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When is the game coming out?

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First of all, I apologize if I am posting the following question to the wrong forum. However, since it seems to be ultimately related to the game, I do not feel completely unjustified posting it here.




Several times per day every day (and maybe even more often), while browsing the vast infinity of the internet, I am drawn to my currently most favourite and my most beloved web page (Geneforge 4 forum) hoping for an announcement of when the game is actually coming out. Except for the standard unchanging message that the game is coming (at least to Mac users) by the end of the year. I am also hoping to see some announcement of the form: "coming in at least 1 month", or

"coming in 2-4 weeks", or "coming in 1-2 weeks", or "coming tomorrow", or (my favourite!) "Just came out, you dummy!"

(Hmm... it seems that I missed a case here).


However, all I see (and, perhaps, not only I, but a ton of other excited forum members) are the short messages from the beta testers, which summarized can be stated as follows: "We have to tell you this: This is the best game ever! However we cannot tell you more! But, wait, here is something really cool which I did when beta testing the game. No, can't say more".


So, I am pleading, for the tranquility of my soul and the piece of my mind, someone give me some kind of a realistic estimate of when to expect the moment to take out my credit card.


Or, better yet, I might propose this as a poll: who expects the game when?

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Q: When is the game coming out?

A: Not soon enough.


To my knowledge, Spiderweb doesn't usually give an actual release date; the game will be ready when it's ready and that's when it'll be released. In the past we sometimes were told which month (and experience shows it could come out on the 2nd of the month or equally the 29th) but that's as precise as it gets.

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Geneforge 4: Rebellion is Spidweb's Software's next game in the Geneforge series, due out by the end of 2006 on Mac and early 2007 on PC. All speculation and hype goes here.
If you are a Mac user, before the holidays. PC, probably three months or so after. It will be out when the game is ready, relatively free of bugs, and the combat has been balanced. When this occurs depends on what happens and you can't get a great estimate.
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