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Everything posted by Blxz

  1. A few more episodes up now. Extended the length to about 25 minutes for each for a more solid viewing experience. Meeting up with Shaper Rawal again only to be sent off on some frivolous quest to find an unnamed villain who is terrorising his creations. Still Hunting for 'The Presence'. Jeff could have probably thought of a better name for this. It sounds like a cartoon villain. First encounter with 'The Presence'.
  2. Glad you like the series. Makes it easier to keep engaged, for sure. I've uploaded episodes 1-4 so far. I'm playing this for myself more than looking for mega views so I'll be updating the whole story. Will be doing more recording tonight and will probably increase to a slightly longer video time otherwise I'll have 200+ vids before the end. Feedback is always welcome if you had an opinion on anything.
  3. True, but have you tried using the search function on this forum? Takes some nuance to find stuff.
  4. Having been inspired by some others on this forum and by my desire to find a new hobby I have decided to record my commentated playthrough of Geneforge 5. I've played through Geneforge's 1 to 4 and am entering into 5 totally unknown but not unprepared. Would love it if you guys could check it out. First time I have ever recorded or uploaded to youtube so feel free to offer some constructive criticism. I am a big boy so don't worry about hurting my feelings. Check it out .
  5. Honestly, I don't know if they ever cover it. Although the shades in general were always the weakest part of the lore in my opinion. I much prefer the tangible things in the game lore rather than the prevalence for ghosts with ice attacks.
  6. Would be interested to read your comments. Always interesting to see and hear a different perspective.
  7. Much appreciated Slart. Seems that everything in these games have been covered multiple times in the past.
  8. Says the person who has only played two and a half games.
  9. Having just met a very old Amena Blade in G4 has reminded me that I met a much younger Amena in Geneforge 1. And she was there in Geneforge 2. I also recall her in G3. So clearly in the last century of game time since Sucia Island was discovered there has been a character who has lived an entire life through the whole thing. But she is sick and dying in this game. I don't expect to find her in G5 (although I might. Will have to wait and see) My question is: are there any characters that are present in all 5 games? Or are there multiple characters? Or at the very least, are there any other characters that are present in only 4 of the 5 games (which I suspect Amena will be limited to).
  10. Indeed. Quite the struggle. It has taken me years and I am mostly through 4 now. Have resisted the desire to play 5 ahead of time. Will finish this series one day soon. And already planning my next set of characters and alignments. Thoroughly trapped.
  11. Alhoon, I honestly think you are missing out a little bit by playing in reverse. The story flows onwards reasonably well. Backwards just means that you know how things end up while lacking some of the backstory that would help you understand a few of the more subtle things. (like why the geneforge is such a contentious issue, etc)
  12. ***Possible Spoiler below Alhoon*** *****End Spoiler****** On a semi related note, I have just read that an AI has passed an IQ test at the level of a young child. This presents a good real-world comparison. What happens if/when we create real intelligence? Should there be a limit on creating this intelligence and should it be controlled or should we make home kits so that we can all make our own sentient slave/AI-friend at home? What happens if that sentience is abused by people? What if that some of those sentient AI's murder people and start to become dangerous? Should they be destroyed? Where do we draw the line? Can we replace 'AI' with 'Drayk'?
  13. The thing is, the shapers core tenets were that if shaping were taken from their hands and used in an uncontrolled fashion all hell would break loose. The fact that the chain of events occurred pretty much immediately upon the rediscovery of Sucia Isle really validates a lot of their central beliefs. - Drayks were too dangerous and smart to be allowed to exist. Correct on all counts since they eventually led to the creation of Drakons, etc. - Uncontrolled shaping should be banned. Correct. The whole thing was an unmitigated disaster as soon as others got control. It didn't take centuries to fall apart. It wasn't generations of uncontrolled shaping. It literally happened immediately in G2 onwards. And the presence of Zakhary and co., Agatha, and the host of other incompetents does not reflect on the fact that the shapers were right 100%. Those were shapers who broke the rules and caused events to unfold. Now, I have yet to play G5 so I have not got the full story quite yet but so far every shaper teaching has been fully validated. Just a pity they were so bad at following their own rules. Sucia should have been purged not Barred.
  14. I can't imagine how anyone could ever go anything BUT pro-shaper in these games. I've had to force a pro-rebel game and even then I felt bad about myself. In pretty much every game except G1 (where the shapers are sort of presented as a midway evil choice) it seems foolish to go with the rebels. The choices sort of seem like: - Well you can choose the proper government who have bans on the proliferation of certain technologies (justifiably so in a multitude of cases across the series) OR - We can go full terrorist and unleash dragons and monsters and kill people so that we can take power for totally selfish reasons. The rebels just seem like bond villains. It is like saying, "Why does the government ban nuclear proliferation and tightly control nuclear power stations? Their rules are harsh and bad. We should have freedom to use nuclear power in our own homes too. Lets get bombs and blow stuff up and then we can all have uranium baths." Although perhaps I am just limited in my viewpoint?
  15. No idea how you do this. I am barely capable in G2 at a normal run. Keep updating your progress.
  16. I find that using canisters seem to be balanced enough to make me feel arrogant and powerful. Perhaps it is a subtle effect of the writing too but I feel the power and find myself becoming more careless and arrogant in my mindset the longer I play in canister runs. Probably part of Jeff's deeper design. Whenever I play the Geneforge series I just feel that Jeff 'gets' me. The whole story just resonates with me so much more than the others game series which just feel old fashioned and unoriginal.
  17. Am I right in assuming that canister use has little to no real effect in G1 & G5? While G2, G3 &G4 have a greater canister usage ending story penalty?
  18. This is pretty common in Geneforge. There are very often areas that cannot easily be completed interspersed with more 'normal' areas. As you did with getting drayks and coming back, this is generally the best course of action if you are not a powerplayer. Very often you won't be able to beat these difficult areas at first with gaming the system a little bit.
  19. I'm watching now. Although I notice that it has been less than a month since you started and already there are 3 series underway. I just want to mention that this is normally a pretty big warning sign of an uncommitted youtuber. I'll add more feedback once I have watched some more videos. EDIT: Well, I had a chance to watch your Geneforge stuff. Not bad for a new youtuber. Sound was pretty good. However, you appear to have stopped uploading that since the 9th. You also started Starbound on the 8th although the last video from that was the 16th. But then a new series started with Skyrim on the 22nd. I wish you the best of luck with your channel but I'm not going to watch LP's of very lengthy games such as these when you currently average 4.3 videos per playlist before you give up.
  20. I've been browsing for some time for a complete Avadon 1 LP on youtube but nothing complete has come up. Everyone seems to get about 3-8 videos in before they quit. Does anyone have any recommendations of a good/complete one?
  21. I have sufficient dl speed to handle 1080p on 2x speed so no worries there. Sometimes drop to 720 @ 2x in the peak hours. @ Chessrook, I may have only looked at your earlier geneforge videos for the most part. It is the only series that interests me although I do try to get into vogel's other stuff. Nothing else seems to have the same magic though. I'm chipping away at this Avernum 5 playlist now and the audio is far better. At the very least you are piquing my interest for some of the other Spiderweb software game series.
  22. I'm not sure. I seem to run into recommendations/links to your videos on other places and mistaken youtube autoplay sequencing linked me to some of your vids a few times and a link through another youtuber and now I see you posting in the forums here. I just keep running into your content all over the place. I admit I do struggle with the poor audio quality on most of your stuff though.
  23. How is anything in the game psychosexual? Am I being obtuse?
  24. I like the flow of the story across the entire saga rather than any specific part. None of the other Spiderweb games have that same feel to me. I've yet to finish the entire saga but I'm working my way through them slowly and savouring every moment.
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