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Posts posted by Aran

  1. Originally Posted By: This Charming aRan
    Originally Posted By: Aʀᴀɴ
    Off-topic: Is that David Tennant in warpaint in your avatar? =D

    It was David Tennant's head, covered in blue woad. on Bob Dylan's body, to be absolutely precise. Tyran gets all kinds of jokes for his pun. tongue

    Oh hell... at first I didn't even recognize the twit whose face you've got now. tongue
  2. Particularly because you know it's only a matter of time until the squirrels find a security hole and hack into your network. Then the automated defence system takes you out, and they own your house.

  3. Originally Posted By: RA RA RASPUTIN
    I've read most of the articles on TVTropes already. It's not enthralling for me anymore, either.

    Yep. There are probably huge swathes of pages I haven't read about series I don't watch, but I think I've covered most tropes and the recap and WMG pages for all webcomics and series I follow.

    (...huh. I think I just got a good idea about where my life went wrong.)
  4. There was once a time when you bought a non-MMO computer game, installed it on your computer, and played it. It didn't even touch your internet connection. Except when it was multiplayer. Then one of your friends started a hosted game and the rest of you joined it, and you didn't give a crap about any company's server. I just thought it important to keep that memory alive for future generations.


    It's been a while since I've bought any game that wasn't by Spiderweb or Mojang. If more people felt like me, then companies would soon find that their anti-piracy measures actually hurt sales instead of increasing them.

  5. Ubuntu took Ocelot last year, and Lynx in 2010. These were clearly well-calculated moves.


    Instead of operating system, Macbook contained bobcat. Would not buy again.

  6. Originally Posted By: Shotgun vs. Boot
    Does this mean I can stop keeping track of them myself?

    —Alorael, who also has to ask how often PPP5 scrapes around for changes. Because some people change PDNs more often than others, you know!

    My algorithm scores recent posts (last 30 days) highest, then total postcount, then seconds since the last update. Its rate isn't perfect, but it still scrapes the top posters at least once a day.
  7. Quote:
    I know its been said that if you can't play the game on normal, you should go to easy or casual. Im sorry, i find that to be to pathetic for me to do that.

    Sorry in advance for the snark, but don't you find it pathetic to refuse to adjust the difficulty level and then complain about the difficulty level?
  8. Originally Posted By: Actaeon
    I'm looking forward to Aran (So Far Away).

    This one's actually been done (though with a far cooler Aran than I could ever be).

    Since around April, PPP5 has also been archiving PDNs with only a few gaps.
  9. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
    If I recall correctly, Ed used & as his PDN at one time.

    that is oddly appropriate for reasons that only imban will get

    was it some pun on "banned"?

    Originally Posted By: ĐªŔŦĦ ËRNIË
    did you know that if you try to replace all your letters with special characters you get a message saying invalid name length?

    That's because your name is actually stored in the database as the string in this quote box.

    Each non-ASCII character is therefore the equivalent of 6-7 ASCII characters.
  10. Originally Posted By: and each wore a bowler hat
    Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
    Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    There hasn't been a purge of accounts which have never posted and spambot accounts in years.

    I'm pretty sure this has only happened once, and it really only happened then because the new board software (for ubb.threads) had to be installed anyway. So I wouldn't expect it again, at least not soon.

    I dunno, I'd have to go to the PPP to check, but I do recall Jeff (or, more likely Mariann) saying that they were going to remove spambots and members who had registered but not posted (thereby dealing with the resident Wolf problem too), in order to try and stop the UBB from imploding.

    Of course, it was right around the shift, so I could be confusing one event into two. smirk

    Edit: I AM WRONG. Front page of the PPP archive. Duh. In my defence, 2008 was an age ago. Apologies!

    This was, in fact, part of what ended the PPP in the first place. UBB renumbered the accounts so it would have been impossible to mix the old archive with new content just because the member numbers didn't match. (Neither did topic or post numbers, of course, or in some cases forum IDs)
  11. (If this is fire, then the forum were perpetually aflame back in the days.)


    Anyway, I understand your reaction. You get enough crap in real life - are in fact in danger in real life - that this forum should provide a safe haven. Stuff like what Trenton said (an escalation made in ignorance, I suspect, of how much more Serious Business gender identity is than taste in literature) absolutely cannot stand.

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