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I have noticed that if i dont make it through an area the first time. Each time i go through it, it changes and seems to be a little harder.


Is this true or just me? I get almost through the area the first time and after that, it seems almost impossible the next attempts i make at it.


For example, I finally got Ives to show where the mushrooms were and then got killed. When i came back to Ives, to get him suspicious again. I cant get him to go the mushrooms. I have hid around buildings, in the forest in different spots and he just doenst come out. I went to the place in the forest where i finally saw him enter the mushroom area and waited and nothing.


Any certain area, i should be in to trigger him to leave the building? Or should i just leave the colony and come back later. I have the more difficult areas left. Been in each of the more difficult ones a few times and got killed too easy.


thank you



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Yves is pretty tricky (well, maybe not so much tricky as annoying) until you get his pattern down. I like to make any creations inactive well away from any place he goes (since I think that will cause him to become suspicious and turn back as well), wait just east of his building until I see him, and then follow him while staying out of his sight and saving occasionally.


If you are consistently having trouble, turn the difficulty down. Also, some areas aren't meant to be completely cleared until later in the game (like the Cairn Gates or the mad drayk near the bridge guarded by battle alphas).




Edit: Typo.

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thank all of you for your help (and alot of patience). No, i havent even thought of touching the scrpit.(But i have noticed after going thru a area more then once, monesters have moved and do seem stronger) Just wandering if this was a progressive game, where every thing can change. Strictly just enjoy playing the game the way it is. Why mess up a good thing?

Havent a clue to what do do with the script and doont want to.


I have changed the difficulty level, and still have trouble at times. It will take me alot longer to play the game, then most people. I dont use cheats. I have even started over a few times, to make sure i havent missed things along the way. I dont use the walk through that much either.


Thanks once again for all the help.



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In general the game does not get harder on revisits. It gets easier, because everything you kill stays dead forever.


There are, however, a few zones in which fresh monsters are constantly being generated, by something. Those don't get much easier until you stop whatever is generating the monsters.


And in a few zones there are specific actions you can take which will alert an enemy, or activate a defense, or make somebody angry. Usually these then stay alert or activated or angry. So some zones may indeed be tougher on your second visit than it was on your very first entry. But this is not the general rule in Geneforge.

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