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Men are from Slars

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Everything posted by Men are from Slars

  1. The good news is this is DRASTICALLY easier to test for in G4, since the game tells you how much damage you take AND how much you resist. The proportion resisted is definitely not static, even given two completely identical attacks on the same PC, but it shouldn't be hard to figure out an average given a decent set of trials. I want to do this, actually. Quantifying the reduction you get from Parry in particular would be useful.
  2. Are you sure about all of those? In previous games -- definitely in A4, and I think in older Geneforges -- having Luck would cause the status screen to display some real bonuses and also some spurious ones that were never factored in anywhere.
  3. By 2%. Out of curiosity, did anyone ever figure out what Luck actually did in Exile other than save you from dying?
  4. question = "Tell me how you came to Sucia Island."; text1 = "He laughs. _The same way you did. I was imprisoned, captured by Trajkov. I was being sent to a new colony, to take it over and administer it. A mild honor, at best, though not a position without hope of advancement._"; text2 = "_Then his ship slew my craft, and I swam to shore at the east edge of this island. There, I was abducted._"; Although this does explicitly state Goettsch was not an apprentice, this doesn't sound like an apprentice type thing, and indeed we know from G2-4 that it's not. I can't find any references to other apprentices, either.
  5. Goettsch was not an apprentice! He was a full shaper, on his way to some fledgeling colony to help lead it. Diki's right though, I reread the dialogue and he's clearly not trapped. However, I doubt his serviles could build him a suitable boat. If they could, then surely the PC could just order the serviles in Pentil to build him one. One thing that's unclear is whether Goettsch thinks, as the PC does, that Sucia island is far out in the ocean and isolated, when (as the ending reveals) it's really just a little bit east of Dillame. (Yes, that Dillame.)
  6. Yeah, but you also need a source of puresteel, which is presented as extremely rare, and you need to know how to make the canisters. By the time G4 comes around that's probably known by plenty of people, I suppose. The puresteel is still rare, though.
  7. I must have missed the part where Barzahl didn't get killed. It worked for him in only one of many possible G2 endings, and not in the continuity used for G3 and G4.
  8. Uh... and this is different from what you are suggesting, that he flees when forced to, how? How would the fact that the Shapers are on alert about dangerous things from Sucia going to make him seem less of a freak? Regardless, it's clear that he is trapped on Sucia in G1, isn't it?
  9. Presumably, if he knew how to create a living craft (is that what you mean by water drayk?), he would have done so, left, and perhaps come back with more resources to get rid of Trajkov with.
  10. I'm guessing you could get higher. Lots of friendly characters give experience.
  11. You can actually use the Northforge Citadel geneforge and die from it, having already used the Southforge one. It is worth pointing out, though, that the effects of the Southforge geneforge are significantly less pronounced than those of the original geneforge.
  12. They also appeared in Nethergate, but unless I blocked out the memory, they weren't in Avernum 4.
  13. It became habitual, though, and there were ways to tell where you needed to look and where you didn't. (This was not the case in BoE where designers put secret doors in bizarre places and nonsensical terrain habitually, but through E3 this was true.) You could do it in the course of a modified directional mash, as in 898989898.
  14. And people complain about having to bump into walls in the earlier games. I prefer that to having to mouseover every pillar, by a longshot.
  15. That's exaggerating the difference between the classes rather grotesquely. Your Servile build was probably tighter and more focused than your Warrior build.
  16. A couple rounds of Essence Orbs will barely take out a single Fyora unless you also have at least a moderate amount of training in some form of magery, be it battle magic or general spellcraft.
  17. Quote: Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar: ...Diablo, the Master and Rentar-Ihrno... This is not an OK juxtaposition.
  18. It's difficult to make that case when you are being persecuted left and right.
  19. You probably need to be at a higher level. You won't be able to get past the gate until a long time after you get to that zone. A singleton on a low difficulty might be able to do it earlier, but otherwise you'll need to wait.
  20. There is plenty of evidence from previous games that the canisters DO affect you when dealing with a similarly augmented individual. In G1, your interactions with Trajkov come to mind. IIRC, late game dialogue options with Barzahl in G2 and Litalia in G3 are similarly affected.
  21. Quote: Originally written by Elegance: Qwghlmian or Lojban?: —Alorael, who has a new way to phrase the debate. Suppose shaping were replaced with guns. It's still a unique power, but would you argue that guns are inherently evil? How about iron armor? Or aircraft? Escalation of the tools of war is part of how the world works, even Geneforge's world, and at least shaping provides benefits as well. The problem with that analogy is that guns are weapons and only weapons. Shaping provides power much like guns do, but it also creates life forms with needs and the possibility of rights. Guns can escalate conflict, but they don't really create any conflict in and of themselves. Shaping does. The Trakovites don't argue that shaping is inherently evil. They argue that it is inevitably going to lead to destruction. Those are very different things.
  22. It's worth pointing out that, despite the absolute hostility of both Shapers and Rebels toward Trakovites, leaders of both sides regretfully acknowledge and sometimes even express Trakovite views over the course of the game. Greta: "It can be victory over the Shapers. At a horrible, horrible cost." ... She is silent, the grim debate raging inside her. Greta: "Are you mad? Of course it bothers me! My sleep is nothing but a constant cesspit of nightmares imagining it." "Then why allow it to exist at all?" Crowley: General Crowley is silent. You aren't sure whether he thinks your question is too foolish to notice or he truly doesn't have a good answer. Litalia: "Our bodies were not meant to be changed so. Not meant to be filled with so much power, without wisdom." Litalia: "The Trakovites may be right. They may be wise, and virtuous, and ahead of their time. But history teaches us that those blessed with that sort of madness tend to end up dead. Proven right, but dead."
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