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Help with lost shade moref and goodman tati


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Hello, Im currently in the tranquility portion of the game. I found goodman tati's house but i cant seem to be able to prove anything with that.

Also i have the key for the room that the shade moref is locked in, but i cant seem to find that room, its supposed to be due east of the tower. could it be past hostile sentinels?

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You need to wait for a while at Tati's house. Just stand around inside it and see if anything interesting happens.


As for Moref, you basically need to complete the sentinel workshop quest first, because the entrance to his lair is in the southeast quadrant, right along the barrier between NE and SE, and you need the final bracelet to get there safely.

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Make sure that you look for the mote of light that appears around one of the statues when the message that the shade has moved appears. It only appears once per statue, and it's easy to miss. Focus your attacks on that shade for a much quicker victory. I tried to dumbluck my way through this battle, and got really frustrated. Best of luck.

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