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GF2: joining all 4 sects


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You cannot be in more than one faction at any given time. The leaders of the faction like to spread the word of your joining far and wide.

If you join the shapers you will get a special dialogue when you go back to Medab saying they now dislike you. If recalls correctly they will not even trade with you at this point.


To join with any sect you need to have the appropriate amount of reputation with that group. The dialogue that lets you say what you think about, for example, servile treatment makes it so you can't get ahead with the Shapers without hurting your reputation with the Awakened.


In short, no, it is not possible to join all four.

That is all.

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You can join all four in one game, just not all at the same time. Managing your reputation isn't that difficult, since there are plenty of opportunities to change it; the thing to watch out for is that some factions' quests will make other factions permanently hostile.


Nebulan, what nonsense are you blathering about this time? As far as I can see, there's no cheating mentioned in that document. Please don't post if you don't know what you're talking about.

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Originally Posted By: Uberdhizon
Like when you try to join the takers
Click to reveal..
you have to kill a sect leader.
Thus making it impossible to join the other. Yes, at the same time. Is that not what we are talking about?

Thuryl, don't be difficult.
Am not nearly as stupid as stupid as you claim.
That is all.
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Originally Posted By: Ńĕвǚlǽ
Thus making it impossible to join the other. Yes, at the same time. Is that not what we are talking about?

It's what you were talking about. I don't see much evidence that it's what the original poster was talking about. In any case, if it's impossible for him to do exactly what he wants, wouldn't it be sensible to suggest what the next best thing that's actually possible would be instead of making a blanket statement of impossibility with a vague domain?
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Ooh, I sense another SCREAMING MATCH coming on! These are so fun to watch as half the Spiderweb community gets up in arms over nothing at all! That said, they get a bit disruptive, so it might be better to just quarrel amongst yourselves privately. (You can't punch each other out and get it over with in a forum, but perhaps you could blow each other's heads off in an online shooter.)

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Was wrong.

He was right.

He's a jerk.

Can accept that.

Compromises solve all problems.

The last post he made didn't have ill will, it was written to correct.


This is/was settled and of course there was absolutely no possible way this was already settled by PM's

It wasn't.

But at least see that it was possible.

You sound more provoking than he did.

My how people get so worked up here.

That is all.

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