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Confusion about skills in my party


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I have a Nephil fighter, 4/3/2/4, with 6 in both pole weapons and bows, 4 in thrown missiles, and 2 in melee. He has no special skills.


Then, I have a Nephil priest, 2/3/5/2, 4 in bows, 2 in thrown missiles. Special skills? Sharpshooter, Magery, and Blademaster.


Okay: the Magery is understood. But Sharpshooter? Blademaster, with no skills in any melee weapons? What's going on, here? And why doesn't the fighter have those skills? No special items in use. Any help would be appreciated.

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Originally written by Randomizer:
Your nephil priest probably has divine touch trait. This gives bonus skills of blademaster, magery, and sharpshooter.
Thanks. I'd actually chosen the wrong trait for my priest, which accounts for it. Guess I'll have to change that in the editor.
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In fact Divinely Touched is so good that it boosts EACH type of attack damage more than any other trait boosts any individual variety -- and it provides 20% protection from physical damage on top of that.


If you want a powergaming build -- an optimal build -- there is almost no reasonable argument to be made for any character not having DT. The one possible exception would be Elite Warrior + Natural Mage, to get an armored and armorable mage with all spells and all disciplines without blowing lots of skill potions.

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Originally written by Disappearer:
If you want a powergaming build -- an optimal build -- there is almost no reasonable argument to be made for any character not having DT. The one possible exception would be Elite Warrior + Natural Mage, to get an armored and armorable mage with all spells and all disciplines without blowing lots of skill potions.
If you wanted all spells, Natural Mage + Pure Spirit would probably be more efficient. Magic is a huge skill point sink. Even with both those traits, there's a risk you'd end up with a character who cast both kinds of spells poorly.
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