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Warrior challenge

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Just played through Torment as a Warrior, using no canisters except for stats and skills, using no crystals, wands or rods, no pods except healing and essence, and spores but rarely. I concentrated in melee, using creations for temporary decoys or fire support. I also spent up to 7 in blessing, and wondered as I did with the shock trooper how I would've done it if I spent those points in the major category. I spent nothing on missle or battle magic.


I thought I hit my stride in chapter 2, but it became a whole new game in chapter 3. I reloaded a lot and picked around the edges with hit and run strikes through that and most of chapter 4. But by the time I got the sunstone belt and tyrant legs to go with the savage gloves, and summoning survivable wingbolts, I was feeling a badass again. The end of chapter four and most of chapter five was such a stroll that I hardly made any creations for most zones. For the Titan, the Shaper camp, and Alwan's invaders, I still had to rely on guerilla tactics, mostly luring targets to corners and doorways so I could get the double-strike on them from cover.

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well,can u show me u char's stats in chapter4?

u can see my char in this thread:


As a melee fighter i find it very hard to kill the enemy in the late game.So i am very interested to know how u do that.Or can u give some suggestion to me?The drakon whom i had to kill in the duel to open the gate in chapter 4 is very hard for me.And i change the difficulty to easy in the end.

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I stayed on Torment all the way through. For the drakon duels I created a wingbolt, and in this duel it picked away at the worms while I maneuvered straight at Voss. The wingbolt didn't survive, but at least the worms didn't follow while I chased the drakon into a corner. After the drak was dead, the worms dissappeared.


Originally written by Randomizer:

It just shows that it's how a class is played on whether it's workable. Still you want a build that allows for more than hit and run tactics through a parts of the game. You aren't an agent.

This build did allow for more than that; I could just stand and take it, but it would take much more time and essence pods. Hit-n-run is always going to be the smoothest tactic for singletons, and if your creations crumble, that's what you effectively are.
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Hmm. This calls for a new challenge: Warrior using only crystals, and wands. No batons or melee weapons better than an iron shortsword. Blessing Magic and spellccraft are okay, but you can only use Battle creations. Healing shall not surpass level five. On Torment, of course. *Rushes off to torture self to tears*

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