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Modding ?


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I am trying to mod the item script to make custom weapons. So far I am just experimenting to try to figure out what does what. There is something that I am having difficulty figuring out. I want to alter the damage ranges, and the multiplier. Half of this I can adjust by altering the it_level, but I have not figured out how to alter the multiplier. Anyone know what does?

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I don't remember the exact term, but since it is the same for almost all weapons within a class, it tends to be set once for the first such weapon and then imported. i.e., the first shortsword, broadsword, spear, and halberd listed probably all set it, and most of the rest don't.

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Think I figured it out. Anyone interested...you must mod another script to achieve this. Go into av5objsmisc.txt and then the tricky part is altering just 1 specific sword, as opposed to an entire weapon class.


Look for these lines:


ab_effect_base = 4;

ab_effect_per_level = 3;


and then change the _per_level = x

x = damage multiplier


if those lines are there for the weapon you want to mod just add them in. I have only tested this alteration in one place, so I cannot be sure how it will effect other aspects of the game. Obviously make file back ups before mucking around.

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Originally written by Euphoria:
Here is another modding questions.

Does anyone know how to change the maximum number of effects on an item? Currently it seems only 4 + a protection bonus can be handled. Is this hard coded, or can that limit be shifted?
You're right, it's limited to only 5 possible by script editing. Even if you wanted to try modifying the hard coding I'm afraid you'd find that there's a ceiling because of the need for backward compatibility for the range of hardware the game is targeting.

begindefineitem 488;
import = 163;
it_name = "Polychromous Girdle";
it_protection = 7;
it_value = 2000;
it_graphic_coloradj = 64;
it_stats_to_affect 0 = 204;
it_stats_addition 0 = 10;
it_stats_to_affect 1 = 202;
it_stats_addition 1 = -2;
begindefineitem 489;
import = 180;
it_name = "Stained Swamp Gloves";
it_graphic_coloradj = 4;
it_value = 2000;
it_stats_to_affect 0 = 207;
it_stats_addition 0 = 20;
it_stats_to_affect 1 = 208;
it_stats_addition 1 = 20;
it_stats_to_affect 2 = 16;
it_stats_addition 2 = 2;
it_stats_to_affect 3 = 7;
it_stats_addition 3 = 3;

a: it_protection = 7; Is 1

b: it_stats_to_affect 0 = 207;

it_stats_addition 0 = 20;
it_stats_to_affect 1 = 208;
it_stats_addition 1 = 20;
it_stats_to_affect 2 = 16;
it_stats_addition 2 = 2;
it_stats_to_affect 3 = 7;
it_stats_addition 3 = 3

c: number 0-3 is 4 more. Total 5

d:it_stats_to_affect 0 = 207;
Ability/effect 207

it_stats_addition 0 = 20;

But!!! You can choose 5 abilities, 1 - protection of armor, and 0-3 for 4 total of any other item stat/ability/effect whatever. And you can make it stronger or weaker. Even go negative like a piece of armor is bulky so its it_stats_addition 0 = -20; so quick parry or casting spells is negatively affected.

So there's still lot's of flexability. Use different items to add whatever abilities to fill out your character.
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Originally written by Ishad Nha:
I figure it is hard coded, going by Blades of Avernum experience. To test it, try adding a fifth ability, then see if any of the four original abilities have been suppressed...
This is a good idea. Process of elimination and logical progression are great tools.

Anyone who's been tinkering with some of the earlier versions knows there is a limit of 1 + 4 for protection and enhancements on items.

Since I ran into this 'ceiling' on earlier games thought I'd check to see if this new one was different.

And... It's not. If you number 0-4 it will drop 0 and pick up 1-4. You can even have them out of numeric order and it will ignore whatever comes 1st and pick up the later 4.
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