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warped creature in the grosch pits

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Here's a suggestion:


Don't double post.


I hope that is great for you.


(There is plenty of strategy help available in Helpful Board Links and Lists (Accessible at the top of the Geneforege 4 topic list) and by searching for walkthroughs on google.)



Supreme Lord of the Noobs

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When you first attack it, focus as much power on it as humanely possible (The only decent resistance it has is against magic). Once it raises its shields, get out of its line of sight so that you don't get killed by the energy waves it let's loose. Once it does this three times, its shield will fade away, and you can continue pounding it into a paste. Make sure to also spread some of the carnage to the creations it shapes as well.


Keep repeating this process until it's dead.

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