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Anama Shrine


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I could use some help. I have currently finished the quests brought forth by the Anama people but in order to leave, without being cursed, I must steal the scrolls from the Anama shrine for Gladwell. I cannot seem to find the path to get to the shrine...any hints? If I leave the gates, they lock and the bandit fight ensues. Appreciate the help!



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No. You have seen the shrine in that upper area that you can't reach. The entrance is from the upper level of the Anama Temple past the guard. I found going in to hasted fight mode allows me to get past without a fight with that guard.


Now getting out requires looking around for another way out.

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I prefer to make them think I want to join. Then when we stand at the altar with the scrolls I say no thanks. He tells me to show myself out. I help myself to the scrolls and leave. And a great battle follows as I try to leave.


And it's funny with those sacred defenders that look like they are supposed to guard the scrolls. As they just stare while I steal them and walk out. laugh


That Anama guy is too trusting.

There's the long version. laugh

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I found this quest very satisfying insomuch as I endured being harassed all through the Howling Depths because Anama was just askairt of the bad guys.


I guess I didn't like killing acolytes and farmers so much, but collateral damage is okay if the damaged come back to life in the next game. :p



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