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Posts posted by Aran

  1. You can play games on them? I thought they were just for talking to ghosts.




    But seriously, there are already Android versions for the newest Spiderweb games: Would they really require radical changes to work on this kind of platform?

  2. 86% Jill Stein, apparently. And actually 54% Ron Paul, because we agree on the Middle East, Patriot Act, and internet control. However, I laughed at the "Should the US have bailed out banks in 2008" question: My "No" and Ron Paul's "No, remove the federal reserve and return to the gold standard" were apparently matched, as were "Yes" and "Yes, but the government shouldn't spend money on it" on the global warming question.


    Needless to say, we were diametrically opposite on immigration, science, gun control, and the UN.



  3. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    And why buy a book when what's online is not only free but much more convenient to read? I understand the 1,000 True Fans concept, but I still get the feeling that one of these days, the goose is going to realize that I'm not paying her for her golden eggs, and is going to just fly away.

    The audience is just that big. My sites earn around $1 for every 3000 hits (so around $2 per month until the relaunch, after which I didn't put the ads back everywhere). Considering a popular webcomic might get millions of monthly visits, they could generate thousands, even without counting merchandise.
  4. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    John Dies at the End is an example of one that got popular enough to end up being published as a printed book (and made into a feature film, even).

    I heard about that... it's finished? I must see this. O_O

    (I remember spending October 2004 reading the serial... likely linked to by someone here.)

    I also guess that the film will look like it was inspired by Supernatural, which is funny since the story predates that show by far.
  5. It surely would. For example, I could be in this Saturday or Sunday at any weird hour you name.


    (By the way, is it at all possible to find out who's online without having to start the game, like in a web interface? Idling around the clock would be a bit distracting...)

  6. Originally Posted By: The Mystic
    for one am not among them. In fact, if I were a gambler, I'd put down some serious money on the end of the world not happening in my lifetime.

    I'll take that bet. Will pay you back as soon as, you know.

    Originally Posted By: Peachie Pie
    All the people who've said this to me, mind you, are young college students, if that changes anything. I guess it's just a twisted power fantasy sort of thing for some folks. I'm sure they'd feel completely different in the face of a real crisis.

    Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest [...] in the world. If I moved to a martial-arts monastery in China and studied real hard for ten years. If my family was wiped out by Colombian drug dealers and I swore myself to revenge. If I got a fatal disease, had one year to live, and devoted it to wiping out street crime. If I just dropped out and devoted my life to being bad. - Stephenson
  7. No mention of Order of the Stick or Schlock Mercenary or El Goonish Shive yet? Also, Dresden Codak.


    There are several others on my list, but most of them have been mentioned already.

  8. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    man literature about the end of the world is really not a new thing at all. look at norse mythology or hinduism or literally any culture that has a flood myth

    This. It's a trope that's been around long enough to have a real name outside That Wiki; in Greek even: Eschatology.

    How and when the world ends is a natural thing to contemplate, along with the way it started. Interestingly, there seems to be a widespread conviction among people that the world will end in their lifetime - around 15% expressed that in a world-wide poll, and I'd be surprised if people haven't believed this, in one form or another, for centuries. Nuclear war, the rapture, the zombie apocalypse, the machine uprising, the technological singularity... it might be different ways, but the End Of The World As We Know it is always scheduled in our time.
  9. I know this story; I think it was on the Daily WTF some time back.


    The password field of the user table was also the primary key field making it impossible to have duplicate passwords, and they were stored unencrypted to make the verification process easier.


    This is... awesome. The only way to improve on it would be to tell users which other account has the password they tried to enter.

  10. "Male / Other"? I can follow the reasoning that leads to this, but it still looks weird.


    (To everyone wondering about the actual percentage of female members: That the "Female / Other" categories are joined into one category for privacy means that one of the two categories is really small. There are quite a few (though not many) binary-identified women here, so it's not "Female".)


    That there are more non-straight males than non-males is a demographic phenomenon I've seen in several forums that held a census, notably on NationStates.


    I like "religiosity".


    Not familiar with "Formal" fields of study. Does that include stuff like Philosophy (which I'd expect in Humanities), or Computer Science / Math (which I'm used to classing as sort of a Natural science)?


    (Oh, and as an addendum: I missed the census myself, sadly.)

  11. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
    Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    Originally Posted By: Triumph
    There is no i in Alorael...or is that team?
    My mind is blown.

    So full of win.
  12. On the other hand, for more long-term planning we could do something like a Doodle or Google Docs thing. I know I won't hang out on the server all weekend, but if I know people will be there at a certain time it'd be different.

  13. This is not a productive use of the thread, and not an efficient way to look for playing partners. You have to post almost daily and your post only stays relevant for a few hours.


    I suggest that people who have time to play either hang out in the server lobby, or (if leaving the client open is too resource-intensive) a chatroom (maybe on CalRef?)

  14. Well, in terms of lifespan and power they sort of relate to humans like humans to something really low in the food-chain. Even the ones who aren't evil are, as a general rule, not good.


    (As some quote on TvTropes went: "Few people mistake a noble dragon for a nice one more than once.")

  15. Wow, I've been out of the loop. Last time I played even the development trunk was on 1.9, and now you've got a stable 1.10.


    However, apparently 1.10 is available as a backport in my current distribution.


    Edit: I'm in. However, I won't be really in until the weekend.

  16. The cooperation between the religious right, corporations and libertarians are to me the most baffling thing about US politics.


    Religion and corporations I broadly get; the religious right is being used by the rich as an easily steered and homogenous support base.


    Also, I get that libertarians and capitalists can agree on the whole free-market thing, but even there it seems as though they should object to the tight control that corporations have over the market.


    But how do libertarians and the religious right get along?

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