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Crystal Field quest

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There is a nephil named Sarramor in Shanker's Tower. He gives a quest to find a crystal field. This appears to be the final current quest that I have which I cannot complete for reasons beyond my control. It has been a while, but I must have found the crystal field before receiving the quest, and killed the nephilim guarding that field. The field is emptied out and identified, but when I go back to Sarramor I get no response.


May I please get an SDF code to complete that quest? After that one, I can finally move on to kill Lystaak and advance over to what I presume is the next area/phase of the game in Tranquility.



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The crystal field is northeast of the Fang Clan testing area. It shouldn't matter what order you get the quest and kill all the nephilim since I did it both ways. You may have to go through Sarramor's dialog tree to claim credit.


Also you have to go through that field of caldera and kill them on the other side too.

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