr. Welch..." Novelty mugs Mr. Toad of Toad Hall The Xavier Files BGG Top 10 Johnny Cash Sock puppets (fake accounts) KISS The Barber Paradox Elfpunk Wings (the band) Steampunk Turnips Fictional names that use a lot of apostrophes Twilight Saga Anchovy pizza The Crusades Handlebar mustaches Birthdays
  17. I prefer the John Calhoun responsible for this:
  18. John Calhoun (politician): Competent and abhorrent. Schuyler Colfax: A Radical Republican whose abolitionism outweighs his scandal and who has a name that makes him sound like an eco-villain from Captain Planet. I mean, come on. Henry Wallace: Statistician, plant scientist, mystic, progressive. The Plato of vice presidents? Phantom stair step (top): This can cause spills. Wouldn't want to be holding a McDonald's coffee. Phantom stair step (bottom): Momentarily quite unsettling. Dogs Chrono Trigger Cyberpunk Bilbo Baggins Cait Sith Exile II: Crystal Souls Nethergate Slartibartfast Bossa nova Disco File compression Sliced bread Ducks Prossis-Bok Working out Ice cream The Northern Lights Russian literature 70's cars Georg Cantor —Alorael C++ Good grammar Henry Wallace Speedy Gonzales screenshot Sans serif fonts Saunas Linux Vinyl records The aesthetic qualities of the Greek alphabet Maggie Simpson Shanti Schuyler Colfax Lady Gaga Lawsuits Jeff Vogel Evil Overlord List Exile III: Ruined World Sock puppets Penguins Civilization Frodo Baggins Cluny the Scourge Mexican food 70's prog Sliths Avernum II: Crystal Souls Slarty Ranks Everything Cats Trombones Solidarność screenshot Civ II Revolutions Casablanca (film) Goldfish (snack) Nephils Avernum 4 Cinnamon rolls Aretha Franklin They Might Be Giants Posting games Inspector Peanut Subinfeudation Nelson Rockefeller Goldfish (fish) The aesthetic qualities of the Hebrew alphabet Bark spider Dolphins Metahumor Nixon's foreign policy Sparkling water Grant Wood Paprika Norman Rockwell Spam (meat) Cabaret (film) Peanuts (comic) Xian Skull (item) Spam (e-mails) Pineapple pizza The LP rendition of Slarty's voice Vitamin C supplements 70's movies "Lackadaisical" Puggsy The aesthetic qualities of hierogylphics Russian Angry Birds Alf screenshot Today's weather Phantom stair step (bottom) Word Rescue Minecraft Vultures The post that asks me to rank itself KISS (principle) Salty liquorice Galactic Core Gilmore Girls George Clooney Phantom stair step (top) John Calhoun (politician) Turkey/cat video Dieselpunk Hipgnosis Bertrand Russell My Little Pony 80's fashion Jane Austen books The Let's Play series Runtz Cats (musical) Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas the Tank Engine "2500 things Mr. Welch..." Novelty mugs Mr. Toad of Toad Hall The Xavier Files BGG Top 10 Johnny Cash Sock puppets (fake accounts) KISS The Barber Paradox Elfpunk Wings (the band) Steampunk Turnips Fictional names that use a lot of apostrophes Twilight Saga Anchovy pizza The Crusades Handlebar mustaches Birthdays
  19. My emphasis. Wikipedia: Per the WSJ:
  20. Your favorite Exile/Avernum character (you choose): Hmm. There are a few contenders, but ultimately, it's probably Prossis-Bok. (Athron also comes to mind.) Your favorite Geneforge character (you choose): Definitely Shanti. Your favorite Simpsons character (you choose): Also no question -- Maggie Simpson. Today's weather: Not good. Lawsuits: Uh... they're necessary? Important? A mechanism that potentially empowers the weak. Even some of the ones that people bring up as frivolous were actually legitimate, like the infamous McDonald's coffee lawsuit. Mexican food: Tasty. Bossa Nova: Very cool. Also something that, as an influence, links a few of my favourite bands in different genres. Trombones: Good instruments. Nixon's foreign policy: A real mixed bag. It was mostly competent. Some substantial moves towards peace, some problematic military operations (especially in Latin America), and some truly unfortunate ongoing arms sales. Aretha Franklin: It's hard not to like Franklin, but if we're talking classic female soul, Gladys Knight is more my speed. Frodo Baggins: Ultimately becomes a remarkable and evocative portrait of PTSD. Beyond that, I find him thinner. Bilbo Baggins: A personal favourite and perhaps the most thoroughly drawn (and most human) character in Tolkien. People don't pay attention to it, but Bilbo also offers us an icon of the power of compassion, on a grand scale, as is rarely seen in literature: "The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many." Dogs Chrono Trigger Cyberpunk Bilbo Baggins Cait Sith Exile II: Crystal Souls Nethergate Slartibartfast Bossa nova Disco File compression Sliced bread Ducks Prossis-Bok Working out Ice cream The Northern Lights Russian literature 70's cars Georg Cantor —Alorael C++ Good grammar Speedy Gonzales screenshot Sans serif fonts Saunas Linux Vinyl records The aesthetic qualities of the Greek alphabet Maggie Simpson Shanti Lady Gaga Lawsuits Jeff Vogel Evil Overlord List Exile III: Ruined World Sock puppets Penguins Civilization Frodo Baggins Cluny the Scourge Mexican food 70's prog Sliths Avernum II: Crystal Souls Slarty Ranks Everything Cats Trombones Solidarność screenshot Civ II Revolutions Casablanca (film) Goldfish (snack) Nephils Avernum 4 Cinnamon rolls Aretha Franklin They Might Be Giants Posting games Inspector Peanut Subinfeudation Nelson Rockefeller Goldfish (fish) The aesthetic qualities of the Hebrew alphabet Bark spider Dolphins Metahumor Nixon's foreign policy Sparkling water Grant Wood Paprika Norman Rockwell Spam (meat) Cabaret (film) Peanuts (comic) Xian Skull (item) Spam (e-mails) Pineapple pizza The LP rendition of Slarty's voice Vitamin C supplements 70's movies "Lackadaisical" Puggsy The aesthetic qualities of hierogylphics Russian Angry Birds Alf screenshot Today's weather Word Rescue Minecraft Vultures The post that asks me to rank itself KISS (principle) Salty liquorice Galactic Core Gilmore Girls George Clooney Turkey/cat video Dieselpunk Hipgnosis Bertrand Russell My Little Pony 80's fashion Jane Austen books The Let's Play series Runtz Cats (musical) Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas the Tank Engine "2500 things Mr. Welch..." Novelty mugs Mr. Toad of Toad Hall The Xavier Files BGG Top 10 Johnny Cash Sock puppets (fake accounts) KISS The Barber Paradox Elfpunk Wings (the band) Steampunk Turnips Fictional names that use a lot of apostrophes Twilight Saga Anchovy pizza The Crusades Handlebar mustaches Birthdays
  21. Nethergate: A good story with brilliant atmosphere in a clever game system. Jane Austen books: Bah, and that's all the analysis you'll get from me. Sorry. Cinnamon rolls: Good, but generally way more sugary than is necessary. Casablanca (the film, not the city): It's fine. I respect it, but it's not really my thing. Sparkling water: I like it, but I don't like going to the bathroom as frequently as drinking it entails. Mr. Toad of Toad Hall: An arrogant several-words-could-go-here who does not deserve the page time he receives. Thomas the Tank Engine: No? No. No thanks. And that's plenty of coverage for this franchise. George Clooney: He's a perfectly good actor. I did think he was by far the least interesting of the original six ER cast members, and didn't understand why he was the one who managed to catapult to stardom. Cluny the Scourge: A good, competent villain with a beautifully concrete name. The Dalai Lama: Really, really complicated. I'm not sure I can find a place to put him on the list that I'll feel good about. Let's leave him off under the "superposition" category. The aesthetic qualities of hieroglyphics: I support writing on general principle, but -- eh. The aesthetic qualities of the Greek alphabet: Lovely and flowing. The aesthetic qualities of the Hebrew alphabet: The close-cleaving to calligraphy gives it a stylized look that is both good and bad. Nephils: As fantasy races go, they're pretty good. I particularly like the nuanced depictions implications we got about nephilim and nepharim coexisting in E1-2. (Unfortunately, that thread never recurred.) Sliths: As fantasy races go, they're pretty good. Ultimately, magically-adept lizardmen are a less hackneyed idea than agile catmen, and the Sss-Thsss / Bahssikava background is pretty good, especially if you consider the way Kelandon has expanded on it. The Adventures of Pete & Pete: Good for what it was. Never quite pulled me in. the video of a bunch of turkeys walking in a circle around a dead cat in the middle of the road: Does not deserve to go viral. That's what turkeys do. Minecraft in general: Not my bag. Inspector Peanut: I support Inspector Peanut. Grant Wood: Like some of his art; prefer it to his regionalism. Norman Rockwell: Like some of his art and some of his ideals but ultimately am not super moved. Hypgnosis (art collective): Assuming you mean Hipgnosis, not really my favourite. Dogs Chrono Trigger Cyberpunk Cait Sith Exile II: Crystal Souls Nethergate Slartibartfast Disco File compression Sliced bread Ducks Working out Ice cream The Northern Lights Russian literature 70's cars Georg Cantor —Alorael C++ Good grammar Speedy Gonzales screenshot Sans serif fonts Saunas Linux Vinyl records The aesthetic qualities of the Greek alphabet Lady Gaga Jeff Vogel Evil Overlord List Exile III: Ruined World Sock puppets Penguins Civilization Cluny the Scourge 70's prog Sliths Avernum II: Crystal Souls Slarty Ranks Everything Cats Solidarność screenshot Civ II Revolutions Casablanca (film) Goldfish (snack) Nephils Avernum 4 Cinnamon rolls They Might Be Giants Posting games Inspector Peanut Subinfeudation Nelson Rockefeller Goldfish (fish) The aesthetic qualities of the Hebrew alphabet Bark spider Dolphins Metahumor Sparkling water Grant Wood Paprika Norman Rockwell Spam (meat) Cabaret (film) Peanuts (comic) Xian Skull (item) Spam (e-mails) Pineapple pizza The LP rendition of Slarty's voice Vitamin C supplements 70's movies "Lackadaisical" Puggsy The aesthetic qualities of hierogylphics Russian Angry Birds Alf screenshot Word Rescue Minecraft Vultures The post that asks me to rank itself KISS (principle) Salty liquorice Galactic Core Gilmore Girls George Clooney Turkey/cat video Dieselpunk Hipgnosis Bertrand Russell My Little Pony 80's fashion Jane Austen books The Let's Play series Runtz Cats (musical) Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas the Tank Engine "2500 things Mr. Welch..." Novelty mugs Mr. Toad of Toad Hall The Xavier Files BGG Top 10 Johnny Cash Sock puppets (fake accounts) KISS The Barber Paradox Elfpunk Wings (the band) Steampunk Turnips Fictional names that use a lot of apostrophes Twilight Saga Anchovy pizza The Crusades Handlebar mustaches Birthdays
  22. The difficulty you may have here is English stress and intonation. English stress patterns mean people will expect one of two pronunciations: either Wen-DOO-loo, or WEN-da-loo. If you want that long u sound in the second syllable, the natural tendency is going to be to treat it as the stressed syllable rather than wen. I would do two things. First, use something else to represent the long u sound in the second syllable, so it doesn't get schwaed. Second, find some way to set the first syllable apart (perhaps lengthening the spelling as well) so it is a more natural target for stress. (I would not suggest an apostrophe, because they tend to show up where there's a glottal stop or a contraction, which is not actually what you want.) Some potential ideas: Wehn-doulu Wehn-duulu Waen-doulu Waen-duulu Wenndoulu Wennduulu Wenn-doulu Wenn-duulu Another option would be to play on the similarity to Cthulhu, and go with something like Wendulhu
  23. Sock puppets (fake accounts): Given that both the purpose and impact of these are generally dishonest and misleading, it's hard to be at all positive about them. Cats (musical): No. I still have nightmares about that one song that the one girl in my elementary school insisting on singing at every single @#!$@ school music program. Goldfish (snack): I don't understand how they can be inhaled so quickly. Paprika (film): Not ranking this as I haven't seen it but boy, the synopsis on Wikipedia sounds craaaazy. Spam (e-mails): On the one hand, annoying and stupid. On the other hand, you sometimes get some pretty amusing subject lines. KISS (principle): Pretty much a stupid and limbless rephrasing of Occam's Razor. It's not that it's wrong, it just has no reason to exist. Dogs Chrono Trigger Cyberpunk Cait Sith Exile II: Crystal Souls Slartibartfast Disco File compression Sliced bread Ducks Working out Ice cream The Northern Lights Russian literature 70's cars Georg Cantor —Alorael C++ Good grammar Speedy Gonzales screenshot Sans serif fonts Saunas Linux Vinyl records Lady Gaga Jeff Vogel Evil Overlord List Exile III: Ruined World Sock puppets Penguins Civilization 70's prog Avernum II: Crystal Souls Slarty Ranks Everything Cats Solidarność screenshot Civ II Revolutions Goldfish (snack) Avernum 4 They Might Be Giants Posting games Subinfeudation Nelson Rockefeller Goldfish Bark spider Dolphins Metahumor Paprika Spam (meat) Cabaret (film) Peanuts (comic) Xian Skull (item) Spam (e-mails) Pineapple pizza The LP rendition of Slarty's voice Vitamin C supplements 70's movies "Lackadaisical" Puggsy Russian Angry Birds Alf screenshot Word Rescue Vultures The post that asks me to rank itself KISS (principle) Salty liquorice Galactic Core Gilmore Girls Dieselpunk Bertrand Russell My Little Pony 80's fashion The Let's Play series Runtz Cats (musical) Tess of the d'Urbervilles "2500 things Mr. Welch..." Novelty mugs The Xavier Files BGG Top 10 Johnny Cash Sock puppets (fake accounts) KISS The Barber Paradox Elfpunk Wings (the band) Steampunk Turnips Fictional names that use a lot of apostrophes Twilight Saga Anchovy pizza The Crusades Handlebar mustaches Birthdays
  24. Whether an enemy is a boss or not is not determined by what type of enemy it is. Some instances of enemies are set as bosses and some are not. For example, most minor enemies that have a name and that you have snippets of dialogue with before fighting are marked as bosses. But sometimes it's less obvious, and it's just an enemy that shows up in an earlier area than is typical for them, which is handed special characteristics.
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