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oh no! what have i done :(


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Im playing an infiltrator working for the shapers, just before chilling out moseh i was 24 xp off lvl 25 which i needed to get to so that id have lvl 10 leadership and he wouldnt go crazy on me. silly me didnt have anything to kill so i went up to the west rise and killed thorsten or whatever his name is. now when i try to enter the western rise the reaper turrets among the other nasties instantly attack me. I dont have any previous saves... am i completely stuffed? or is there still hope maybe through some editing or something

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You can skip the Western Rise and miss one minor quest, some loot, and dealing with a merchant. The Rebels will still give you access through the Eastern Rise and the pass from Alwan will let you in the Shaper Camp Gamma after you go through the Central Fens from the Golem's Fens. It will mean a little more fighting each time you want to go there and you will need to go there for the quests, etc.


You need to talk to Pirik in the Illya Safehouse after the Moseh Kill/Repair quests to get permission through the Eastern Rise.

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