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Missing Something: Infiltrators

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I'm sure I'm missing something. I've been playing all three factions, and I went ahead and met and helped some of the infiltrators, but now I'd like to turn coat and kill them... only I can't seem to find a way to make the game allow me to. With Shaftoe and Eliza, I had to attack Eliza before I was able to attack Shaftoe (which was automatic at that point as soon as I got near him). Is there one Infiltrator I have to take out first in the same way?

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I've always found it vexing how difficult the game(s) make(s) it for you to attack "friendly" or "neutral" characters. First time I played G3 & A4 I didn't even realize I was capable of attacking non-hostile creatures, because the game kept telling me it didn't want to let me, and then when it told me "If you really want to attack then select the character and hit the attack button again", it would drive me crazy because I'd be selecting the character, clicking on the attack button and still get no result.


Eventually I did figure out how to do it, in each series, Geneforge & Avernum. But maybe Jeff should make attacking non-hostile creatures/people easier... such as allowing you to simply click on the character again.


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Yeah, without going into each game just for basic research, I think it's easier in the Geneforge series than the Avernum series. (I'm playing G1 right now, for the first time, and clicking on the wooden scythe (or whatever it's supposed to be) lets you attack... in A4 & A5, if I remember right, you can only attack by casting a spell at the creature, and only then, when it becomes hostile, can you use a melee attack. For G3 & G4 I don't remember the exact procedure, and I don't feel like going into them, at the moment, to find out.)


But if the suggestion I made before doesn't sound safe enough, how about a dialog box that asks you if you really want to attack this creature?


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