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Posts posted by Micawber

  1. In my view, one should always buy all of Jeff's games, as soon as they are released.


    Personally, I love the Geneforge games to point of compulsion. Must.. turn.. all.. zones.. Green. [Edit: if A4 had a similar feature, I believe I would like it even more.]


    You will play through Geneforge 3 at least twice, so on a $/hr basis I think that makes it pretty good value anyway.

  2. The theory is sound, but it would be so dull to do this. Just like in Geneforge 2 saving up all the spell books and canisters until after you've met the trainer. Borrrrr-ing. Chances are, you'll just forget to go back anyhow.


    EDIT: The word is "save", not "safe", by the way.

  3. Well, the one with the four pylons is a little bit tougher than the others. So I would suggest exploring the great cave, buying the endurance in dharmon & fighting the bandits in Fort Saffron before taking on that particular demon. The fight isn't that tough but it is a step up from Bhoralon (the quest demon).

  4. Of course we have seen something of this already - there are a few zones where you meet "patrols" of monsters. In GF2 & GF3 these tended to be linked to some sort of a mechanical device to deactivate the patrol. But I welcome the extension of the principle to other zones.


    For me, this should mean blessing magic becomes more useful. The problem with "fight one monster, end combat, walk a short while, fight second monster, end combat, etc" is that repeatedly casting haste, blessing, is a waste of essence. Blessing magic will be more worthwhile when you know you are fighting a group of monsters rather than a succession of individuals.


    A little bit closer to Exile? (where wandering monsters spawned in groups...)

  5. Well, I wouldn't bother taking parry to such a high level - the game is no fun to play when you outclass the monsters. It's also possible to beat Geneforge 2 using Haste + Strong Daze, but quickly very boring.


    Myself I would stick to the knitting - the key stats are Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Endurance. I'd plough Matteo's spare skill points into these expensive skills. Even 30 points won't go far but it will be worthwhile in the long run.

  6. I think it's worth re-starting if you got your skills wrong (e.g. neglecting first aid) or if your party's leveling up is unbalanced. I try to get roughly the same amount of experience penalty/bonus for each PC but in practice it doesn't always turn out that way. It irritates me if one member of the party is lagging behind in levels, so I would tend to rebalance the party to avoid that.

  7. I think that switch is meant to be unswitchoffable - after all if you beat this level you win the game, so you do deserve to fight a few golems. [EDIT: Apparently you need mechanics skill 16 to deactivate it.]


    There are different types of golem all of which need a different type of spell to kill them. There are red ones, yellow ones and green ones I seem to recall. Try fireblast, lightning spray, and icy rain on each one they are all vulnerable to something.

  8. If you like Geneforge, definitely buy Avernum 4.


    If you don't like Geneforge, try the A4 demo before buying. I would say in its defense that A4 does manage to avoid some of GF's biggest irritants (such as realtime townmode and the insane grid). I feel sad about the elements that ought to be there that aren't (such as sea travel, and non-linearity), but I do think there's enough fun in A4 to make it worth buying. I particularly like the revamped spells, magical efficiency, first aid, some of the crafted items, and the opportunity to fight in the Spire arena again after all these years.

  9. Pleased to see that end-combat-party-is-whizzed-to-location-of-lead-character has returned in A4. Very useful for sneaking past pylons, spraying shrubs, etc.


    My favourite trick in the trilogy was using the infinite shop for useful potions (heroic brew, protection brew, knowledge brew). If you buy all of Silverlocke's potions she re-stocks, allowing you to buy infinite amounts of invulnerability! I don't see this as cheating - in Exile nearly all shops were infinite and rightly so IMHO.

  10. On the main level of Fort Saffron is a sign (and an automap note) saying "Staircase - To Cells". Go up the stairs. Walk west down the corridor to the portcullises and wheels etc. Head south, and east round the corner. There is a black door with some rubble lying nearby. Open the door, and go down the corridor. You pass some fungi, and you enter the Scree Caverns. Keep going and you encounter some hostile pylons. This is the bandit lair.

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