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Posts posted by Micawber

  1. I don't usually agree with correct people's spelling or grammar, but I've just got to point out that snot <> snout. Look it up.


    Consequently, Contra's post initally struck me as rather bizarre...


    Maybe the gigantic hooters occurred because serviles were always telling lies. Or maybe it's just a really bad drawing, and they're not intended to have a snout at all.

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Ephesos:
    About the red herring... weird. So old school environmentalists used fish?
    I don't think the purpose was to save the fox, but rather to train the hounds. So that the hound could still follow the fox, despite being confused by herring scent, that was the purpose of the training.
  3. If you get butchered whenever you enter giant territory, then it's unlikely you're ready to visit Erika yet. Erika's tower has tests to prevent you from reaching her until your characters are quite strong.


    Given that there are a lot of demons about, you should probably wait until you are strong enough to obtain the orb of thralnai, before you explore the waters west of the giant fort.

  4. For normal training you have to expend skill points and/or coins to improve your PCs. Whereas L3 spells are typically found "lying around" in dungeons.


    It really is very similar to GF2/3. You can obtain up to 2 levels in each spell/ability by paying a trainer. You don't need any more than that, but if you wish you can further boost the skill by seeking out and finding free magic books/canisters. It seems reasonable to suggest that there should be some consequences for making that choice.


    On occasions A3 has already done something similar - in order to get dispel barrier L3, you must commit a crime.

  5. In which game? Exile 1, 2 and 3 all have sapphires.


    In Exile 1, you can try in Fort Draco, or talk to Dexter in Almaria (say "tools"). Also Spire.


    In Exile 2, you can buy them near Formello (Vail the Scrivener, just outdoors to the north) or in Egli.


    In Exile 3, look in Angels Rest. I think (not sure) the wizard in Greendale sells them too. Doubtless there are other places.

  6. Quote:
    Originally written by sith1990:
    I wasn't looking to sell them I just wanted to know if the disk itself is worth anything.
    Something's value = what people are willing to pay for it. In this case, probably nothing.
  7. It's marginal because the differences between E2 and E3 spells are small. On the whole I preferred the earlier game. The mage version of ravage enemy was vaguely useful. Repel was a useful spell (for ogre mages, and so on) and I missed not having it in my Anama party. But the real clincher for me is, why introduce both falling asleep and paralysis (pretty much the same effect) but not give you a single spell to inflict acid? E3 forfeits points for a lost opportunity.

  8. That's funny because I really find it more useful at lower levels - if you forgo bashing weapons and spend a lot of one PC's skill points on archery then they can become quite effective in dealing with goblins, unicorns, roaches etc. In my experience (and I admit yours may be different) the limitations really start with the tougher monsters like giants and golems where your archer loses the advantage of being able to hit from a distance without being hit back.


    Having said all that, it is of course undoubtedly true that archery is MILES better in Avernum than it is in Exile.

  9. That moral thing of aswell's sounds a bit like a friend of mine (the one who introduced me to Exile all those years ago - cheers!). She would always carry cursed items to a hostile dungeon before dropping them, so as not to harm the friendly locals.

  10. Re rune reading, A1 can give an exaggerated impression of how much rune readings skill is required. This is because the first couple of map areas contain a few high level spells, which you won't need till much later on in the game. On the other hand, if you're unable to learn light level 3, then you do have a problem! You'll have to pump up your PCs' arcane lore to learn spells (both PCs' rune reading are taken into account).


    Re the bandit fort, you don't need to unlock the door there is a secret passage (in Avernum, there is nearly always a secret passage). You can enter from the room immediately to the south of the locked room - the secret passage is the second segment of wall counting from the east.

  11. The question "Avernum or Exile" has only one answer: Get both! Play both! Buy both!


    This way, you get the best of all worlds. Plus, you can play spot the difference (sometimes the puzzles are the same, sometimes they're different). And as a bonus you'll become so familiar with the geography of Exile/Avernum you'll know it better than your home town...


    Re archery, admittedly this is pretty useless in E1 and E2, but I found that bolts do a fair amount of damage in E3 - enough to justify the investment in skill points, IMHO.

  12. A servile named Kaba gives you a quest (on behalf of Litalia) to repair the rogue generator on the Isle of Dhonal. Well I fixed it, and the creator thanked me grudgingly, but I can't find Kaba anywhere; I have spoken to Litalia on Gull Island. However, the quest still appears as outstanding on my "current quests" screen. How do I officially complete it?

  13. Don't want: lack of grid system, which leads to blocked routes for no good reason; the combat action point system, what exactly are you supposed to do when your turn comes round, and you only have 1 or 2 APs, it's insulting.


    Do want: some of the creatures and spells (e.g. steel skin) could be transferred into Avernum. Plus the special effects for essence orbs and aura of flames are cool. Also, it would be interesting to add a personality penalty to your party for learning L3 spells (similar to the effect for canisters in GF).

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