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Is the Shaper Camp unbeatable?

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I am a level 35 infiltrator loyal to the Rebels (at this point). My trusty drayk (all right, maybe I'm on my tenth trusty drayk) and I have been trying to conquer the Shaper Camp through a war of attrition. I go in, kill maybe two at the most, and retreat. In this way I was able to kill the first bunch of humans/shapers who appear, and a bunch of creations, too. The hardest to kill, of course, are those creepy rotgroths, and I've found the only way I can do it is to charm at least two enemy creations and have them do a lot of the work for me. I killed one, thought I was safe, penetrated farther in, and another appeared. After several tries (and many Game Overs) I mangaed to kill that one. Another appeared. I mangaed to kill that one...and now yet another has appeared. Not only that, farther in I found a whole new bunch of tough-looking humans/shapers standing around a campfire just waiting to turn me into toast. Is this area impossible for someone of my current level? Is there some kind of spawner from hell in there pumping out rotgroths? If any of you were able to conquer this camp, what level were when you did it, and what advice can you offer? Thanks in advance for any help!

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With a lifecrafter army of two drakons, two kyshakks, and a drayk I went all the way to the end. You have to thin them out with repeated attacks and leaving the zone to draw out the initial troops. Push through the field to shut off the control and retreat again. Finally the big push through the minefield and kill the remaining shaper troops. Then you find 4 shaping platforms churning out war tralls, kyshakks, rothizons (?), and wingbolts. It's not worth it by the time you can do it since the best treasure is the drops from killing them near the entrance.

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There are three places in the game which Jeff designed to be unclearable: the Shaper Camp, the Turabi Gate, and the Western Morass. They all spawn endless enermies. That's not to say you can't go in and whittle away to your heart's content, but it's not accomplishing a lot once you've looted anything valuable in the area. The Turabi Gate and the Western Morass both have worthy things to sneak or crash in to loot.


Additionally, if you are loyal to the Rebels, the Barrier Zone and Thornton areas are meant to be impractical to clean out. Better to sneak in and loot a bit than try to beat all the creations there.



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I gave up on Turabi quickly, but Thornton and the Barrier Zone both fell to my combined might and willingness to reload and try again a lot.


In retrospect it's fairly obvious. The only thing missing is a notice that some areas aren't supposed to be tackled.


—Alorael, who has a new strategy for the lifecrafter: go in with an army and send them ahead while you cower by the exit. When they're dead it's time to leave the zone, make a new army, and repeat. If you are in grave danger you can always absorb all the creations and flee. That's beating the system at its best!

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Turabi is by no means undoable, if you kill the sentinels before they can sound the alarm. Then the endless hordes of summoned creations do not come, and you just have to deal with the normal guards, whom you can whittle down because once killed they stay dead. (The Agent and the Shaper summon Ur-Glaahks and Wingbolts respectively, which are bad news; but if you lure one of these people out separately with crystals, then you can deal with the summons very nicely with Charm.) The sentinels, however, respawn, so you have to catch them each time you go back here.


My problem with this zone is that after all that work, I got to the SW chest, the one by the summoning platform, and found it empty. Where's my nice essence-infused skin? I think I killed everybody using a preliminary version of 1.0, but when I installed 1.0.1 and reloaded, even exited and re-entered the zone before touching the chest, it was still empty.

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Thornton and the Western Barrier Zone do warn you after you finally kill the first creation that this might not be a good idea, If you have the passage bracelet then you can kill them one at a time and the others won't attack. Turabi Gate is one that you really need to sneak through for the 2 quests and the great loot. I've never been able to sneak through it like you did Synergy without setting off an alarm a few times. Western Morass is doable with an army or a lot of terror spells for the guards and torrent gems to kill the Vlish when they come enmass.

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Sneaking through the mouth of Turabi Gate always alarms the area according to a dialog box, but if you don't end a turn in sight of the group gathered around the turrets, nothing happens. Only triggering the Sentinels to raise an alarm activates the summoners. You can run right past the shapers and they'll just keep standing there. SoT...you opened the box that takes like 5 Living Tools and it was empty? What a gyp.



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