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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. Yes, and the abruptness of the duplication was particularly evident in Avernum 4. *stay calm slarty... stay calm... stay...* 227CLAWBUGSCLAWBUGSCLAWBUGSCLAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
  2. Presumably, Gazer is in category 1 for the same reason that the scripts refer to drakes and drayks and hellhounds as roamers. (The clawbug references, thankfully, seem to have been expunged.)
  3. Just for you: Code: 0 Human1 Goblin, Ogre, Gremlin, Gazer2 Nephil3 Slith4 Giant5 Lizard, Wyrmkin, Drake6 Worm, Cave Crawler, Scuttler, Rat, Bat, Wolf, Hellhound7 Black Shade, Demon8 Skeleton, Ghost, Hraithe, Vahnavoi9 Spider, Chitrach, Pit Crawler10 Slime, Fungus, Shambler11 Sentinel, Golem, Crystal Soul, Energy Sphere, Crystal Pylon13 Vahnatai Aside from Gazer showing up in the demihuman group, this is an unusually rational distribution of cr_creature_type variables. But it still doesn't answer the question of WHICH categories of creatures anatomy will work on. I don't think that's been tested -- the only thing I can find is you me and Alorael making wild guesses.
  4. Thurilith -- did you end up confirming that last part? No anatomy damage to goblins or ogres or vahnatai, for example?
  5. But the vahnatai are particularly tall... quite different from pygmies. How do you account for that?
  6. Actually, this board is for the first trilogy plus Avernum 4. It's illogical and frustrating.
  7. No. "Trainers" refer to the people you can pay to increase a skill without using skill points, and that word has been used for that purpose pretty thoroughly here for the last five years. :-D
  8. Yeah, I agree. The problem currently is that there *ARE* things worth buying... however, since the effective bonus you get from them is only temporary (until you find something better) and not usually much larger than the bonus you get from buying points in skills, it's almost always better even in the fairly short term to save up for skills.
  9. All right, I'm locking the thread. This makes me sad, because BOTH topics here (global warming and hatred towards groups) are important and interesting. But things have gotten a little too heated for Spiderweb. Please, everyone, try and think about the impact your words are going to have on others when you post.
  10. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Reputable, yeah. They still have the reporting problems that Lilith alluded to above. There are also issues with classification. For example, when (if ever) does rape count as a hate crime? That's a complicated question. If it's reported as a hate crime by the victim? Not quite sure on that one... I don't actually know this, but I imagine that classifying a crime as a hate crime or not is not based solely on what the victim reports.
  11. Reputable, yeah. They still have the reporting problems that Lilith alluded to above. There are also issues with classification. For example, when (if ever) does rape count as a hate crime? That's a complicated question. And speaking of classification issues, you'll notice that gender identity isn't even listed, but there is DEFINITELY violence against trans people.
  12. Originally Posted By: Lilith and most gay rights groups pretty much exist solely for the benefit of middle-class white gay men Originally Posted By: Dantius (quote from a gay rights group website) Seriously, though, the site doesn't even say where those numbers come from. Although I would suspect there *are* more hate crimes against gay men simply because men are way more likely to commit hate crimes than women are.
  13. I've been considering locking this topic, not because anyone has done anything wrong, but because there are some sensitive issues being discussed in ways that are not particularly sensitive and it is liable to turn ugly soon. It hasn't gotten there yet, however. Instead, I am going to admonish everyone posting in this thread (myself included) to make sure you take the time to be thoughtful and respectful of others when you post. If we can't do that, then this thread will be locked.
  14. First of all, again, I was not commenting on you boggle, I was commenting on the blog post you linked to. Yes, I am talking TO you because it's a conversation Originally Posted By: boggle Global warming, and the preventative measures to prevent/ameliorate it are going to hit the average Joe hard, and the poor harder than most, and in the case of for example, peak oil, where it hurts the most: food prices. The poor are hit harder the most by just about any policy, because the poor have no cushioning. To the extent that you're saying "this is important so we shouldn't just trust what the authorities say" I agree completely, but that applies just as strongly to every other issue that impacts people. Quote: But I will make a slur now, I do not believe that lesbians, dykes, whatever name you wish to call them have ever historically been as disadvantaged as blacks, or if you wish, niggers. I understand the point you are trying to prove, but I think it was not a wise choice of example. Oh boy... oh boy. Lesbians (and gays) have been "historically" disadvantaged in very different ways than black Americans. They were affected in totally different arenas of disenfranchisement, and the chronology and the structures of repression were totally different... What they have in common is that they were (and in some cases, still are) on the receiving end of a whole lot of hatred from other groups. What the N-word and the D-word (and the F-word) have in common is that they are hate language. Their very use tends to conjure up this intense collective hatred, which is what makes them so loaded. The N-word and the D-word further have in common that they are often used in a reclamatory way. However, that reclamation is not all-purpose and none of those words are friendly enough to throw around in jokes or in posts that purport to be about science. I take it from your reaction that you find hate language based on sexual orientation to be less of a big deal than hate language based on race. To me, at least, the relevant factor is the HATE... Quote: Lesbians on the whole have even had an easier ride than gays. No pun intended. And also if you do not know how many men have fantasies about lesbians, you have been living under a rock. It was not an completely inappropriate post for what is pretty much, as far as we know, an all male audience. 1) How have lesbians "had an easier ride" than gays? No, really, how? 2) How the heck are stereotypical straight male fantasies about lesbians a justification for ANYTHING? 3) You really don't think any women read that blog? I suppose they probably don't read it regularly, given content like that. I dunno, these strike me as some pretty odd assumptions.
  15. Originally Posted By: Roentgenium I have to disagree. A wooden shield gives more armor then leather armor, and the steel shield is both obtainable early and it gives a huge boost to armor. The numbers might look good, but only if you don't examine what the numbers actually MEAN. Using a halberd instead of a broadsword will increase your damage output by approximately 25%, without accounting for bonus points you may get for being a Slith. Dual-wielding will increase your damage output by more than that, even after accounting for points spent (or not spent) in the Dual Wielding skill. A wooden shield that gives -- what -- 12% armor protection? will reduce SOME of the damage (physical damage) that ONE of your characters takes by about 12%. Yes, by all means, give spellcasters shields. But characters who are primarily attacking in close range are far better off with both hands used for weapons, and more importantly, the party is better off with that setup.
  16. Brief digression -- Mod, I've been meaning to ask for a while what your userpic is. It's sort of fascinating looking, and I've been debating if it's actually supposed to be sperm or not.
  17. It isn't that cut-and-dry in G5. Cryoas are still the best cheap creation. Vlish are still good. Clawbugs are also good now, but there is still nothing to recommend the other mid-tier battle creations. War Tralls are probably the best general purpose creation, but Gazers and Wingbolts are right behind them.
  18. Yeah, I definitely wasn't talking about you, Boggle. I do disagree with one thing you just said, though: Originally Posted By: boggle That person has set opinions, you guys have set opinions, but people like me, our opinions are more formless, but we want to form them in those most intelligent manner possible I'll grant that there's a difference between a "formless" or "unformed" opinion -- i.e., you deliberately refrain from judgement because you feel you lack information -- and having an actual opinion of X, Y, or Z. However, there's also a difference between having "opinions" that are based on the information you have, but open to revision, and having "set opinions" that you are not willing to re-examine. This is the distinction that Alorael got at above. Finally, while the explanation of the "lesbian assassins" certainly helps, let me give that some context. Suppose that Spiderweb had a running joke about dark-skinned conspirators who assassinated the rich and powerful of the coastal elites. And suppose that I then made a new topic about a debated issue and, referencing that joke, called it: Nietzsche, Niggers And Numinous Nomenclature The fact that there is a pre-existing in-joke about members of the denigrated group assassinating people hardly makes me sound like less of a tool, and definitely won't make people take my post seriously.
  19. boggle: I didn't mean it to apply quite so specifically. The point of the comic is that it isn't necessary to argue everything into dust on the internet simply because you can. When you encounter someone who clearly has their beliefs set and isn't interested in a fair evaluation of the arguments on either side, and I'm inclined to agree with Alorael that that's what's going on here, why bother? So no, I'm not peed off. Lilith on the other hand...
  20. This one gets overused, but really, what else is there to say here?
  21. This is not a simple question. The simplest possible answer is Dual Wielding, but Pole Weapons are also good. Shields are not.
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