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Posts posted by Owenmoz

  1. 1 minute ago, feat. Ganrick said:

    This is not actually the case, unfortunately.


    i thought that if you just go home after finding out barzhal, shanti and zachary you get a relativelly shitty ending, if you ruin the plans of half a half decent ending and if you ruin the plans of all the best one? ik its not necessary to kill every living being but i do remember coming back as a  hero vs having the shaper council disapointted on you.

    but i was thinking about starting over anyway so myb i can see for myself, eventually.

  2. Yoo Alhoon long time, im glad you finally finished g3. There is an unaligned option but the ending varies according to how much/little you sabotaged the other factions. idk if it qualifies as a spoiler. but if you see your quest list the main quest should tell you exactly what you need as minimum requirement to end the game. 

    that being said i wouldnt say Litalia is bad because canister use but geneforge has a bad track of retconing stuff so the whole lore is a mess and in the end it varies with what you personally take as canon. cause i.e. g5 rewrites some pieces of history but i think many here don't take g5 as the correct version so... Also you take zachary too much to heart, he is so forgettable idk what possibly got you to feel so strongly about him.

  3. I think i read somewhere that most gazers can shape but don't like to, as it's not a pure enough form of power or something. And they are hermits by default, most would rather live alone. (oddly enough they are very opportunistic, because a good amount of gazers take over the minds of rogue creations for protection and such. but i think to them they are no better than a sword as they are completely stripped of independent will, unlike shaping which well... is more complicated)

    That being said, gazers would lose the war. They are more prone to insanity and incapable of uniting for sustained periods of time. Plus If the games are any clue, they don't quite have the numbers. I do wish they were less prone to insanity. They would genuinely be terrifying otherwise.

    Edit. One thing that comes to mind is that insanity is a result of incompetent shaping which is why i think if they invested any on self shaping they might have been able to correct it. Or worsen it, since self-shaping is often associated with decrease in mental stability. Which i also blame on incompetent shaping. You'd figure after centuries of research they would have perfected the art.

  4. If you want a good poetry book try the prophet by Khalil Gibran. Or alternatively the works of Pushkin are very good but im not sure how faithful the translations are.


    (Also stop kinkshaming my poetry. It is kewl and edgy n full of deep deep meaning)


  5. In truth there were 3 i had but i can't find it anywhere written that its a leading cause of child mortality anywhere. I do remember reading that. But its at odds with statistics given on these papers as it says kids have a relatively low incidence of the disease. 1.something% so what i read was probably wrong.


    -on cancer i really wanna fight(figuratively) you on that one. But that would mean too much work. In any case random mutations are in fact the main cause of cancer. What i am sure of is that there was a mention of those being linked to genes(redundant, but i mean the odds of those random mutations occuring are hereditary in a way. I think its something to do with programed cell death in case of aberrant mutation. Some have it more precise others less so.) That being said im willing to take your word on it. Like i said im not specialising in medicine so not really my area of expertise.



    -True on changes throughout the ages. But it is a very accurate book when it comes to life cycles and symptoms. Has saved some lives at least. On Wikipedia also true. You can easily find gizmodo or daily mirror as a source. And those aren't even the worst i've seen. But still i haven't seen it having scientific errors. Actually were i to edit it im confident it would be corrected in less than 2 hours. Well. Probably not. Depending on where i go.


    -lolz don't be sorry it feeds my ego and delusions of grandeur on the basis of immortality. Not many can claim that xD

    I'm angry at the lack of information. As the symptoms vary a bit, so does the treatment. With a lot of people using quinine(not to mention fansidar which can actually cause chemical burns(well, severe alergic reaction and skin death) to treat something that could be treated with chloroquine(although not advisable in some areas as there are resistant strains) which is much less damaging to the liver. Hell they even give people preemptive quinine shots in certain situations. Which is definitely not helpful because it may give rise to new resistant strains. And its a bit silly because even some doctors don't know how to go about treating it. I know of this British guy that got it in Mozambique and flew back to Europe to die there of the disease. I believe in part its because it is a tropical disease and people in the tropics are more used to treating it. But information like that should be available to the public. It can save lives.

    I don't know for sure but i think its called semi quantitative parasitemia. On density of plasmodia per thick blood smear. There are some variations of the same test for serotyping to see if its plasmodium ovale or vivax( ovale can cause relapses due to hypnozoits and vivax needs extra measures to prevent spleen enlargement). 5 crosses is almost always falciparum. And there are 2 other kinds of plasmodia that cause disease in humans but generally not given much attention as they can be treated the same as falciparum.


    Thanks man! It went well.


  6. Salmonella – A Dangerous Foodborne Pathogen

    Edited by Barakat S. M. Mahmoud

    Published by InTech

    Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia


    thats the paper i read on bacterial infections in the united states. Now that i read the title i suppose the angle is a bit too narrow.


    -on sepsis, after a little research i will retract my comment partly. Like Alorael and dikiyoba said sepsis has as risk factors debilitated immune system. Very old or very young age, lack of some organs and chronic diseases. Those are risk factors.


    In all honesty though i still strongly believe it a result. At least in part, of negligence. Because i've seen it as a result of negligence in 5 out of the 8 cases i've seen. Lack of basic health care doing 1(and this particular one is the exception that managed to take themselves to a real hospital. Most without access die without even knowing what is wrong). In any case you see a 5 year old kid who has been sick for weeks but his parents just give them paracetamol. Come to the hospital because its "weird" that it hasn't passed and the kid is almost dead.( Note worthy that not all cases of sepsis are bacterial.)

    http://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.0050175 i think this article can explain how negligent adults with lack of access to basic health care are likely to get sepsis. Under the prevention tag. There are many more of/similar to those that contain information on efforts to improve the situation. Including education.


    -I didn't say kids cannot get cancer. I said they don't tend to. Specially compared to adults. Since kids are unlikely to get exposed to risk factors. Only genetics tend to play a role. (Unfortunately(i suppose fortunately for some) genes play a bigger role in adults than exposure/habits as well) but on that account(one of the leading causes of death) i already wrote you the title and author. I would send the email but thats sorta against placement if personal info etc etc..


    Also i did mention. Feeling ill for a time on imbalances. Those are pretty common. They don't kill usually but come on. even then specially depending on where, what and how you eat food poisoning is common. Not all is caused by bacteria though. (But non of the intoxications are caused by viruses)


    On Wikipedia. I haven't yet seen a scientific error on it so it's reliable. But many times its incomplete. Out of habit i steer away from citing it. My main sources are lecturers, personal experience, a book called terapia(which granted is probably very dated, its a Soviet Union official translation of another book sp its oolllldddd) i'll get the details later as im on the way to school now.


    On malaria. I having had the luck of having it a whooping 8 times. Two resulting in lasting brain damage. Am honestly baffled at how all of them are on the same ground. Some of them have different(slightly) life cycles even. Using the cross system there are 5 types of malaria. With one cross and 5 crosses being the deadliest for completely different reasons. 5 crosses gives you a whoopass of heavy symptoms with 40+ celsius skin temp fevers. Convulsions and horribly debilitating other stuff. It kills ypu quickly if you don't go to the hospital immediately. Which most people go.

    The one cross has very light symptoms extremely light that you don't notice you're sick so you don't go to the hospital and you die.( Why if you are in the tropics and feel slightly sick don't shy out of going to the hospital.)

    So honestly one of the deadliest diseases in the world with so much impact in all aspects and there is no detailed information? I think im getting unreasonably pissed at it. Smh. This lack of information can kill people but anyway.


    I hope with this post i made clear what i meant by biased. But good point slartibus.

    Wish me luck on my last exam folks. I may need it.




  7. It will take me a while to source it. So i'll address what i can for now.


    - Bacterial sepsis is *usually* result of negligence or lack of access to basic health care. Both of which can happen throughout the world. Even tuberculosis, which factors in the most deadly bacterial diseases of our age, has a significant amount of deaths attributed to; lack of access to treatment. And negligence. Specially since one will feel significantly better after some time on treatment. As such there is a tendency not to finish the treatment(leading to bigger problems such as multidrug resistant strains)

    -i said child mortality. Adults are better able to cope with any infection. A kid is unlikely to kill themselves. And while its possible cancer does not tend to develop during early childhood( as a physician you can probably confirm. Child mortality is from birth to 5 years old)

    -E. Coli is part of the gut flora. Even "non pathogenic" sttlrains cause illness if the population exceeds a certain limit. Those are short lived because our body usually manages the population efficiently. Why as with common cold its unlikely we'll go to the hospital. While not infectious and "outbreaks" are rare. As you said we ingest bacteria on a daily basis in good quantities. So an imbalance in population is generally attainable.

    On the USA having some kind of record i can e-mail you the whole pdf so you can read at your leisure. Worth noting however that it is not a jab at your health system(my jabs at it are on another matter). Simply put bacteria are somewhat better than us in that aspect. And over there, there are new species and new strains. As with the "new world" in general.


    -I too think i have some idea of what im talking about. And that was the point really.


    -@dikiyoba, there is pressure on viruses to be less lethal. Because said virus that killed half a city has a lesser chance of spreading than a virus that causes little harm. Specially with the ones that cannot survive outside a host for a sustained period. It also works the other way as i said, humans develop resistance to viruses more quickly than to i think any other pathogen. The same virus may give light symptoms in one population and anichilate another because it has no resistance.

    A good example being the ebola virus, which is 20% less likely to kill someone that had malaria over someone that didn't. Putting most of the developed world at a disadvantage. So it would be more easily spread in the tropics because odds of someone surviving enough time to pass it on are higher. It would also spread more easily in the tropics for other reasons. But anyway.


    By the end of next week i will give the rest of the sources. But the above mentioned pdf is available.


  8. Not familiar with that expression. In any case. I did say viruses are by far more deadly. I said so in the beginning of the post. Because they are hard to treat. And i said humans are unlikely to die of bacterial infection unless due to negligence or lack of access to basic health services.


    And i did say on that point that its a historical perspective on it. And then came back to the present with non typhoid salmonella cases. Anyway. If that wasn't helpful to the conversation i apologise.

  9. Very true. If you read on it, you will easily realise that for instance modern HIV strains areuch less aggressive than the original ones. And it is very possible to stay years without developing aids even if you don't take ARVs(although for many reasons you should undergo treatment asap as it is still a deadly disease that affects not only the victim but also those around them).

  10. In mortality viruses will always have the head because they are difficult to treat. People usually only die of bacterial infections due to negligence or lack of access to basic health services.

    Statistically(specially in terms of percentage) bacteria do however hold the biggest death toll with black plague, leprosy and cholera having had whooping death tolls.

    Viruses did kill historically but specially in Europe, people developed resistance to most of the respiratory tract viruses. I want to assume the common cold was very fatal at one point in history. We know the flu was having had a significant effect in the Americas. Flu of course can still kill. Its just much less likely. My family(european side) had innate immunity to small pox with them needed repeated shots until it scarred. With bacteria now its the other way around. Their pesky selves are the ones becoming resistant to us.


    And im honestly surprised thats all the bacterial infections you had. USA has some sort of record in bacterial infections. And the fact that there are new ones endemic to there. I know non typhoid salmonella infections are one of the leading causes in child mortality over there.

    I would put common cold with e. Coli. We several times a year have an imbalance in their population leading to short lived relatively unpleasant illness. A lot of the basic food poisonings go unregistered unless they last longer than a few days.

    Bacteria are a danger we seem unable to defeat and that makes me(a human rightfully put at the top of the food chain) uncomfortable. Viruses are deadly sure and not to be ignored. But i think if i spend my life more likely to get bacterial infections(including some cases misdiagnosed as common cold) i'd rather be immune to those and treat the relatively less in number, viral infections( I, myself only had measles once and the rest are colds).


    Btw im thinking that our statistics for diseases are very likely to be biased by personal experiences. And since i touched bacteriology and virology only lightly(relatively) in university(im not specialising in medicine) So honestly i can't really say my stats are better. Im too lazy to make an in depth analysis of infections.

  11. That was sort of my point with the exception that i have the impression most infections that affect humans are bacteria(now im not that sure but relatively confident(bacteria themselves have considerable diversity and the same bacteria can cause different diseases)). With that in mind i'd rather bacteria were easier to vaccinate against and viruses more easily treated. As in the positions were reversed.


    Also im considerably surprised/amazed at the vaccine for common cold. How many strains are there?

  12. Im not sure how comfortable i am with the idea of a syphilis small pox cocktail bomb. Both very nasty diseases.

    Unfortunately viruses are significantly easier to eradicate(if not treat) than bacteria. The pesky little craps are very bent on surviving.

  13. I do have minions. My minion was driven back by ire and I was sent in.


    —Alorael, who isn't allowed to yell back. He is allowed to calmly tell people to behave like adults. It's sometimes surprisingly satisfying.


    Any job that doesn't allow you to yell at people incoherently and chase after them with a teaspoon isn't cushy.


    In retrospect maybe it was a good idea to have given up my pursuit in psychology.

  14. Okavano is west of borrowood province. Where you find a mindless drakon and a shaper's soul inside a golem called matala. There is also a shaper fort there where you're told to save some rebels.


    That being said. It is heavily implied that matala was the one that broke the drakon.

    However G3 spoiler:


    it is said litalia made a strong shade to cloud and eat away general greiner's mind. A process that was long and slow as for him to only suspect tiredness. Given enough time the shade would completely control greiner. Who was a great general and one of the most powerful shapers in g3. It is possible that the presence is a failed attempt to replicate that.




    Sadly yes. We're too far down the road with such companies being in private industry (making/skimming billions of dollars) for it ever to be nationalized. When there are billions involved, it's FAR cheaper to spend several million on lobbyists who in turn will drop thousands in reelection money on as many Congressmen (or senior aides under the table) as it takes to throw up enough roadblocks to kill the idea.


    The really disgusting part about that isn't that Congressmen are willing to sell out the nation's health, but that they're willing to do so so cheaply....


    A communist revolution could solve that. Sadly no one is really willing to evenly distribute wealth.


    dikyoba explains on anti vaxxers in Britain in the 18th century


    Its actually a trip to see how humans learn nothing and insist on making the same mistakes.

  16. Presumably, though, we can all agree that maybe regulatory agencies should not be stacked with people closely associated with the very industry giants they are supposed to be regulating.


    That we can agree with. Still not applicable to vaccines doe. In any case its a bit complicated to have regulatory agencies whose people were not at one point affiliated with the industry giants. They sort of do have monopoly or close enough on science. A good alternative would be having the government absorb/nationalise anything related to health. Because health care is sort of the government's responsibility. Plus implementation of a drug or treatment wouldn't depend much on financial success as there would be a budget fed by tax money. But that too idealistic.

  17. Alright, so... On the news article she says they should be approved by people we can trust.

    While i understand her anti-pharmaceutical company stance, and understanding of the evils of lobbyism. She should know that.

    1 vaccines are approved internationally. The world health organisation oversees that, and there are some other quality monitors. Like the article says, creation of vaccines is a long process. Relatively few new ones were made since 90s. Not because there are no experiments on that, but because they fail. Even so; lobbyism is NOT legal throughout the world.

    2 even if the pharmaceutical companies were corrupt and self serving(which they are, i mean seriously every time i read the price of medicine over there i fume inside) whats the alternative to that? Unfortunately those companies have a name and reputation. Would you trust a world renowned doctor who is also an alcoholic gambler, or a recent graduate with next to no field experience to do the work. But he's also nice and honourable. Before she starts going on that line of thought and publicly fueling people's paranoia. She should present a viable and trustworthy alternative. If you overthrow a government without a reliable alternative all you give rise to is anarchy.


    I mean. Sure she's not an antivaxxer. But she just gave those people more ammo for their militant ignorance. Sorta why i'd rather have a politician who does not "say it like it is" and thinks carefully on the effects of their words before uttering them. Unfortunately the masses can't really be trusted.


    Anyway on GMO's i study genetics. Honestly, so far as i can see they are safe(unless the responsible company is grossly incompetent). Actually safer than "organic" food thats bathed in fertilisers and pesticides. So on it being healthy i dismiss concerns. So far i haven't seen a truly valid one. But they *can* be ecologically harmful, and due to gmo monopoly, considerably expensive(again, its a *can*). Its a complicated number of factors that add to it. I can explain further if im asked to. But while I'm iffy about banning since the ecological damage is significantly reduced due to sterile plants so grounds are there but they are short and remove room for research advancement. I don't get why there is such a strong anti labeling sentiment. I mean whatever your reasons you should be able to choose what you eat. Plus being sketchy on that does add to general lack of trust in gmo's.


    In any case i refrain from doing the. "Shame. Shame. Shame." Routine but she really should research on what she says before saying it. So should everyone.


  18. True. The name was a bit silly. I suppose mostly cause it was attached to a fiora. And im like. "Ha!"

    Besides the rebels have a similar thing already(more powerful and controlable even ). You really should finish up with g3.

    In any case geneforge 5 had way too much wierd stuff going around that the presence is only felt literarily if you only play the demo. It screams of small town urban myth/low budget horror flick. Could work sure but only in a limited space(it follows sorta broke those chains so... Maybe if the presence was something you ran from but can't trully defeat just yet. Like in prince of persia warrior within). Plus again. With pondlings and weird muscle brains with legs. And shredbugs and purity agent etc... The presence is forgettable. And its impact limited to the foundry core. It lacks depth, it lacks personality, lack background, lacks power and influence, lacks originality, lacks relevance. Doesn't lack potential. But its made as a nonplot gateway to the real story, and like the rest of g5 origin story. It was lacking.


    Use the corruption as reference. And the corruption itself didn't reach its full potential.



    I actually felt almost the opposite way; the G4 Trakovite ending isn't especially happy (none of the G4 endings are, for various reasons), but it's a logical consequence of your actions, while the G5 Trakovite path feels to me like it pulls a happy ending out of thin air in a way that directly contradicts key themes of the series.


    I think the only problem on the g4 trajkovite ending is that there is not enough need for it, both shaper and revel sides are almost overpoweringly charming. To the point that dooming the rebelion or releasing mayhem into the world is easy to do. On g5 the whole thing gets old and trajkovites become more charming as sn option to deny both sides victory.

  20. Sexism played a role even if not the only role. People more readily turn blind eyes to other candidates' character or professional flaws than to hers.

    Honestly it's easier to explain it with statistics. Most men voted for trump, and about half women voted for him. You can't exactly call a woman misogynistic(even though some exist). Statistically if we are to see men and women as equals in social views the votes would be Split equally. So since only about half women voted for trump, only half the men would have voted for trump based on merit(however misguided) alone. The rest, could be easily attributed to mysoginy. That is of course only if a certain amount of assumptions hold true.

    Slartibus could probably do a better more consise and clear analysis. I suck at math.



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