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Posts posted by Aran

  1. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
    Wait... what? The percentage of women in computer science has DROPPED, precipitously, in the last 20 years? Huh. I wonder what happened?

    Exactly. WTH? The only other major that has dropped is Mathematics, and that negligibly.

    (Of course, there is the usual caveat when comparing percentages - a drop in proportion can easily be coupled with an overall increase, particularly in a growing discipline. Still, why is that growth so disproportionate?)
  2. Originally Posted By: SereNikki
    Originally Posted By: Dantius
    Prepackaged frozen meatballs would work along those same lines, I believe.

    Well no, faggots are something quite apart from meatballs. Have to admit I'm blanking on the sticks though, Aran. And I own that book!

    And Diki is, as Diki often is, absolutely on the money. tongue

    Misremembered; actually the American reads it off the "Witchfinder" business card.

    "What's this here," [the guard] said suspiciously, "about us got to give you faggots?"
    "Oh, we have to have them," said Newt. "We burn them."
    "Say what?"
    "We burn them."
    The guard's face broadened into a grin. And they'd told him England was soft.
  3. Originally Posted By: BMA
    W.Wordsworth's Ode to the Daffodils (?) is about the only English poem that I know of, having been asked to recite it at school.

    But the one which had caught my fancy involved a knight jumping into a lion's pit to retrieve his lover's kerchief, and then jumping out and throwing the kerchief at her face (thus breaking up with her) with everyone watching. I wish I remember what it was.

    Schiller, "The Glove". ("Der Handschuh") A translation and the original are here.
  4. You mean this?


    Far, far below the deepest delving of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he. Now I have walked there, but I will bring no report to darken the light of day.


    (There is also some other quote about "roots of the world" and "beyond time" or something. Can't find it.)

  5. Quote:
    In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
    A stately pleasure dome decree
    Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
    Through caverns measureless to man
    Down to a sunless sea...

    I kind of want to boot up Minecraft and build that.
  6. Wouldn't people aiming to be medical doctors be studying medicine? Biology is about living organisms, but has little to do with the various ways a human one can go wrong or be fixed.

  7. Originally Posted By: VCH
    I guess one thing they got right was the focus on chemistry and physics stuff. The Biology boat is already filled with girls.

    I wonder why that is. Are women interested in different kinds of science, or is it a self-perpetuating effect?
    Similarly, the gender balance is far more equal in mathematics than in computer science where I study, and those fields really don't differ significantly in the type of interest they require.
  8. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    (Hey, a certain member had recorded a reading of Kubla Khan, among other poems. I can't find a link to the reading; if said member is reading this, could a link be posted?)

    If you mean me, then it sucks. However, it can probably be found on the internet archive.

    Edit: Oh yes, there it is.. The internet is forever. (At least you didn't ask about the R.E. Howard stuff.)
  9. Originally Posted By: Homage
    Related: Anyone play Battle for Wesnoth here?

    Yeah. I used to play it very heavily for half a year, after I stopped with Alpha Centauri and before I started with Minecraft. Now, like Alpha Centauri, only occasionally.
  10. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
    The logic that the video might have had, up to a point, is just that there's no point in preaching to the choir. Female geeks are already into science, so you need to aim at some other group.

    I can see that train of thought, but it's doomed to failure. The way to interest someone in science, regardless of geekiness, is to show her how awesome science is. If that doesn't work, then science might just not be her thing.
  11. Originally Posted By: Actaeon
    This one is a reasonably mild case. Imagine the trouble a Brit could get into trying to bum a cigarette in NYC.

    Good Omens had this bit where a Brit asks an American for a bundle of sticks...
  12. This one blogger put it in terms of a Venn diagram: Take the set of all women, and the set of everyone interested in science. The union of those sets consists of people you're insulting; the intersection is your target audience.


    I've been seeing incredulous reactions all over the net for a week now, and am still surprised now that I've actually seen the video.

  13. I have this pet theory that the Shapers are actually pre-historic precursors of the Vahnatai, so that Avernum and Geneforge are set in different eras of the same planet.


    Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    and no, klids. nethergate is not like watergate.
    I am now going to use 'Nethergate' to refer to any scandal involving 'nethers'. tongue


    In ages hence, people will wonder what the Watergate scandal had to do with water.

  14. Originally Posted By: !Trenton.
    I swear to god, I am still picking pebbles out of my feet. And along with that, I have blisters on my feet, and I feel the need to put my toughest face on and clench my fists when black vans with tinted windows drive by.

    Perfectly understandable. Blisters heal, but reputation is forever. Who needs such things as "good sense" anyway? tongue
  15. My fastest victory (still taking at least a century) usually comes with the university, but that's because I almost always play the long game and go for Transcendence.


    But I don't actually have much tactical skill, and still leave a lot of things (terraforming, base resources, unit design aside from specialty units like air-droppable probes & colony pods) to the suboptimal AI.

  16. Originally Posted By: Homage
    is it strange that I always play as Santiago, team up with the university, and destroy the biblethumper...every time I play?

    Well, it's an uncommon alliance, though that's mostly due to Santiago's AI and therefore not an issue when you're playing as her. She normally really hates the University, and is more likely to fight on Miriam's side in the inevitable Believer/University war.
  17. Originally Posted By: Nioca
    I'm looking for something that's low maintenance, works quietly in the background without eating up a ton of resources, is effective, and is free.

    (The problem with finding free and good antivirus tools: The best free programs are open-source projects, which are written by programmers using them themselves, who tend to use platforms that don't need anti-virus.)

    The closest you can get is likely an ad- or upgrade-nagging-supported free edition of a commercial package. I used to run Avira, and it was reasonably nice to handle and caught some stuff. (It's hard to tell what it didn't catch, of course.)
  18. Originally Posted By: Homage
    It made me realize even more so that we are a speck in a massive amount of nothing, and we are made of tiny specks with massive amounts of nothing around them.

    From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here, that's home, that's us.

    (Listening to that speech always gives me a warm shiver.)
  19. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith
    Originally Posted By: Avadon
    What is with this Hollywood-esque fascination with trilogies? I feel it sucks.

    In a trilogy, a story is cut up meaninglessly into three parts.

    Agamedone 1: Introducing the the scenario.
    Agamedone 2: Needless filler that does not really advance the scenario.
    Agamedone 3: Rushed ending to the trilogy that does not really tie up any loose ends because hey, it is the end of the trilogy and the suckers who will buy will buy it no matter what.

    Source: Mass Effect series.

    If the first movie/game/book creates a large following, you can cash in with lazy sequels and merchandise

    Not to mention a prequel trilogy...
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