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Stumped at Sucia's Icewalls

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So, um... how do I open those stubborn doors in the Icewalls area? They refuse to recognize my presence and nothing will persuade them.


Also, the West Workshop won't clear despite all my clearing efforts. Not that that really matters since it's not a through-way, but I like to make red turn to green whenever possible. I thought maybe the game has a killing quota for the area, so I wasted some time wandering around looking for more cryodrayks to kill... fruitlessly... it looks like I've found them all.


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To get the Icewall doors open, you need to take the entry baton you find in the West Workshop (so if you got the entry baton from the mine already, you're out of luck). You will then be confronted by a shade. The shade will ask you to destroy the baton. Refuse, and the Sholai that had been living behind the Icewall doors will come attack you. After you kill them, you can get into their quarters.


To clear the Western Workshop, you have to disable all the power spirals that are making the place cold. You will need either very high mechanics or the control rod to do so.


Dikiyoba likes to shut down the power spirals right away, because then you'll stop taking occasional cold damage.

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Damn, I already had a baton so it wouldn't let me take the one from the West Workshop, oh well. Why is the game so particular about what it calls identical batons and then won't let me take both? Seems a little silly....


As for the crystals: already been done. Turning them off was first priority once I saw them, and then the cold immediately lifted as I'd expected and hoped. The servant mind was quite relieved about this. However... all is still red.


Not that I'll really lose any sleep over that... the doors in the Icewalls were what I really wanted, but I suppose I can get along without killing a couple of itchy Sholai.


...unless they're protecting something valuable and useful... then I'll be upset.


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