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About JtD

  • Birthday 03/08/1987

JtD's Achievements

Well-Actually War Trall

Well-Actually War Trall (13/17)

  1. My only complaint about gear oddly isn't that there are a lot of completely worthless items, but that the things with a value sell for ridiculously less than that amount. 20% of an amount that's the low-end of what you'll see something being sold for?! Bah! Anywayz. I kinda wish we could do something with some of that random crap, like the sacks of meal... no, no I don't
  2. I needed a dll file to get this to run in 7(haven't tried it on my XP machine yet). http://support.microsoft.com/kb/180071 Good thing it was available at microsoft's website. Now to check this out.
  3. Aw... I was curious as to what it'd be like, but alas, the weird linking issues stuff. Oh well.
  4. Don't feel bad about it. I've never made anything worth playing. Something about being too bloody lazy to finish anything(or learn how to use advanced scenario editor features either). Now I mostly get my RPG fix from the Pathfinder RPG mixed with some other d20 material, including homebrew material, though I sometimes dust off a Geneforge or one of the Exiles while I wait for the tabletop to start. If some of the modifications to BoE that I've read about here were made, people might have a reason to actually try to make BoE scenarios again. I would like that, cause I, & a few others, like the overall feel of Exile over Avernum.
  5. Avernum has more skillsets, but Exile has the potential for your party members to be near-immortal, thus, Nethergate wins because no one expected it to join the fight. Moving on.
  6. Which is really pathetic. It'd be nice if the "compatibility mode" actually did something....
  7. I can't get it to work in compatibility mode or anything on 7 64-bit. The community modified version works fine in 7, though. Of course it works great on PPC Mac through classic mode on OSX 10.4. BoE & the trilogy work fine using Wine on Linux. I haven't tried BoE or the trilogy on an Intel Mac, because seriously, if I want a PC that doesn't do much in the way of useful things, I'll just build one & put Linux on it. Besides, without Classic support(which was abandoned as I recall), it wouldn't work anyway(though I hear there's a program to bring it back, but eh).
  8. I foresee the new & improved scenario editor to be no more than a series of simple improvements that combined make it a much better tool... Oh sorry, I was using my power of stating the obvious.
  9. There were good features for the BoA Editor?! But seriously, sounds like it's got some potential. Just remember to keep the simplicity of the interface. That's a must. It would be neat if you could build a layer system into the game though. A slight tweak to the system could theoretically allow one to incorporate a "can't pass from a certain direction" option. That could allow one to better simulate 2 or more layers of depth to the world, especially if you added a pseudo falling-damage mechanic to it(a damage mechanic that only applies when going a certain direction, ie, down).
  10. Who's computer would blow up? I played this series on a Peforma 550 with all of 16MB of ram & a whopping 160MB hard drive & I've never known how fast the processor was... *looks up* holy crap! 33MHZ! High rollin, yo! God bless Jeff Vogel for making some of the best games I could run on that machine(& for doing the Exile Trilogy CD so I could actually afford them as a kid). And that would be awesome building an entire planet, but it would probly take more system resources to make the scenario than run it, since the game only has so much it ever feels the need to load at any point in time & it's a pretty small fraction of the entirety of the scenario. The file size should be massive though. Several megs, maybe even 10s of megs if you really have nothing better to do with your life. I really wanna see someone do that with the limits gone & hear how it went.
  11. Respect & fear the mighty door ninja! My gaming group & I encountered 1 in D&D, it was devastating... Some didn't make it out alive... Those who did were changed forever...
  12. That does present a problem & I've been there myself. If only they creature could've killed you in 5 minutes or less... Seriously, I mean no offense, but playing a single guy, which epic, is supposed to have drawbacks... If everyone gets webbed, you're kinda screwed. I honestly see no reason to change that. That said, it would be nice if it would at least have break where you could open menus & you're in a can't be free loop so you can try again. Or just exit the combat. Being paralyzed has the same issue only your AP doesn't go down it just instantly stops you from being able to do anything.
  13. It wasn't an option. I could never set it below 1 or 2(I forget which). There was a specific setting to make the creature not move, but it had to be done for each individual creature. For breakable terrain, it's way too tedious & wit would better to be able set the speed to 0 and/or add an immobile option to the Monster template itself... That 2nd opens up some brutal options, like Door Ninjas... It can't leave the space, but it can beat you down just the same.
  14. Limits will be removed and thus the world would be a better place...
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