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Beta Call: The Triple Valley


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Ya, I could have had the beta ready months ago, but I was too lazy. Either way, I'm pretty sure I've got the beta done.


State the name you want to have in the credits, your computer system, and your previous experience.


I don't have the Mac version so until someone converts it, you will probably have to do it yourself.


I only need a few testers so if you aren't picked, don't be offended. Designers have the most chance of being picked and people who don't use proper grammar and spelling won't be picked at all.

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Name: Niemand

Platform: Mac OS 10.5.4

Experience: Beta-tested Exodus, E:R, Frostbite, several others

Contact: niemandcw(AT)gmail(DOT)com


I can convert the graphic the macintosh format, and would be happy to distribute such converted graphics to any Mac testers who don't want to do it themselves.

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Originally Posted By: Hell other it rises, me the pin
Niemand, Excalibur - sent.

PGLB - I didn't send it to you because I'm just going with three beta testers for now (another is at Shadow Vale). If I feel I need more, I will tell you.

That's fine.

(Late reply, I know. Internet's been playing up lately for me.)
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Hey Niemand, if you still have The Triple Valley beta, please don't get rid of it.


My XP is screwing up and it might die. It doesn't even turn on right now.


If worst comes to worst and the memory is impossible to get to, I at least want my work saved. Thank you if you do save it.


(By the way I used the Vista to do this post).

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