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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. Something in Shath's private chambers opens the doors. Don't remember if it was a lever or disabling a spire or something.
  2. That comment is just in reference to how enemy stats scale with that enemy's level. "Scaling to your level" is only one type of scaling.
  3. Yes, and what you said that began this discussion was: "The high value ingredients was a change Jeff made to prevent them from being accidentally sold if you forgot to remove them from the junk bag." That's not what you quote Jeff as saying above. "Marked as junk" is not the same thing as "being accidentally sold." It is in fact the opposite.
  4. There's not a hardcoded limit at 25 or any other even remotely achievable level, no. When you edit variables to have values far outside the range of what they are expected to have, of course things are gonna get weird. This should not be a surprise. This is like saying "I drove my car on the ocean, and boy did that make things get weird." The XP cheat value is hardcoded. It works like quest XP in that it has an expected level and scales based on PC level.
  5. Right, but a few extra sources of 20 XP (if it's even 20 at level 24) is unlikely to make or break another level. It's really just the bars, records, and lv 50 quests at that point.
  6. 20% per extra level. Other damage spells get 25%. Chain Lightning gets 15%.
  7. XP is scaled. For monsters: Same level: 20 xp Higher level: +2 per level, up to 30 xp Lower level: 14, 10, 4, 2, down to 1 xp at 5 levels below 0 xp if more than 5 levels below you I think quest XP might use the same multipliers -- it's something similar, anyway.
  8. The Door Golem in the Shade Patrol respawns. The Door Golem in the Shade Patrol respawns. This is exactly the kind of boring XP farm Jeff wanted to avoid, but it gives creature XP at level 18, which means you could -- in theory -- push yourself to level 24 killing it over and over again. That would be completely insane since it's 1 XP at level 23, but hey. Level 18 isn't high enough to really be useful in a practical sense. But it does give an easy place to start for calculating theoretical maximum level. Start from level 24; anything that gives XP at level 18 or lower can be completely ignored. (Also nice since it gives almost complete freedom in the order you do other things in the game.) Other than the Iron Bars and Shaper Records quests, and the tiny handful of XP rewards that are (mistakenly?) set at level 50, I don't think there's all that much that will seriously bump XP at that point. Which probably means you could barely hit level 27, in theory.
  9. Haha. A few skills have been wonky like that in every Spiderweb game going back forever. Just like they were in every classic RPG back in the day. I dunno, I guess my perspective here is colored by the conversations we used to have here about truly, utterly broken stuff - G2 parry, G3 vlish, G4 mac drayk physical breath, G5 class resists, A4 divinely touched, Av2 turrets, Av3 charged attack. (All of which were widely discussed and never changed.) So the wonkiness, I guess, feels pretty minor to me. I hate players being unintentionally misled, but I don't actually expect every last option the game gives you to be a useful one.
  10. Since this has now been linked elsewhere, I'm going to split the off topic stuff into another thread to avoid any confusion about what the mod actually does versus debates about what happened in beta versions of the game itself.
  11. Yes, "impatient" is a good word for your approach to demanding changes 🙂
  12. I think it's the opposite of what you're saying, Random. They weren't sellable in the beta when they were worth zero, so Jeff gave them values because the game hands you extras (it does) (and some of the artifacts are not great) and people wanted to sell them instead. He gave them values so that people could sell them, not the other way around.
  13. Zero cost items weren't sold in the release version of Mutagen, and they still aren't sold in Infestation. Regardless, I'm not sure why you're saying Jeff gave them high gp values to prevent them from being sold. That just doesn't make any sense.
  14. Yes! This only changes one file and the update didn't touch it. The update did actually add skill-based damage increases for Searer and Chain Lightning, which is missing from those tooltips. It sounds like Jeff is planning some more changes (and possibly updating his own tooltips) so I'm going to wait and see what happens before updating this mod again.
  15. There are no changes in the mod. Jeff's 4/4 update made changes to some of the same files that the mod replaces. Mod v1.01 simply merges those changes with the mod.
  16. Mod updated for 4/4 Steam update. You'll need to reinstall the mod as Steam just overwrites existing files. (You will not need to repeat the steps for double walking speed again.)
  17. "The high value ingredients was a change Jeff made to prevent them from being accidentally sold if you forgot to remove them from the junk bag." "Sell all" sells anything with a value greater than zero. What are you saying here?
  18. Yeah, it's literally just .txt files. Some of these are zone files which include little bits of Jeff's scripting, which looks almost identical to (some pretty basic) code. I'd guess that has something to do with Firefox's suspicion, but I have no idea. Does it actually say "contains malware" or is it just a generic "may contain malware"? Maybe it doesn't like attached files on message boards? Who knows.
  19. Quality of Life Mod v1.01 - Updated for 4/4 Steam update Changes: 1. Double Walking Speed 2. No Equipment Switching for Mechanics 3. Reusable Missile Weapons 4. Portable Campsite 5. Portable Item Storage Installation Instructions 1) Close the game. Locate your G2 "Scripts" folder. Sample path might look something like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Geneforge 2 - Infestation\Geneforge 2 Infestation Files\Scripts 2) Back up the folder. 3) Download and unzip the attached file. 4) Copy all text files into the Scripts folder, replacing the existing copies. 5) Use at your own risk 🙂 This is why you're backing things up first! Also, don't bug Spiderweb, they aren't responsible for this. 6) Request: for everyone's sanity, please do not release altered versions of this mod, or copy and paste from it into your own. Double Walking Speed - If you start a new game, your PC, creations, and joined allies (like Zora) will walk at double speed automatically. - For existing saves, read the sign at the south end of Drypeak Gates to upgrade the PC's speed. - For existing saves, absorb and recreate your creations to upgrade their speed. - For existing saves, manually dismiss and rehire allies (at their original location) to upgrade their speed. - This is a massive time-saver! The only real gameplay effect is that it becomes easier to Stealth past things. So I recommend not using this mod for a pacifist or stealth-based playthrough 🙂 - Side effect/drawback: if you click many spaces away in combat, through an extremely cluttered space (with characters or terrain objects like rocks), sometimes it will cause a pathing hiccup where you stop short and waste a couple of AP. This only seems to happen in cluttered areas, and can be avoided by moving just a few spaces at a time in such areas. No Equipment Switching for Mechanics - Mechanics/Leadership equipment now give their bonuses just for sitting in your pack, like a charm. - This affects the 3 Infiltrator items, the Tinker's Gloves, and the Girdle of Leadership. - The Infiltrator's Ring and Girdle of Leadership no longer add to Dexterity and Intellect, respectively. Reusable Missile Weapons - Javelins and batons now come with infinite charges. - They aren't really any better than melee weapons or spells even with this mod. - The purpose is just to remove the annoyance of having to conserve/micromanage ammunition, and make missile-specialized play more fun. Portable Campsite - The "Bedroll" item now has a reusable ability which restores all your essence. - The purpose is to replace the wasted time walking back to town to recharge your essence. Since almost nothing respawns, there's no penalty for doing this -- it's just annoying. - Please use your discretion to keep this from being a cheat -- don't use Bedrolls in combat. (I mean, somebody could really get hurt.) Portable Item Storage - In Geneforge, zero cost items in the Junk Bag are never sold, even when you hit "sell all" at a merchant. - This mod takes advantage of this by changing the cost of numerous items to zero, so you can freely store them in the Junk Bag, rather than spending forever swapping items around, stockpiling them on the floor somewhere, etc. - This does mean you can't sell those items. Despite the high price tags some of them have, you'd be surprised what a relatively small portion of your cash income this makes up. Regardless, the game is pretty generous with money. - Zero cost/stowable: unpurchasable quest items like those annoying library books - Zero cost/stowable: collectible ingredients that are generally not bought (like Mandrake, Perfect Glaahk Scales, Wine, etc.) - Zero cost/stowable: Shaper Equipment* - Zero cost/stowable: all unique (or nearly unique) top-tier equipment - Zero cost/stowable: most unique mid-tier equipment* - Still buyable/sellable: generic weapons and armor (including batons and thorns); charms; consumable items like pods, spores, crystals, and wands; gemstones; Shaper Records, Bars of Iron, Fine Mined Crystals, Living Tools *a few of these show up in stores, but never in places where it would make sense to buy them normally, so just continue to ignore them 🙂 I have tested these changes for a few days, so they should be pretty stable. If you do experience anything strange, please let me know! G2 QoL Mod v1_01.zip
  20. Here's a tiny mod. This very simple mod corrects inaccurate and/or misleading skill/ability tooltips in the game. Some of these are minor clarifications, but some of them correct statements that were completely wrong. The corrected tooltips all appear when you hover on one of three screens: - Player stats/skills - Creation stats/skills - Player spell/weapon shaping skill levels To install: 1) Close the game. Locate your G2 "Scripts" folder. Sample path might look something like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Geneforge 2 - Infestation\Geneforge 2 Infestation Files\Scripts 2) Back up the folder. 3) Download this file and put it in the folder, replacing the existing version. Start up the game and you should see the fixed tooltips. Please let's try to keep mod threads on the topic of the one specific mod, so they don't become confusing when other players are looking for a mod. Thanks. text1skills.txt
  21. It's in G4, and yes. (This is a screenshot of where it was copied and pasted into a web page back in 2006.)
  22. Infestation definitely has some more challenges than Mutagen IMO, and maybe it's easier to wander into hard areas without realizing it. So don't feel discouraged. You're thinking about the right questions, and I bet you'll ramp up soon enough!
  23. That is known, and if there's going to be an in-depth discussion of script definitions, I suggest a new topic for it. Let's keep this one just concerned with the mod itself. Additional comment: although in this case the damage numbers for that cheat are actually what I would expect with 102, the game expects skill values to be single digits, so I wouldn't assume everything is going to behave linearly when you make them that high. EDIT: the "3 squares" text is hardcoded. Not something I can edit.
  24. In a perfect world, I'd love to have tooltips that are both comprehensive and clear. In reality, when the mechanics themselves are a little bit convoluted and there are edge cases, sometimes you can't get both of those things at the same time. Trade-offs have to be made. The priority for me is to make sure the player gets a clear picture of what the skill does so they can make fair choices about whether to invest in it. My other comment, though, is that "each point of this skill increases the damage by a miniscule amount" doesn't actually have anything to do with Searer itself. That's just how literally every damage skill works -- it's hardcoded. It doesn't belong in an individual skill description any more than "Intelligence increases the damage of this spell" does. So if anything, what your plea tempts me to do is to remove that mention from Chain Lightning 🙂
  25. I meant everything besides level. I was going to add besides level at the end. In parentheses. I was going to. The best laid plans...
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